Mario Recruiting Effect

Any fans of ours want to say am delusional for thinking top 5 when he got hired? That's what i said. Btw i wouldnt be shocked if we pushed for the recruiting title, i don't see any class above us as unassailable. Some classes above us have alot more commits than us like ND and Texas. Boi we dunked Bama in a garbage bin. These SEC schools are not some mythical gods. You have to match them with resources and outwork them. When they start taking incoming from multiple angles suddenly they are human.

Let me say this again, recruiting is recruiting, you have to recruit well to win. You can't tell man bout u have to win to recruit. Its something fans put in their head as to why we haven't been getting recruits. The first issue was we had average to bad recruiters, 2nd was not enough resources allocated to it. And it has to be both. Mario is a great recruiter but he needs the resources and he got it. Its a lethal combo.
The thing we have going for us is not only do we have one of the top 5 recruiters in the country in Mario he has assembled a bunch of coaches that are also top notch to recruit EVERY position…..

It’s not like it’s only Mario out there recruiting cause he’s mainly left to do mop up work with a lot of these recruits because his position coaches though maybe not as good as him are all monsters on the trail….

This team he’s assembled may be as good a staph when it comes to recruiting that was ever assembled if not I’d bet it’s top 10 plus they ain’t half bad as coaches too…this is getting good guys but I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet and if the mantra of “ win and they will come” may have never been more true than now….

We start winning 10 games a year on the regular and there no telling what type teams this staph my be able to put together.
Yep, the perfect storm brewing. Once he assembled the staff, I was pretty confident good things were coming. Never thought this quick though. Proves what I think most of us feel, anybody competent leading Miami can excel, and when you have an ace recruiting staff, sky is the limit. I never doubted Mario or his ability to recruit. My only concern was would we pony up the cash for him to assemble such a staff. Admittedly, I worried we would handcuff him. Looking back on it now, I should have realized Mario wouldn't have made the jump if his demands weren't met.
Curious how many ****heads are here . . . do we have a count on that?

Not intermittent ****heads - like windshield wipers - but the full timers . . .?

A list would be handy - so no ****head can say they were ignored or missed - that could be disappointing!
A thread should be created..for historical purposes
Who has the inside track for Matayo? He's another top prospect without much news. @Liberty City El
It’s a two-way Battle between USC & Oregon, Oh ST is in it as well.

Dabo doesn’t want him at Clemson because he’s tired of dealing with their Dad Big Dave, he’s openly been demanding NIL deals for Matayo since February & Dabo doesn’t like the idea of being strong-armed for money. He’s also preparing for when they pivot away from DJ because he knows he can’t win the conference with him as their QB & is planning on bringing Cade Klubnik along the same way he did with Trevor Lawrence.

He was seen as a USC lean for most of the early parts of his recruitment, but Oregon has been making a push as of late. It really just depends on who decides to offer him the best deal, he hasn’t really demanded as much money as Big Dave think he’s worth because despite his high ranking, some believe his upside is actually better at TE than as a pure DE.

But either way, he’s going to get a nice pay day, my guess is he commits to USC, but Oregon is definitely fighting as well, Tosh Lupoi has made it closer than it should be.
Finebum said watch Mario's name when Saban retires.

I always thought it would be dabo but I don’t think they go with him anymore. They will throw out a bank roll and it will be interesting who they do land. It will be the top position in college football once Saban walks away but who would want to follow him?

The fans will eat that next coach alive as soon as they win 8 games in the first year.