Manny's response to possible QB's leaving

So let me roll this out for those of you that are slow. Let’s say Tate bounces. That means we have JW15 as the starter and Kosi as the backup. Let’s not forget Kosi’s checkered past on and off the field. He is potentially one major infraction from being of the team. That means you are left with Matchoda as the back up. JW15 goes down or is just not that good and we’re ****ed! Manny can forget all about the TNM bs if that is the case..... And those
Knuckleheads begging for Tate to leave will be the same idiots screaming how Manny is a bum...


man, i dont know how it will take, or to what extent but this program is on the right track with this guy. i fuggin love this dude and he's the right guy to lead us right now

"“Look, that’s outside of our control,’’ Diaz said. “The University of Miami demands that the best player in our locker room playing quarterback plays quarterback. And then what happens beyond that is outside of our control. But I will say this, and this goes with any position, any player: If you don’t want to be for the University of Miami, go somewhere else. This is UM. This is Miami. We don’t have to beg anyone to be a Miami Hurricane. And that’s in recruiting and that’s in anything else.

“We have to start to create value to what it means to play for the Miami Hurricanes. Because right now in my mind that has been devalued. So I’m trying to recreate value in what it means to be on our team. And I’ll be honest, and I’m not even talking about quarterbacks — for any position.

“I don’t really care. I want to find some guys that are all for the U. Guess why? Because that’s how Miami won in the past. And I don’t care what guys are ranked in recruiting. I don’t care what guys have done on our team. We’re going to win with guys that love the University of Miami. That has been proven over and over and over again.’’

This man is a leader.

L O V E I T.

Go Canes.
It’s one thing to say that in the middle of the summer, it’s a different thing to be in the middle of it. I guarantee this ain’t the conversation that Manny is having in private with Tate and Perry. He needs both of them to stay. With this OL, depth could become a very real issue at the QB position.

in that case, ***** are given. my apologies. i thought that pretty much the title of the article. i'll take that L
We do b/c this was quoted a month ago, not in response to qbs leaving

cool. i just posted an article that was published yesterday man. take it for the content and lets not turn this into some bull****
It's a great attitude to have, but it comes with a price. This isn't the 80's or 90's. I get what the program needs, but the QB position is a different animal. In other positions like RB, you can have 2-3 studs get share the workload. At QB 1 guy gets the rock. In today's college football, there is no way that a talented QB is going to spend his career siting as a backup when he could start at other P5 schools. That's the reality. You're not going to sell any quality QB in having love for the program with no chance to play. It's just not realistic. A head coach has to make planning decisions for the future. I don't know how you sell top QBs to come in every year. If Jarren balls out, what does TVD do? Does he come to Miami and sit for 3 years? If Tate or K'kosi was the starter, TVD would redshirt year 1, be a backup year 2, then a starter year 3. You can sell that. IDK how you sell sitting for 3 years.

If you look at it, this was the same issue when we had Kaaya. We had 1 quality QB recruit (Allison) during the Kaaya era who wound up transferring. N'kosi was lined up to be the successor based on the timing of Kaaya's departure, but now it Jarren. The same cycle could repeat itself in having a Freshman QB as the starter. My only hope is that Enos attracts top QB recruits that want to learn from him and he keeps them in the fold.

I'm not questioning any of the coaches decisions regarding QB. Jarren has won the job. I'm just pointing out the problems we could face and what the coaches may have to deal with. We could have a depleted QB room for the next 3 years.
It's a great attitude to have, but it comes with a price. This isn't the 80's or 90's. I get what the program needs, but the QB position is a different animal. In other positions like RB, you can have 2-3 studs get share the workload. At QB 1 guy gets the rock. In today's college football, there is no way that a talented QB is going to spend his career siting as a backup when he could start at other P5 schools. That's the reality. You're not going to sell any quality QB in having love for the program with no chance to play. It's just not realistic. A head coach has to make planning decisions for the future. I don't know how you sell top QBs to come in every year. If Jarren balls out, what does TVD do? Does he come to Miami and sit for 3 years? If Tate or K'kosi was the starter, TVD would redshirt year 1, be a backup year 2, then a starter year 3. You can sell that. IDK how you sell sitting for 3 years.

If you look at it, this was the same issue when we had Kaaya. We had 1 quality QB recruit (Allison) during the Kaaya era who wound up transferring. N'kosi was lined up to be the successor based on the timing of Kaaya's departure, but now it Jarren. The same cycle could repeat itself in having a Freshman QB as the starter. My only hope is that Enos attracts top QB recruits that want to learn from him and he keeps them in the fold.

I'm not questioning any of the coaches decisions regarding QB. Jarren has won the job. I'm just pointing out the problems we could face and what the coaches may have to deal with. We could have a depleted QB room for the next 3 years.

I was in the process of typing this general point. These days If a kid thinks he can start D1, he's not sitting around 3 years to get his shot. He'll bounce. I wouldn't be surprised if both Kosi and Tatum are gone before the end of the season if JW proves capable.

- This is from Susan Miller Dingbat
- Video is from a week ago
- Quotes are from spring and July
- SMD left out that info so people like me and you would click on it thinking Manny said this after all social media bs yesterday
- F*ck SMD
She really is a terrible reporter
So we're supposed to believe that Manny's attitude is that being a Hurricane is only for the best but he's going to change that attitude because one of the guys who didn't win the starting job might transfer because his feelings are hurt?

The problem isn't Manny's attitude. Setbacks happen. Great people grow from adversity.
I was in the process of typing this general point. These days If a kid thinks he can start D1, he's not sitting around 3 years to get his shot. He'll bounce. I wouldn't be surprised if both Kosi and Tatum are gone before the end of the season if JW proves capable.

you both make good points and i agree. thats just the way it is today. and obviously, of course they are going to make pitches to both tate and kosi to stay. the main point is that after making their case and showing these kids they still want them here, if they don't want to and they throw their hat in the portal, then go play somewhere else. if you don't want to be here, then kick rocks. i dont think there's anything wrong with that. we're not going to beg someone to stay here. and besides like you guys said, in today's game, kids aren't to stay anyway to sit for 3 years
I was in the process of typing this general point. These days If a kid thinks he can start D1, he's not sitting around 3 years to get his shot. He'll bounce. I wouldn't be surprised if both Kosi and Tatum are gone before the end of the season if JW proves capable.
If they leave, it's going to be in the next week. I pointed out in other posts, that staying for 2019 or even starting the Fall academic semester, would force them to sit out the 2020 season at their new school unless they were able to get a waiver and I don't think the waiver is likely. So, it's either leave now, or stay and compete for the job in 2020 and be a grad transfer in 2021. if you lose out.
Regarding Diaz's comments...I've been hearing about how strong the Miami brand is for a decade and a half while we sucked (i.e. we don't need to beg kids to come here, program recruits itself etc.). Bull$hit. Kids in high school today weren't alive the last time Miami football was relevant. I don't mean the last time we won a championship. I mean the last time the program was nationally relevant.

You build a brand by winning. Not by sound bites and twitter acumen. Diaz has no brand...just like Randy, just like Golden, just like Richt. We're a middle of the pack ACC program. That's it. We need a coach who will realize that's what he has, and seek to change it. Not throw out cliché lines about what it means to be the U. The U is mediocre until proven otherwise.