Manny on WQAM

Not a fan of this hire at all but all you c an do is wait and see what happens and hope he surrounds himself with some elite guys. He needs to fire the ol coach, qb coach and Diaz ads the head man needs to be able to evolve. All you can do is wait and see at this point. Needless to say Blake James is on the clock.

Lol @ Blazy James being on the clock.
I'll say this much for Manny, he talks a good game. Lets hope he coaches a good one too. That last answer had me rolling and gave me hope...."243 days."...indeed!
Are you kidding? He fielded a defense that was consistently put in awful situations by the genius OC/HC we had. It's funny how some of you view his body of work while his peers thought he was one of the best in the game this year.
I don't care how good your defense is if your offense doesn't allow you to get off the field and catch a will break! And would apply to Alabama and even Miami's dominant Ds in the past.


Wow, you noticed our offense was worse ever. your mom must be very proud of you. What to see defense, check out Ed Reed agaist BC on the day Ken was not good enough. Manny is in no way ready to be HC at Miami. Urban, Butch, or Mario should have been the list. This was all a back room deal to get out of paying Mark.
He was asked if, coaching against them in practice and being around them, he thought we had Talent on the offensive side of the ball. Instead of giving the canned "yes-we-just-need-to-put-them-in-a-better-position-to-succeed-and-execute" type of response he basically said that it doesn't matter how much "talent" / stars a player has all that matters is results. He specifically mentioned practice, conditioning, and, ultimately, on the field results. Essentially that you can't walk around entitled because of how many stars you had or what you think you can do, that it's put-up or shut up. Thought that was really telling of both what he thinks of last year's offense and players, and what sort of changes might be in store.
Its telling but what's truly telling will be his hire at OC and is offensive and special team staff. Coach the kids properly, providing them a coaching skillset that mirrors their own as for as talent and prowess. The relationship between coach and player needs to become balanced skill wise and equitable. Then we can discuss dudes attitudes and whether they are a primadonna or not. If you can't coach and you have an attitude too, then you are worse than a primadonna, at least they have talent.
It is completely idiotic to write this guy off before he even assembles a staff, much less recruit, build, and coach. He wasn't my first choice either, but he deserves a fair shot. Let's see what happens.

The same people who are writing him off now are the same people who crowned Richt our savior the moment he was hired.
I'll say this much for Manny, he talks a good game. Lets hope he coaches a good one too. That last answer had me rolling and gave me hope...."243 days."...indeed!
I said it last night. He won't sleep until after the UF game. His OC is of course more crucial, but his pregame speech is gonna be legendary. He might cry.

It will be like the final scene in 300 or the movie Alexander (the Great) when he was asking his battered army to ride with him one last time for glory.
His defense was severely overrated and a product of a **** poor schedule. But I'm sure the narrative will continue to be that the defense was great under Manny. It wasn't.

I don’t think you’re giving enough credit to the d considering what we had on special teams and offense.

Football is all about momentum. Yes there were times the d didn’t show up, but I can understand why when you consider that the offense sucked so bad and the d had no confidence in them.
Here we go again with that part of the fan base who believes they are smarter, and more of a fan than us, because we refuse to think this was a good hire. Let me guess, he too is better than Smart at UGA.