Manny on Joe Rose tomorrow 7am

Joe's CTE kicks in all the time. There's never an opportune time to fire your HC in college football. No matter the time, it'll always have an affect on your recruiting class. It's what Golden hitched his wagon onto for awhile as I remember his biggest supporters citing that we had the #1 ranked class for '16 (not sure where that class ended up, but it **** sure wasn't top 5).

In terms of Baker and the rest of the defensive staff, Manny's just like Golden. Those are his boys and thus he's going to make every excuse in the book for them and their lackluster results. This is why I'm thankful that we've been through some horrible staffs, because we now see all of the warning signs in year 1, rather then in years 3 and 4.

Exactly. But like I posted in another thread, Coker and Shannon went through assistants like kleenex in flu season, and it didn't change the fact that they were bad HCs.
Joe's CTE kicks in all the time. There's never an opportune time to fire your HC in college football. No matter the time, it'll always have an affect on your recruiting class. It's what Golden hitched his wagon onto for awhile as I remember his biggest supporters citing that we had the #1 ranked class for '16 (not sure where that class ended up, but it **** sure wasn't top 5).

In terms of Baker and the rest of the defensive staff, Manny's just like Golden. Those are his boys and thus he's going to make every excuse in the book for them and their lackluster results. This is why I'm thankful that we've been through some horrible staffs, because we now see all of the warning signs in year 1, rather then in years 3 and 4.

I wouldn't be against firing some guys on D, but I'm not going to hang this season failures at there door. They played well enough for us to win 10 games and kept us in a lot of games when the offense could do absolutely nothing. Including the Duke game where the offense had like 5-6 straight "3 and outs". I am not sure what else we want from them. Nobody ever said they were the "1989/1991 UM defense".

Gotta score points. And a lot of them. Its the way of todays game. Look at LSU and OSU and have to be able to score 40+ to beat any of those teams. 30 wont even do it. If that's the mark we are hoping to get to eventually, its been set by them. Starts with making changes on the O side of the ball. If you look at a lot of firings from yesterday as far as assistants go...the majority of them were offensive firings. Coaches know you can only ask so much of your D nowadays..but your offense needs to be high powered. Everyone is following Orgerons blueprint..get yourself a big time OC and you are the King of the Hill in one year.
I wouldn't be against firing some guys on D, but I'm not going to hang this season failures at there door. They played well enough for us to win 10 games and kept us in a lot of games when the offense could do absolutely nothing. Including the Duke game where the offense had like 5-6 straight "3 and outs". I am not sure what else we want from them. Nobody ever said they were the "1989/1991 UM defense".

Gotta score points. And a lot of them. Its the way of todays game. Look at LSU and OSU and have to be able to score 40+ to beat any of those teams. 30 wont even do it. If that's the mark we are hoping to get to eventually, its been set by them. Starts with making changes on the O side of the ball. If you look at a lot of firings from yesterday as far as assistants go...the majority of them were offensive firings. Coaches know you can only ask so much of your D nowadays..but your offense needs to be high powered. Everyone is following Orgerons blueprint..get yourself a big time OC and you are the King of the Hill in one year.

I agree that the offense was absolutely atrocious this year and the whole staff should go, but the defense was poor in many games as well. We must have lead the country in giving up 3rd and 15+, an absolute joke and we were consistently gashed all year long in the running game and gave up big plays in the passing game. Unfortunately, Manny thinks he's a defensive genius, so he isn't going to hire anyone that will change his scheme.
Not going to give a "War and Peace" writeup like last time but ill say a few things..

*I didn't get the feeling at all that the offensive staff was safe. I did get the feeling that Baker is his "understudy" somewhat and he has no plans on giving up on him or anyone on the defensive. Which makes sense as those are his "posse" as Phil Jackson would say. As soon as he started rambling off defensive stats and analytics numbers I knew everyone on D was safe. (I alluded to this in another thread. The D in the majority of our games played well enough to win. Herm Edwards said it best yesterday after firing his offensive staff. "You don't win games in college football anymore scoring 20-30ppg. You need to score 30+ to give yourself a shot every week". I agree and I hope Manny saw that quote. We scored 27ppg. Enos gotta go)

*Sounded rattled. Didn't sound confident. Knows tough decisions are coming his way and the administration/BOT wants blood. Not sure why its so hard for him to fire this offensive staff when he literally massacred last years staff in one day and didn't blink twice. That's where he got his "Tony Montana" rep from! Now all of a sudden hes gun shy??

*Sounded like he was out recruiting. Ill say this. He is putting ALOT of weight into this 2020 class. I think someone needs to remind him that while this is a solid class, this isn't like the 2008 class that was the #1 ranked class in the country and had talent from top to bottom. This 2020 class isn't going to save us next year like that 2008 class tried to their freshmen year. A lot of these kids need development. There are some studs but there a lot of guys will be redshirting too. Joe Rose was talking about how you cant fire Manny because of the 2020 kids and how you have to keep this class together. I had to listen closely because for a minute there I thought Justin Flowe and Darnell Washington had committed to us in the middle of the night and I missed it! Smh.

*Same BS all in all.

MY PREDICTION: Enos will be fired after the bowl game. He just cant do it now because he literally has no one else on the staff to call plays. (another poster said this and I made fun of his statement but its true.) He fires Enos now and we could actually lose to Liberty or whoever we play. Gotta use him for now. I also think he fires Barry as well. I think Stubblefield is safe. I think everyone on D is safe. I think Fields is on "probation". But even he is expendable. Hickson is safe as he should be. You pull 2 of the top 10 RBs in the country and you keep your job.

If the OC is truly gone, then the new OC has the say on who stays in this staff. A good HC can make recommendations, but it is up to the OC to pick the guys he wants for his scheme. Fields and Hickson could have a chance of staying because of their recruiting (if it is in fact good as some may think) and Stubblefield because of his technique, but at the end of the day the OC will decide.
I'm uninterested in anything Manny would say other than "I hereby resign."
I could go for
Not going to give a "War and Peace" writeup like last time but ill say a few things..

*I didn't get the feeling at all that the offensive staff was safe. I did get the feeling that Baker is his "understudy" somewhat and he has no plans on giving up on him or anyone on the defensive. Which makes sense as those are his "posse" as Phil Jackson would say. As soon as he started rambling off defensive stats and analytics numbers I knew everyone on D was safe. (I alluded to this in another thread. The D in the majority of our games played well enough to win. Herm Edwards said it best yesterday after firing his offensive staff. "You don't win games in college football anymore scoring 20-30ppg. You need to score 30+ to give yourself a shot every week". I agree and I hope Manny saw that quote. We scored 27ppg. Enos gotta go)

*Sounded rattled. Didn't sound confident. Knows tough decisions are coming his way and the administration/BOT wants blood. Not sure why its so hard for him to fire this offensive staff when he literally massacred last years staff in one day and didn't blink twice. That's where he got his "Tony Montana" rep from! Now all of a sudden hes gun shy??

*Sounded like he was out recruiting. Ill say this. He is putting ALOT of weight into this 2020 class. I think someone needs to remind him that while this is a solid class, this isn't like the 2008 class that was the #1 ranked class in the country and had talent from top to bottom. This 2020 class isn't going to save us next year like that 2008 class tried to their freshmen year. A lot of these kids need development. There are some studs but there a lot of guys will be redshirting too. Joe Rose was talking about how you cant fire Manny because of the 2020 kids and how you have to keep this class together. I had to listen closely because for a minute there I thought Justin Flowe and Darnell Washington had committed to us in the middle of the night and I missed it! Smh.

*Same BS all in all.

MY PREDICTION: Enos will be fired after the bowl game. He just cant do it now because he literally has no one else on the staff to call plays. (another poster said this and I made fun of his statement but its true.) He fires Enos now and we could actually lose to Liberty or whoever we play. Gotta use him for now. I also think he fires Barry as well. I think Stubblefield is safe. I think everyone on D is safe. I think Fields is on "probation". But even he is expendable. Hickson is safe as he should be. You pull 2 of the top 10 RBs in the country and you keep your job.
I agree but Fields need to stay. He’s the best recruiter we got right now.
I would like to hear the Manny and Blake end of season evaluation of the 3rd down conversion issue. Seriously.

I know you mean Blake Baker but imagine Blake James trying to explain it or anything actual on-field football related. That's part of the problem. Not only an inept ceo/talent evaluator but also someone devoid of actual sports knowledge. The worst of both worlds.
I wouldn't be against firing some guys on D, but I'm not going to hang this season failures at there door. They played well enough for us to win 10 games and kept us in a lot of games when the offense could do absolutely nothing. Including the Duke game where the offense had like 5-6 straight "3 and outs". I am not sure what else we want from them. Nobody ever said they were the "1989/1991 UM defense".

Gotta score points. And a lot of them. Its the way of todays game. Look at LSU and OSU and have to be able to score 40+ to beat any of those teams. 30 wont even do it. If that's the mark we are hoping to get to eventually, its been set by them. Starts with making changes on the O side of the ball. If you look at a lot of firings from yesterday as far as assistants go...the majority of them were offensive firings. Coaches know you can only ask so much of your D nowadays..but your offense needs to be high powered. Everyone is following Orgerons blueprint..get yourself a big time OC and you are the King of the Hill in one year.
Lsu has scored at least 42 points in every game except 1
He’s hyping the recreating class bc that is the only thing he can hype and point to bc everything else is dog ****.

Manny hyping during the off-season is now a trend. Did it last year with his Corona stunt, riding on yahcts, wrestling matches and such.
Guy was hyping the 2020 class like it is #1 in the country. Who is he fooling?

This part of the interview I didn't get. He must not think there are rabid recruiting fans out there that know this class is solid but will not completely turn this program around next year or save his job.