Major Applewhite

"shot in the armpit"

Dont do it, Manolo. Go get Bedenbaugh instead of Applebees and call it a day.

I see why you’d want Bedenbaugh but I don’t think he’d fit what Manny was trying to do from an offensive schematic wise. Bedenbaugh is more of a smash mouth run oriented kind of guy. A poster on here posted he’d prefer to run it vs throw if he had the chance. Sure it may help with our offensive line deficiencies but we’d be one dimensional. If we got Bedenbaugh, we’re not getting a Riley clone, we’re getting Bedenbaugh.
This University's football program is no longer a sinking ship! Manny and Major Applewhite have set sail!
Honestly, I like Applewhite's last two years at Houston with Herman and feel that's the best way to judge him as a playcaller.

But his limited OC experience basically has produced two top ten offenses each at a different program in consecutive years despite being in his mid-30s and was for two years at Baylor under his dad ( a great offensive mind) also great and a Broyles finalist.

What he's done with his opportunities has been tremendous in comparison to Major.

Herman Called the plays!
Heres the 1/3/2019 PM update

Miami is no longer a sinking ship, it is now a sail.
Applewhites offense is incredibly vanilla.

Bubble screens galore, QB power/draw. Rinse repeat.

Wish we hired an air raid guy from Big 12, Pac 12, or MAAC.
Who took his play calling duties away? You keep saying that. Herman didn't take them away. He was there for two years with Herman before Herman took the UT job and Applewhite was the playcaller.

Averaged 40 points and 480 yards per game in 2015 as OC and play caller. How can anyone complain about that after watching our offense the last 2 seasons?
This University's football program is no longer a sinking ship! Manny and Major Applewhite have set sail!

Herman Called the plays!

Please give some semblance of evidence to back up the bolded claim. I have seen evidence of the opposite, but no evidence indicates that Herman called plays during the 2015 or 2016 seasons.
Applewhites offense is incredibly vanilla.

Bubble screens galore, QB power/draw. Rinse repeat.

Wish we hired an air raid guy from Big 12, Pac 12, or MAAC.

GTFOH. It's won 3 National Titles and is run in some version by 3 teams in the top 10 currently.
Averaged 40 points and 480 yards per game in 2015 as OC and play caller. How can anyone complain about that after watching our offense the last 2 seasons?

Because we are not suppose to settle. This was supposed to be a great hire. I dont see it at all being that. Please bring this to light in 2020 and know that APPLESAUCE was a mistake.
Applewhites offense is incredibly vanilla.

Bubble screens galore, QB power/draw. Rinse repeat.

Wish we hired an air raid guy from Big 12, Pac 12, or MAAC.

He had a converted WR playing QB and still found a way to get it done. How expansive did you expect the passing game to be?
Because we are not suppose to settle. This was supposed to be a great hire. I dont see it at all being that. Please bring this to light in 2020 and know that APPLESAUCE was a mistake.

This would be the best OC hire since 1988 when Dennis brought along Bob Bratkowski.
Funny how people love Fedora when it’s pretty clear that unless he finds a QB than can make an NFL roster(Austin Davis, Williams and Trubisky) his results are kinda average since defense have adapted to the spread. Applewhite puts up numbers with WRs playing QB and the hire is a mistake.
Hiring Coley is a mistake. Hiring Applewhite is a good consolation if Fedora declines. The problem is that people are so gung ho about Fedora that if we hire anyone outside of Josh McDaniels it’s a failed hire.

Reminds me of 3 years ago and everyone wanted Aranda and thought he was a legit option only to lose him and get Diaz. People bytched about Diaz to no end. We see how that hire turned out.
One must realize that cis is a debating society. One person argues why he is right and the other person disagrees and says he is right. In reality nobody knows for a fact what decision is correct until the individual is hired and shows what he is capable of doing. Plenty of verbose and know it all posters attempting to out smart other posters.
It's a figure of speech. My point is he's not a guy that would have been on my radar. If I was employed at Miami and in charge of making that hire I'd scour the country and the NFL ranks and come up with A LOT of names before I'd even consider Apples. Just off the top of my head

Graham Harrell
Brian Wright
Sark (check the temperature, no idea if he'd be interested)
Koetter (see Sark above)

and etc etc etc.

I don't get paid to scour the earth for OC candidates and I'm too lazy to do so.

Bottom line, Apples has a mixed bag of a resume. Fired as an OC, play calling duties taken away, and it's not as if he was a hot commodity after he was recently fired.

At best, it's a risky proposition.

I wonder if he is putting a bit more of a premium on an OC with head coach experience than he said in the press conference. I don't think it is a bad idea for him to do that, either. T