MackBammer: PoRster or Troll: You be the judge.

MackBammer: PoRster or Troll?

  • PoRster

    Votes: 81 54.4%
  • Troll

    Votes: 68 45.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It’s not just one instance, Mack… it’s a pattern. And you don’t know what went on and has gone on between Joe and Mario anyhow.

Right now, I believe there are 3 Maude’s I have talked with about this and all 4 of us think you’re a troll.

I’ll go a step further. I think you’re the top, best, greatest troll on CIS today.
I don't feel like arguing anymore, you have a good day man.

That 70S Show Fez GIF
Explain to me how what I said was a troll or a porst. Let's say you are working at a job and there are two assistant managers who both think they deserve the open Manager role. If you get passed over and they hire someone else is it safe to say you could be upset you didn't get the job?

This is dumb and completely mischaracterizes their roles. Coach Joe and JT are both (per Mario) Defensive Line coaches. In your analogy, they both got the job because the owner decided he wanted two Managers. Meanwhile, Coach Joe is also the Associate Head Coach - Defense and Defensive Running Game Coordinator. Two more titles that probably come with some additional $$$.

Very, very dumb. So dumb, that I suspect it must be purposeful. I now vote troll.

Also, #silverback.
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I now lean troll. He has to be. No one can possibly make excellent points in one post and then come right back with another post which is at pure moron poRster level and just so happens to stir people up. This is not one instance. This is repeated.

We can resolve this in here. So I ask you all - MackBammer: PoRster or Troll?
U forgot the option that he possibly has mental illness 🙂
I now lean troll. He has to be. No one can possibly make excellent points in one post and then come right back with another post which is at pure moron poRster level and just so happens to stir people up. This is not one instance. This is repeated.

We can resolve this in here. So I ask you all - MackBammer: PoRster or Troll?

When you phrase it THAT WAY (excellent post followed by horrible porst), it immediately reminds me of NYSOM. And we all KNOW that he's a fake-shctick troll.
That post was 100% not a porst or trolling and you know it. Charlie Strong literally left because he didn't get a promotion, coaches in general aren't happy when they get passed over for a promotion! InsideTheU is saying JT is running the DL with Joe assisting him, so I make a simple post saying can't imagine Big Joe will be happy he got passed over and get sent here.

There have been dozens of posters saying Big Joe should be fired and he sucks at his job and etc and nothing. I make a simple observation and get sent here. You can 100% ban me, it's clear you are looking for any reason to do so.

I realize you're in Purgatory, I won't do a whole long conversation with a dead man, but I'll take one stab at it.

First, that is NOT why Charlie Strong "literally" left ("because he didn't get a promotion"). In fact, he took a LESSER job elsewhere, when there were numerous programs that WOULD HAVE given him the DC role. The real truth is more complex, and involves "what are your actual job responsibilities" and "whether doing one part of the job well can offset doing another part of the job poorly". But porsters like you want to reduce the Strong situation to a binary "he quit because he didn't get promoted".

Second, I don't know if you are actually trolling us with every aspect of your online persona, but if you actually ARE still in college, then you have a lot to learn about the world. And the key was in your statement "I can't imagine". You're right, you CAN'T imagine that a guy can continue to do a good job in a lesser role after not getting promoted. You haven't lived enough, you haven't experienced enough. When I was still in a Big 4 accounting firm, I met MANY co-workers who had ideas (in their heads) of exactly when they should have been promoted and exactly what they should be paid. Doesn't make them right.

Use the time you are in Purgatory to learn about how the real world works. Bless your heart.
I now lean troll. He has to be. No one can possibly make excellent points in one post and then come right back with another post which is at pure moron poRster level and just so happens to stir people up. This is not one instance. This is repeated.

We can resolve this in here. So I ask you all - MackBammer: PoRster or Troll?
I'm wondering if we can combine the two - "PorstTroll" .....(you'd think one wasn't bad enough)
This is dumb and completely mischaracterizes their roles. Coach Joe and JT are both (per Mario) Defensive Line coaches. In your analogy, they both got the job because the owner decided he wanted two Managers. Meanwhile, Coach Joe is also the Associate Head Coach - Defense and Defensive Running Game Coordinator. Two more titles that probably come with some additional $$$.

Very, very dumb. So dumb, that I suspect it must be purposeful. I now vote troll.

Also, #silverback.

Best explanation I’ve seen so far. It’s making me lean troll now, when before I thought it was just Alabammy porsting.