Luke said he walked Amari Cooper and D.Freeman into UM

I could definitely be wrong, but how I remember Cooper's recruitment playing out was....

Spring 2011 - Cooper was hurt and didn't play his Junior year, and was very under the radar. Cooper & Waters camped at Miami and were similarly rated at the time - around #400 overall type. The staff should've realized "Holy sh*t, Cooper is a stud and no one knows about him. We need to make him top priority and lock him up quickly as possible". But instead they chose to slow play him, wanting to see how he played his SR Year, which turned Cooper off.

Summer 2011 - Cooper continued to dominate camps & 7 on 7's and was getting more big time offers. Golden still had Waters & Cooper ranked similarly, and with 3-4 WR's committed at that point, he basically gave Waters & Cooper a "you better commit now because we may only have room for 1 of you" ultimatum (referenced on page 1 of this thread). Waters took the offer, and Cooper was further turned off.

Fall 2011 - Cooper BLEW UP his senior year and committed to Alabama early in his season - although he may have already been a silent commit. Cooper was a Top 50 player by end of season. I think Bakas had him the #1 player in Florida.

Winter 2011 - Miami went 6-6 and Alabama was on their way to their 2nd NC under Saban. The gap between the 2 was continuing to get wider. There was some hope when Cooper made an official visit to Miami, but I remember a funny pic where all the recruits were throwing up the U and Cooper had his hands in his pockets. In reality our chances were cooked by Summer 2011.

I can totally see that scenario happening.

Instead we took a bunch of dudes who transferred out in like a year or 2 over a future Biletnikoff winner and top 4 draft pick. I know it's kinda frowned upon to drop dudes that are committed already, but you gotta go all-in for a talent like Cooper.

Golden had a lot of fire-able slip ups (keeping D'Onofrio is probably #1 on that list), but somehow I keep finding out new ways that he and his staff managed to ***** up.
Why is this clown on national radio with a guy that hates UM to talk about UM like he is some representative, employee, former coach or player? I'll tell you why. So the Cowherds of the world can turn right back around and joke how incompetent UM is and some perceived association with clown Luke.
Cowherd likes UM and wants us back to greatness.
Yeah unfortunately lol...

The coaches at West actually told Miami not to take Ryan Mayes because he was a soft Dr. Krop kid that couldn’t handle the competitive environment at MNW.

Still can’t believe we took Mayes over Deatrick Nichols smh
We actually took Mayes over.........QUINCY WILSON. Thats what relly made him mad as he KNEW Mayes wasnt good and campd with him every where and was ALWAYS better than him. Also Luke was one of those coaches calling him soft...Dr Krop has never produced a real player....the closest was Ereck Flowers but he left there and went to Norland....and his dad was always hyper coach on him. In the history of the school i cant name a baller.
I don’t believe Miami didn’t want them, Amari Cooper was committed to us at one point, if we had a good coach then our starting WR’s would have been Coop and Sammy Watkins
Would have never been even with good coaches lol. Those were 2 kids that were BOUGHT with NIL b4 NIL.
I hate the whole GOLDEN messed up recruitment talk...BECAUSE regardless if he stuck as a verbal he was going to be a Bama flip. I dont usually just say this one was bought or that one was lost because of bags, but that one i was pretty sure on.

Anytime you here a SOUTH FLORIDA kid who committed or close to committing bring up...that their MOM told em to hold off...just know what went down in the recruitment
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Who was it Shannon or Golden that was the HC at UM and didn’t recruit / offer Devonta Freeman… he set us back 10 years with that bs!. Freeman made us pay every time we played them. Then it was the primary reason Dalvin Cook ended up at FSU to further drive the nail in the coffin! Fck you CoRch!!
We actually took Mayes over.........QUINCY WILSON. Thats what relly made him mad as he KNEW Mayes wasnt good and campd with him every where and was ALWAYS better than him. Also Luke was one of those coaches calling him soft...Dr Krop has never produced a real player....the closest was Ereck Flowers but he left there and went to Norland....and his dad was always hyper coach on him. In the history of the school i cant name a baller.
Krop had two guys sign with Ohio State the same year we got the MNW 8 if memory serves me correctly
Krop had two guys sign with Ohio State the same year we got the MNW 8 if memory serves me correctly
Yea and both were overrated. They got to OSU fromt he same guy that runs the sfe 7 n 7 as they were part of sfe first starts.

Your talkin about Sabino and the db.
I might be mistaken, but Golden got petty and straight up yanked Kirkland's offer pretty close to signing day, didnt he?

So glad these types of blunders are just reminiscence now.

IIRC, we had just hired Coley from FSU, and Coley told Golden that Kirkland was a silent to FSU, and then the ball was set in motion for Barrow to pull the offer. But Arkansas definitely dropped bags to get Him & Collins.
Who was it Shannon or Golden that was the HC at UM and didn’t recruit / offer Devonta Freeman… he set us back 10 years with that bs!. Freeman made us pay every time we played them. Then it was the primary reason Dalvin Cook ended up at FSU to further drive the nail in the coffin! Fck you CoRch!!

No it wasn't lol. Cook was going to UM if Yearby didn't flip.