Lorenzo Lingard Jr. IS HEALTHY....

Lol explain our TE misuse then? Explain The UCLA transfer playing over Jordan and Nesta? Explain Ragone playing over Brooks...

“This is such a misinformed argument”

Not my fault you’re retarded...

TE misuse? Mallory played a **** ton this year but can't block for **** and had the drops all year ... including yesterday dropping a critical 3rd down conversion. Hopefully he takes the next step next year but using him as an example on offense is just dumb.

The UCLA transfer plays a lot less than Nesta and about the same as Jordan ... both are 4/5/6th man off the bench.

Ragone played one game b/c Brooks hadn't prepared for the position. Once he had prepared for it (yesterday) he played instead of Ragone.

You're really pointing out third string players as your reasoning?


Yes the coaches suck but your logic is just wrong on personnel.
He looked good though. LOL

Yeah - 2.7 against a defense that gave up 286 (6.7 ypc) to Syracuse, 334 (5.1 ypc) against Wake, and 288 (6.9 ypc) against ND is good stuff.

He may have looked good on a few hard runs but c'mon people. Burns is not a burner and doesn't have that high YPC threat. Lo does.
TE misuse? Mallory played a **** ton this year but can't block for **** and had the drops all year ... including yesterday dropping a critical 3rd down conversion. Hopefully he takes the next step next year but using him as an example on offense is just dumb.

The UCLA transfer plays a lot less than Nesta and about the same as Jordan ... both are 4/5/6th man off the bench.

Ragone played one game b/c Brooks hadn't prepared for the position. Once he had prepared for it (yesterday) he played instead of Ragone.

You're really pointing out third string players as your reasoning?


That hashtag really fits your post. Lmao at that entire post especially because you can’t tell our run D improved once Nesta/Jordan got more playing and Will is probably one of the 5 most talented players on this team. Stop watching football.
That hashtag really fits your post. Lmao at that entire post especially because you can’t tell our run D improved once Nesta/Jordan got more playing and Will is probably one of the 5 most talented players on this team. Stop watching football.

Mallory has basically had a terrible year and is one of the most disappointing performers this year.
all i need to know about this staff was what happened during a first quarter run by cam Harris. Cam ran and drag four defenders like five yards and got a first down. I saw manny Diaz almost run on the field pump up the walk on fullback who blocked one guy. This dude acted like that kid was the one that made the play and didn’t say **** to Cam.
"Lorenzo isn't ready to play. He's got to practice to be ready to play."

"The only way for Zion to get ready is to play games and grow."

One of the best contradictions by Manny the Clown.

Not trying to defend Manny, but those two statements are not contradictions. Clearly Zion is practicing, which is a prerequisite to playing. He also will (should?) improve with game reps, even if his inexperience is causing him to get his **** pushed in this year.
Mallory has basically had a terrible year and is one of the most disappointing performers this year.
Because he wasn’t used outside of blocking (which he didn’t even do in High school so he’s new to it) and was barely targeted throughout the entire year. What’s so hard to understand about that? Stop watching football.
Another head scratcher of the staff were the plays with Tate. Very good thought, just too many snaps against uf and now kid has not seen field since. The way our staff uses personnel is mind blowing

He wasn’t even used, though. Lol. He was a decoy that entire time. Believe they ran one inopportune wild cat w him as UF sat on it. Lol.
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Because he wasn’t used and was barely targeted throughout the entire year. What’s so hard to understand about that? Stop watching football.

You come out with stupid statement after stupid statement and then tell me to stop watching football? LOL.

You were literally wrong or misinformed about every example you gave. GR15 ... wrong. Mallory ... wrong. Then you brought up the UCLA transfer ... who gives a **** about the 5th or 6th DT off the bench? Ragone over Brooks which happened for exactly one game when Brooks was not prepared.

Hopefully Mallory improves next year but he was straight *** this year. Dropping passes, looks slow, and was TERRIBLE at blocking.

You've been blocked assclown.
No he had a brace on his left knee when c as me out to help the hurt OL off the field yesterday in the Duke game.

LMFAO, no he didn’t. It’s plain as day on the video....

You come out with stupid statement after stupid statement and then tell me to stop watching football? LOL.

You were literally wrong or misinformed about every example you gave. GR15 ... wrong. Mallory ... wrong. Then you brought up the UCLA transfer ... who gives a **** about the 5th or 6th DT off the bench? Ragone over Brooks which happened for exactly one game when Brooks was not prepared.

Hopefully Mallory improves next year but he was straight *** this year. Dropping passes, looks slow, and was TERRIBLE at blocking.

You've been blocked assclown.
@Rellyrell do you mind telling this porster to stop watching football as well?
Because he wasn’t used outside of blocking (which he didn’t even do in High school so he’s new to it) and was barely targeted throughout the entire year. What’s so hard to understand about that? Stop watching football.


Now they are FINALLY using him to catch the ball & would u look at here?! He can actually play TE!

These dummies know chit about football, Dee. I never made it to the collegiate level, injuries killed that hope, but even on some basic remedial type chit, if you’ve watched football long enough, u can clear as day, see how ill prepared this team is.

Difference between Coker v Shannon v Golden v Richt v Diaz, imo Dee, correct me if I’m wrong:

Coker: Had the talent, but was too player friendly, to the point these dudes policing themselves, which meant the inmates ran the asylum. Had no direction, but b/c they were uber talented, they could half *** and still win a couple of games, but teams that had coaching punched them in the mouth.

Shannon: Had right intents, but was doomed from the get go b/c his O never could match his D. Plus, his recruiting left schools feeling slighted, which burnt some bridges

Golden: Bright guy, but loyal to a fault to a system he believed in. More concerned with being right and doing right by his buddy, than actually doing right by what he had as far as talent. Then towards then end, once he didn’t get his true dream job, he gave two fcks about us or coaching.

Richt: Was already burnt out, UGA completely wore him out, but between his biggest pay day and the once & a lifetime opportunity to coach a his son, why not. Good intentions were there, but it appeared he was stuck between his own ego v. the game had passed him by. In the end, he did the right thing.

Diaz: A little bit of Al, a little bit of Shannon, and while lot of he don’t know WITF he’s doing. W Shannon, at least he tasted success as a player and coordinator. With Al, at least he had a little coaching experience prior. Diaz has neither, and so when we hear a “good week of practice”, how would he know? B/c he grew up in a political household, he knows how to grease palms and manipulate words. Imho, he believed coaching was going to be easy, and he’s ill prepared to deal w running a team v. just being a fly by night wing man.
@Rellyrell do you mind telling this porster to stop watching football as well?

He’s helter skelter bro. One min he’s pushing Diaz agenda, the next he’s trashing the staff, the next he’s blaming players.

@Zbrod95 I’ve been torturing myself every off season since Golden’s 2014 season, going back and rewatching games, to see if its really the players or is it coaching. I’ve seen guys on the bench who should be playing and guys playing who should be on the bench.

Maybe if fans like him would take the emotions out, go back and watch w a logical mind, they can see that our problems have been personnel, alignments, inopportune play calling, and most concerning, player development.

It’s easy to blame players, simply b/c they are in the game. I’ve always been of the proponent coaching matters A LOT in team sports. U can have all the jimmy & joes and that won’t mean chit if you don’t know how to use or develop them.
You can tell the guys who don’t actually watch the games and are just here to argue like little ladies. Another one with the bulky brace bullshyt lies.
You can tell The Fraudschise‘s Bull**** post just by looking at this board when all of his “fans” randomly re-post all of his past hilarious incorrect predictions that prove his lack of football knowledge.
The Fraudchise has literally never been right about anything , starting with being Al Goldens number 1 fanboy.
U can have all the jimmy & joes and that won’t mean chit if you don’t know how to use or develop them.

"“It’s not about the X’s and O’s, it’s about the Jimmies and Joes" is how the quote goes which basically ***** on your theory but I do agree with you that coaching and player development is important and has generally been subpar for two decades at UM.

The fact is though that Brevin is a Mackey Award semi-finalist in this same offense by these same coaches so putting Mallory's underwhelming performance this year solely on the coaches is short-sighted.

Like with almost everything in life these are grey areas. I am very high on Mallory but can't deny that he underperformed this year. You put it squarely on the coaches and I tend to believe its 70/30 on the player.

Regardless, out of all of the shortcoming of this offense I would put not utilizing Mallory pretty far down the list.