Looking very good for a vaccine so we can enjoy sports

Military and healthcare workers don't have much of a choice.
Definitely do have a choice in the military...if you have the balls to speak out and solid reasoning that you can explain in front of your command and a judge after being charged.

Anyways, we're talking about saving football here. How many fans/civilians and athletes are going to heavily reject taking this vaccine? People don't even want to wear masks, but you think they'll be open arms for something to put inside their bodies?
Definitely do have a choice in the military...if you have the balls to speak out and solid reasoning that you can explain in front of your command and a judge after being charged.

Anyways, we're talking about saving football here. How many fans/civilians and athletes are going to heavily reject taking this vaccine? People don't even want to wear masks, but you think they'll be open arms for something to put inside their bodies?
At least half the country won't take the vaccine. Unlike putting a mask on, keeping your hands out of your nose and eyes, and socially distancing, shooting a vaccine rushed to the market into your body could potentially be dangerous.
the vaccines are already being manufactured. We will easily have 100s of millions of doses ready to go within a few months. Distribution is another matter. Of course all this impossible to predict but I’m fairly confident we’ll have a perfectly viable vaccine in 2-3 months. Like I said, Oxford and moderna both have a great shot at that - as long as their p3 results come back as expected.

“We will easily have 100s of millions of doses ready to go within a few months”

You know this how?
flu vaccine isn’t very effective - last year’s vaccine was not even 30% efficacy. Covid vaccine is expected to be close to 90%. That’s a big difference. Having said that, given that only half this country would probably want the vaccine, I agree that therapeutics will also be key in this ****nal
Problem is that viruses mutate, so I have no confidence that there will be a vaccine that will be just as effective now as it will be 5 years from now. The reason flu vaccines aren't very effective is that it may work for a certain strain of virus. If you have multiple strains, as viruses will change over time, a vaccine developed for one strain will not work as well for others.
Thread Reply Ban - Multiple P word (rhymes with analytical) offender

The flu shot doesn't prevent the flu.

All in the past, year after year, decade after decade . . . kills a lot of old folks with health problems . . . so exactly how is this supposed to work THIS time? And of course - like all other flu viruses - it's going to mutate! Ever so slightly - always ahead of vaccines.

However - Good News! The trajectory of cases versus is dropping - and when graphed, this will go away on November 4. Per all the gubmint projections.

Still going to be flu this year. Like last year before last. Like centuries prior.

This is such great news - another vaccine - flu vaccine.
Fck vaccines. Give me some WD 40, Big League Chew, and a little good old American sunshine, and I'm straight. I fcked crack whores, Freddie Mercury, and Liberace with no rubber at the height of the fake AIDS scare, so you pussies ain't bamboozling me with some mind-control vaccine.

Sounds like you have some bigger issues, friend
Problem is that viruses mutate, so I have no confidence that there will be a vaccine that will be just as effective now as it will be 5 years from now. The reason flu vaccines aren't very effective is that it may work for a certain strain of virus. If you have multiple strains, as viruses will change over time, a vaccine developed for one strain will not work as well for others.

yes this is true but flu mutates fast and erratically. The covid mutations have been very slow and mild. Researchers are all predicting that any vaccine should protect against any future mutations of the virus for the foreseeable future.
yes this is true but flu mutates fast and erratically. The covid mutations have been very slow and mild. Researchers are all predicting that any vaccine should protect against any future mutations of the virus for the foreseeable future.

So far, I have read there are currently 14 variations of COVID that have been discovered. Fortunately, the mutations may be making the virus weaker.
A medical group in my area in NE TN is helping to conduct the Pfizer vaccine trial. 500 volunteers will participate - 1/2 get the vaccine, 1/2 get a placebo. 2 shots 3 weeks apart.

here in Nashville they got 10K in a trial. Can’t remember which one though. We will have vaccines by spring 2021 at worst. At best by Nov-Dec.
Definitely do have a choice in the military...if you have the balls to speak out and solid reasoning that you can explain in front of your command and a judge after being charged.

Anyways, we're talking about saving football here. How many fans/civilians and athletes are going to heavily reject taking this vaccine? People don't even want to wear masks, but you think they'll be open arms for something to put inside their bodies?
Look at all the grousing people do about the flu vaccine, yet 99.9% of healthcare workers get it every year. A lot depends on how it goes at first, so we'll see. 20% supposedly get a mild fever. How many people bytch about the flu vaccine claiming it gave them the flu when that's impossible with a dead virus.
They'll likely use Active Duty as the first large test bed for whichever vaccine is pushed through the FDA. Because you know, we got that Tricare Prime to fall back on if a 2nd ***** starts growing on our foreheads a week after getting the vaccine. VA will probably determine it's a pre-existing condition when I retire though.

I jest, but DoD will probably be on the short list.
👆👆👆 good stuff!
Definitely do have a choice in the military...if you have the balls to speak out and solid reasoning that you can explain in front of your command and a judge after being charged.

Anyways, we're talking about saving football here. How many fans/civilians and athletes are going to heavily reject taking this vaccine? People don't even want to wear masks, but you think they'll be open arms for something to put inside their bodies?
It doesn't even remotely work like that. At all.

Like bizarro universe different than what you just stated
The normal standard for a vaccine to be released is after 10-15 years of testing and monitoring. Even those can Fck u up. You have to be out of your mind to take a vaccine that’s coming out anywhere near this current time period.

The fastest time for a vaccine to ever hit the market has been 4 years. This here is "fake news", you all can be the guinea pigs.

This is the beginning of a zombie movie playing out in real time