Looking very good for a vaccine so we can enjoy sports

herd immunity is 56% range..... right now we are at 1.7% we are VERY far from herd immunity.
With all due respect, you're incorrect with both numbers. We might achieve herd immunity with between 25 and 40% according to some sources. The initial 60-70 assumed a higher reproductive ratio than we've seen. We have also seen antibodies in around 20-25%. This is part of the reason for the huge drop in cases in a lot of states.
Who needs a vaccine? Are you mopes not watching this HISTORIC press conference? The FDA just authorized an emergency use order for convalescent plasma.......4 days after rescinding it for lack of significant proven results.

Happy days are here again! See everyone at the UAB tailgate!
My man wants to pull his pants down and draw a bullseye on his *** cheek. LMAO.
I am a leader. This place that I like so much was being destroyed by the insidious filth of analytics. RVA and I are modern day filth busters here to make this a better community for all, not just for loudmouths and rabble rousers like this wounded bytch, Theoretical Cane.

This is a Canes Board, not an analytics board. You can either help RVA and I clean it and make it a more habitable place, or you can get mulched by us. Your choice, but the people are on our side, and we’re not going to let them down.
You spelled Empirical wrong.

Learn from your betters (a LOOOOONG list) and keep crashing those Vettes....

PS you wouldn't know leadership if a girl scout dropped her box of Do-si-Dos- on your foot (although she would earn her "helped a ******" merit badge, so there is that).

Thanks for the good laugh

One final observation for the class here...

Anytime someone says "I'm a leader" or "my position is equivalent to...", that individual [who spewed le douchelisciousness] is the ONLY person in the room who believes it. Rest assured, everyone else in there isn't laughing with you...what's next, "your bro gonna beat me up?"

FFS Walter Mitty, do better.
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