Lo Lingard IG Live

Running back is a fickle position and the players are often fickle, too.

The shelf life on these guys is really short and there is seemingly always an anxiety to play right away so you can go make some money before your brain turns into cream cheese.

I get it.

But the reality is, once you've been hurt, TWICE, its a tough road back up the depth chart, especially when you've got some All-Conference types ahead of you. Its especially tough if you anticipated a three year stint like most 5-star players. The realization that this might be a five year stay and cut into prime money making years is a bitter pill to swallow and I'm sure you've got to be mapping out paths to all sorts of places in your head at this point.

As fans, we also need to realize that maybe he's not JK Dobbins or Travis Etienne, either.
Yep. And if he injures his knee next year you can say he should have sat out till 2021. If he can practice and play 4 weeks ago when he did and he’s cleared, then he’s physically healthy enough to play.

You guys need to relax with the stupid “if he hurts his knee again” bullshyt because his knee is repaired and healthy. He might hurt it again. Or he might hurt the other one like Frank Gore did. That’s football.
Every single player on every single snap has the potential to get injured...

I never understood "what if he gets hurt?!" argument fans always cling to lol.
And Tweed has said nothing of the sort to back up anything you have said.

Then I guess its just my opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️ Take it as that or you can believe me. Either way this thread has been exhausting, I just dislike the negativity towards him but I understand both sides rather just move onto topics such as winning.
Running back is a fickle position and the players are often fickle, too.

The shelf life on these guys is really short and there is seemingly always an anxiety to play right away so you can go make some money before your brain turns into cream cheese.

I get it.

But the reality is, once you've been hurt, TWICE, its a tough road back up the depth chart, especially when you've got some All-Conference types ahead of you. Its especially tough if you anticipated a three year stint like most 5-star players. The realization that this might be a five year stay and cut into prime money making years is a bitter pill to swallow and I'm sure you've got to be mapping out paths to all sorts of places in your head at this point.

As fans, we also need to realize that maybe he's not JK Dobbins or Travis Etienne, either.

Bull****. No less than Adrian Peterson.
For those who don’t use Instagram or understand what Instagram live is, he’s basically interacting with fans & he was responding to questions. I definitely wouldn’t categorize it as venting or *****ing at all. Fans were asking questions & he was answering them.
Well that’s great to hear, thanks for providing context to this man because i didn’t see the ig live either 💯
I know that family members on the offensive side of the ball have been frustrated since the new staff was put in place. Non of the newly hired coaches in any position group even bothered to pick up the phone to call a single kids parent to introduce themselves or to exchange contact info. I know of quite a few parents of kids on offense that have been very frustrated by this.
yea ... buddy is a clown

imo, coaches jobs aren't to tell us the truth. idc what he tells the fans bc we aren't privy to the info that he knows or the team knows. every coach does this too (hold back suspension news, injuries, etc.). as long the players like him and hes doing right by them, idc

Agree. fans aren't entitled to "know" anything. We think we are but we aren't.. I don't consider it "lying". It may be evasive or vague but it isn't lying. And as far as disciplinary issues or medical issues, fans have no right to be told anything.
Let’s just go back the first events that happened when Lorenzo’s father posted on Facebook group being unhappy about Lorenzo not playing, shortly after that his cousin posted pretty much the same thing.

A few days after that Manny Diaz was asked about seven times each day about Lorenzo he happen to say “oh yeah I had a conversation with Lorenzo And he came to me and said that yeah I’m not 100% so can you please redshirt me”. Which from all events isn’t true. Also go back to my old posts about this and check who agreed with my post.

Lorenzo was recruited by Mark Richt and a bunch of other coaches that he got to know and trust, he had a terrible injury where he missed most of last season and now has been cleared by their doctors but the coaches don’t want to use him for whatever reason, probably something to do with the depth in the future which is probably a wise idea but you have this kid who is trusting a bunch of new coaches he just met pretty much with his life and the the future opportunity to make millions of dollars in the NFL. Our coaches who honestly he hasn’t known long enough to trust plus pretty much sitting out 2 years currently aren’t even letting him practice and when he was practicing with the team it was on scout team .

So for everyone saying, oh you’ve got to prove yourself you got a move up the depth chart, how is an individual who is on the scout team just coming off a major injury, even able to show the main coaches how good he is(he just met less than a year ago, who havent seen how good he was prior to injury)

the kid just wants to play football he’s always the hardest working kid he was tops of all the weightlifting programs during the off-season he’s always first on the field when I watched him in high school and he’s always been a true diehard cane so God forbid he’s a little frustrated because of the lack of communication the staff has given him and his family.

And on his Instagram live post umless you watched it all the kid was saying was how he’s frustrated and wants to get on the field and he’s bored he wants to run track but he doesn’t even think they’re gonna let him do that and then you got a bunch of gator fans on the live broadcast bashing Manny Diaz and his live chat saying he should transfer and Lorenzo pretty much just defended Manny and saying he respects his coach too much to say anything bad and yet. People also kept telling him to stay and not transfer and he’s said he doesn’t know where that’s coming from and he just wants to play.

we have these 20 to 60-year-old guys just bashing this kid calling him and diva and it really ****es me off because Lo has NEVER been a problem not on this team and not during recruiting, you can tell the kid is doing his best to be positive but it’s been 2 years and he’s fighting through frustration.

These coaches are far from perfect also so it’s probably somewhere in the middle.

So you don't know him, haven't spoken to him, don't know any of these relatives, haven't spoken to any of these relatives, don't know anyone on the team, haven't spoken to anyone on the team yet you put together the above narrative based off of things you read on the Internet?

This whole thread is just 3rd hand bull**** and would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

If he transfers he transfers. If he stays, awesome, and I'll root for him the rest of his life.
With Deejay most likely going to the NFL and Jarren really starting to show his talent, it would be crazy for Lorenzo to leave. The offense can be incredibly dynamic next year with Jarren, Lorenzo (most likely RB1), Brevin (best TE in America), Wiggins (really coming on strong), JT4 (top 150 player), Harley (who's really developed), Pope, Payton, Cam and Mallory (I'm confident he will ball out next year).

Lorenzo is in a fabulous position to be RB1 and really showcase his talents at Miami. If he were to transfer, he would miss another year.

I was an advocate of playing him when he said he was healthy. It seems like he's not really fully healed. If that's the case, it doesn't make sense to risk injury at this late point in the season & jeopardize what will very likely be an amazing (and lucrative career).

If there are communication gaps, the coaches should fix that as soon as possible. While Lorenzo should be patient, the coaches should manage their best talent carefully.

Lorenzo has been a great ambassador for the program and deserves our unwavering support. I'm excited to see him play again...when he's truly healthy.

Go Canes!
So you don't know him, haven't spoken to him, don't know any of these relatives, haven't spoken to any of these relatives, don't know anyone on the team, haven't spoken to anyone on the team yet you put together the above narrative based off of things you read on the Internet?

This whole thread is just 3rd hand bull**** and would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

If he transfers he transfers. If he stays, awesome, and I'll root for him the rest of his life.

Every single player on every single snap has the potential to get injured...

I never understood "what if he gets hurt?!" argument fans always cling to lol.
It’s another mantra of dummies looking for reasons to swallow everything they’re fed by their hero coaches.

Medical technology is pretty advanced. They’re not going to clear a guy to play a month and a half ago if he’s not healthy enough to play now. The guy was on the field playing 6 weeks ago. If his knee was healthy enough to play then, you’d have to assume it’s even healthier 6 weeks later.
Running backs only have so many carries in them. If he leaves college only having to tote the rock for two years then he should be thankful for an extra in the NFL.
I don’t disagree with this statement at all but a guaranteed 4 years with a fifth year team option (or guaranteed 4 as negotiable for a 2nd-3rd) sounds a **** of a lot better to me than a chance late round selection on a guy with upside but never produced (or a first-round XFL selection, which of course I support as I would any ***** in the armor of the NFL monopoly... that point for another day I suppose).

But point being, I believe that he’s got more than enough talent to be more than an NFL jag and he knows it so that frustration as a young man is understandable.

I hope he sticks around and gets the shine he merits in the next few years but we all know this staff has been frustratingly reluctant to adjust (Rousseau starting, sticking with Williams, Spread Offense) despite the progress we have seen over the course of this year.

Last thought; it’s hard to blame him for being frustrated. Didn’t check what his game counter was prior to this post in terms of a redshirt but I think we all can hope he gets to his four games and gets real exposure in those.
yeah, okay... the fans had to DEMAND more time for Roussau!

Not sure if you're serious. If you really think that the fans had anything to do with Rousseau getting more playing time then you need to be spayed/neutered.