Listening to Dabo presser

Told y'all Clemson's offense looked like garbage in their Spring game, but nooooooooo, some of y'all thought because they hired an Air Raid OC that they were going to score a bazillion PPG and run away with the ACC. Say what you want about the ACC, but we play some semblance of defense, unlike the Big 12. Anyways, f-u-c k Dabo, & f-u-c-k Clemson.
Told y'all Clemson's offense looked like garbage in their Spring game, but nooooooooo, some of y'all thought because they hired an Air Raid OC that they were going to score a bazillion PPG and run away with the ACC. Say what you want about the ACC, but we play some semblance of defense, unlike the Big 12. Anyways, f-u-c k Dabo, & f-u-c-k Clemson.
They have Kyle Wright 2.0 at qb. He was missing people wide open Saturday Including the play they tried to rub route on in OT. Dude sat down underneath with nobody near him. Even on the last play when he kept Shipley walks in to the right. He has all the physical talent but is dumb as a box of rocks
He mentioned a couple things that caught me off guard. The first one being this was the first game they were out gained all year. Even in the FSU game they held them to 17 points of offense in regulation, 311 yards and 22 yards rushing on 20 carries. Which is crazy with all the multiple looks they give in the run game mixed with a dual threat qb.

Later in the presser he discussed their running game and how we dared them to pass. We stayed in a bear front most of the night with one safety deep. I thought the media misspoke when they asked about holding them to 31 yards on 34 carries ( 0.9 ypc). But that was in fact true. Lastly he mentioned our 200 + yards rushing while they were selling out to stop it. I would’ve never expected that with a first time starting Fr qb.

Which leads me to my point. This isn’t your same Clemson from years past but don’t get it twisted , that’s a playoff caliber defense we pushed around even though they were playing downhill. With a very good good secondary. Their Ol although not great but more than good enough got mauled by our DL , with most of our starters playing majority of the snaps. Clemson had outplayed most of their opponents this year but they continue to have the same issues, mostly losing the turnover battle and having a flaming idiot at qb. That trend continued Saturday. I will say the biggest area they’ve fallen off is skill guys out wide. They don’t have their typical dudes stretching the field. I think the air is coming out of the ballon there.

This game showed what I’ve been saying since the summer “ this Miami team is different , from leadership , mimd set on down to work ethic. They’ve had multiple times to fold camp , quit and they refuse to do it. They continue to be resilient.

Now the next test will be how do they handle success and a big win. Can we start a trend of consistency, which is an important step with building a program. After UVA’s win this weekend the coaches shouldn’t have to try too hard to get players attention.

Iron sharpens iron.
I know cade has talent, and he played relatively well

I just can't imagine ignoring a 2 time national championship winning HC's play call when you've only started a few games (and won nothing of value for Clemson as a starter up until this point) and proceed calling your own number to decide the game and being wrong and losing the game

what would this board be like if TVD did that? sheesh
Cade didn't ignore the play call, that's not accurate. If you look at the last play, Cade actually made the right read by pulling the ball since Bissainte came crashing down hard to stop the inside run but Flagg made a great play by beating Cade to the edge and making a one arm tackle.
Cade didn't ignore the play call, that's not accurate. If you look at the last play, Cade actually made the right read by pulling the ball since Bissainte came crashing down hard to stop the inside run but Flagg made a great play by beating Cade to the edge and making a one arm tackle.
He walks in to the right . That was an awful keep.
That's not Cade's read though. He's reading the left end. In hindsight it's a terrible read but if you look at how they ran it you can see why Cade kept the ball.
It wasn’t a read. It was a designed run. It’s five inches. He said in the interview he did it against Wake and it worked. That was his logic. He’s an idiot that tried to be a hero.
Oh and 10 sacks in two games for those complaining about the pass rush

Oh and 10 sacks in two games for those complaining about the pass rush
Pass rush w front four vs having to bring someone are two different things.
I’d like to see more consistent pressure from front four….Bain is electric….we need a compliment to him imo
Pass rush w front four vs having to bring someone are two different things.
I’d like to see more consistent pressure from front four….Bain is electric….we need a compliment to him imo
We ran mostly 3 man fronts and was bringing one lb a lot. That’s a four man rush. We don’t have any de’s left so get used to what you saw Saturday. Bain taking it to the next level is what’s making the pressures improve.
tell me one team would have 5 sacks and the other would have 0 with Emory Williams playing QB against Clemson

And then tell me we had the 5

I wouldn’t have believed you
A lot of it goes to gameplan…I know some on game day board were losing it over all the quick screens and bubbles…but it took the pressure off Emory, no reads necessary in first half! We kept game close, shortened game w run and got it into fourth within one score before taking shots….i thought it was a smart plan to let him settle in before asking him to go down the field!
A lot of it goes to gameplan…I know some on game day board were losing it over all the quick screens and bubbles…but it took the pressure off Emory, no reads necessary in first half! We kept game close, shortened game w run and got it into fourth within one score before taking shots….i thought it was a smart plan to let him settle in before asking him to go down the field!
I agree. I don’t read the game day threads because I think people use it as a psychiatrists couch and just say outlandish ****

But then we made the adjustment to let him do more as he got more comfortable

Can’t argue with that approach
I agree with this. But we really need backs that can take it to the house a few times in those 38 carries. The only guy who did isn’t even a RB. I’ve seen all I ever want to see of Don Chaney Jr. I’m not thrilled with any of them really other than Chris Johnson & Fletcher. I’m assuming Citizen is done.
Players who sustain injuries like the one Don Chaney suffered are normally to get back on the field in 9 months to a year but with limited explosiveness. Next year, he takes those two runs deep in to the secondary IMO. But hey, MiamiChris has seen all he needs to see from Dade Countys all time leading rusher. Maybe he can play DT.
Reading all that just ****es me off more. Had it not been for Mario being an asshat & Van Dyke being a choke artist we'd be undefeated rn. We are better then both GT & UNC.
They have Kyle Wright 2.0 at qb. He was missing people wide open Saturday Including the play they tried to rub route on in OT. Dude sat down underneath with nobody near him. Even on the last play when he kept Shipley walks in to the right. He has all the physical talent but is dumb as a box of rocks
He might be more like their Chris Rix 2.0.
Yes, he should still be fired. Turns out you have to coach AND recruit to be useful. Also, the scheme is the biggest reason for the d-line playing better.
His recruiting is fine. His D line is good too.
His recruiting is fine. His D line is good too.
Im truly glad he's finally started to pull his weight this year. However, what i said at the time was accurate assuming he didn't get more results.
Im truly glad he's finally started to pull his weight this year. However, what i said at the time was accurate assuming he didn't get more results.
You gave him one recruiting class and called for his head.