Let's put together a list of qualified WR and DB coaches


All American
Jan 15, 2012
Let's put the names of good position coach candidates for WR Coach and DB Coach. Name, current employer, background and why they would be a good fit. Since position coach candidates are not my bag baby, I'm going to have to defer to some CIS All Stars like the following...
@Liberty City El
@Empirical Cane
@The Franchise
I'm forgetting a bunch of knowledgeable posters but I'll add them as they come to me.
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One of the insiders here just said this wasn’t the case. That the CBs on the team really didn’t respect him
I heard that as well. I think it was described in a way that DVD is one of the guys so that's how the players relate to him not necessarily that they don't respect him. Still that disqualifies him from the get.
Chris Hawkins (DB's) and Prentice Gill (WR's) were just fired by ASU for cause due to a recruiting scandal. Both are ace recruiters but come with the obvious baggage of a pending investigation. In the situation we're in, I'd take both in a heartbeat. I'd even take their recently resigned OC Zak Hill.
Chris Hawkins (DB's) and Prentice Gill (WR's) were just fired by ASU for cause due to a recruiting scandal. Both are ace recruiters but come with the obvious baggage of a pending investigation. In the situation we're in, I'd take both in a heartbeat. I'd even take their recently resigned OC Zak Hill.
So Hawkins and Gill were both fired for cause but you would take them both in a heartbeat? We're not that desperate my man lol
Mike Rumph is available.

Recruited DJ Ivey, also known as “the next JC Horn”.

Knows SFL well but able to recruit nationally as evident by him plucking Christian Williams out of Saban’s backyard. Will more than neutralize Trob.

Scapegoated by Manny Diaz but would do well in his second stint.
I'll start.......

Bush Hamdan WR coach
Colorado (SA)
Maryland (OQC)
Sacramento State (TE)
Florida (WR)
Arkansas State (co-OC/QB)
Davidson (OC/QB)
Washington (OQC)
Washington (WR/PGC)
Atlanta Falcons (QB)
Washington (OC/QB)
Missouri (WR/QB)

Solid resume with experience with WRs QBs and as OC. I don't know his track record in terms of development of players or as a recruiter. Just a name to throw out basically.
Mike Rumph is available.

Recruited DJ Ivey, also known as “the next JC Horn”.

Knows SFL well but able to recruit nationally as evident by him plucking Christian Williams out of Saban’s backyard. Will more than neutralize Trob.

Scapegoated by Manny Diaz but would do well in his second stint.
LMAO Dude seriously?
So Hawkins and Gill were both fired for cause but you would take them both in a heartbeat? We're not that desperate my man lol
I'm saying it's worth the risk. And yeah, 7 weeks into his tenure, Mario still doesn't have an OC/DC/WR/CB coaches, amongst others, in place so desperation is starting to sink in. We don't yet know what sanctions they might or might not face as a result of the NCAA investigation. Gill can recruit lights out. He landed 4 4* WR's in his first class at ASU. He worked under Mario in 2019 at Oregon so there is a connection. Hawkins is a top recruiter as well, landing 2 4* CB's last year including Tomi Hill out of Edgewater.