Let's go! TVD is benched

Clemson defense is better than FSU's but what that mean? Clemson defense is better than GT, UNC, UVA and NC St. They can make plays, force turnovers and hurt you just as well. Means nothing. We need to run the ball and throw it deep.
Clemsons offense kept us in the game. FSUs offense is another league esp w their receivers back. we can't be conservative today.

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Start the game on the sidelines. Hmm. Are they gonna platoon them? Let him watch some and settle before he gets snaps?
I agree with the first part on starting Emory the rest of the way. But I don’t like the idea of throwing Brown in at Wild Cat honestly. We’ve seen that before and it just screams we are running the ball on the plays we put him in. It doesn’t really fool anybody - and turns into a lost play.

If Brown is the QB it's not the wildcat. That's just a QB run.
Day late and a dollar short you stupid fcvvcking caveman. It's like Mario is on a 7 day delay to games he's on the field for.
The biggest thing out of all this…took forever but it finally shows that no one is bigger than the program.
It wasn’t even the noise, if you’ve been around football or sports your entire life you could see it in Tyler’s eyes. He was done.
There is nothing wrong with being an introvert but TVDs body language and lack of any type of emotion is more than introverted. As you elude he’s broken.
I'll be the first to captain the 'staff should have started Emory after UVA' boat should Emory beat and/or go off this afternoon. If we lose the UVA game, then by all means, the change should have taken place, but when was the last time a QB was benched following a win?

Also, it was 10-6 at half last week and 10 second-half points probably wins that game. You dolts who've likely never had to make important decisions at their jobs before seem to forget that Van Dyke looked like an all-conference QB no less than 6 weeks ago, so was it unreasonable to assume that he couldn't muster 10 points? Again, you're all playing the result.
The gameplan today will be super conservative and we will argue the rest of the season over Mario being involved. When in reality, they're just going to do their best to keep games close, slow things down, and let the D eat.

Let's see. Going to be painful on here regardless.