Leavitt To FSU

Friend who played for him said he was in his dog house because he wouldn’t rush back from a torn acl. Dudes nuts.

Still a good coach. Said the biggest difference between him and Holtz were the practices. Full contact, full go every **** day. Felt like they wore down at the end of the year not having much depth at USF
He's desperate. I liked JL 10 years ago, but now? Listen, FSU could have the best minds in the world, but their talent is lazy, and Taggart can't inspire a cat to take a nap. They are horrible.
Agree! I’d like to see that same desperation from manny. Be nice to see him bring in a guy like soldinger as an analyst to help frat boy get our special teams up to par. But in typical Hard headed stubborn Miami HC fashion he won’t. Smh
idk man. Leavitt had the Oregon and Colorado Defenses looking real good with some extremely subpar talent. He definitely hasn't lost it. Well mentally he has, but that happened decades ago, I'm talking from an X's and O's standpoint. He's the goods.
It improved butThat Oregon defense didn’t look that good to me honestly. Only so much an analyst guy can do this year. This still will be Harlon Barnett defense so it’s not really going to matter for this season
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He's desperate. I liked JL 10 years ago, but now? Listen, FSU could have the best minds in the world, but their talent is lazy, and Taggart can't inspire a cat to take a nap. They are horrible.
