Lawrence to Tennessee

Problem is the top rated ones dont come to Miami and the so called best pass defense

Neither do the pass rushers to the team with leads the country in TFLs and top10 in sacks. Even with a guy that “developed” a bunch of first rounders, followed up by a coach that was in the NFL.
I'm not even sure why we recruited this guy.

We've gotta be getting close to having more de-commits then the entire ACC combined.
It’s classless but this what college football is about. Again these type kids get lost in the shuffle. I can’t think of one who has acted classless like this and end up being a beast in college. No respect, now I blame this on parenting. These coaches payed your way to visit and offered you a Scholarship and this how you act. What these kids don’t understand is these same coaches recruiting you in college , you may see them again when they are coaching in the NFL, NFL scouting, NFL front office position. You never know
John harbaugh recruited my bother while he was coach at Cincinnati, he cane to my home and met my mom. He met our teachers. John as a head coach at the Ravens responded to a letter our high school teacher wrote him as a head coach. He even responded to me whe I congratulated him for his head coach position as a raven. He gave me a letter of recommendation for a job. #facts# Character is very important... and your name will follow you forever ...
what dvd is doing is what we honestly should of did with rumph. Rumph only has a few years of coaching over dvd. He only coached like 3-4 years of high school ball
It was about 5 or 6 years i think. He was a dc around like 2010.
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With his Mom's medical condition, I can certainly understand his desire to stay closer to home. That being said, it was totally unnecessary for him to troll us by ripping off a U t-shirt to expose a pastel orange one.
lol kid is more loyal to his home state than SFL kids are to their hometown. wish donnell harris and others were as loyal as he is
It amazes me that this likely doesn’t **** 305 kids off and make them want to fûck this dude up at an all-star game. I guess I grew up at a time when there was pride in being from Miami & something like this would’ve made him a target.