Korn Ferry


Dec 21, 2012
For those questioning why Miami brought them in and then interviewed Schiano and Davis it comes down to a couple of things.

KF is very thorough with their details. If you recall Joquain tweeted how he just finished his interview with them. Clearly they interviewed a lot of people and am guessing the consensus in the search was finding someone that truly understands the qualities and skill set it requires to be successful of the Miami job. This had to be a top priority when looking to narrow down the pool as Golden blatantly lacked here and they didn't want to make the same mistake again. Based off of the KF interviews and their takeaways they then matched up the candidates and cross-referenced who fits the mold the most based off of the needs for the specific job. Butch and Greg worked for staff in the glory days when this program was clicking and both have the understanding of what it takes in that regard. If Miami did make this a top priority it might of ruled a lot of other candidates out and does not mean that we were lazy about the search or that top names weren't interested.

Blake is taking a recommendation from KF and KF is not making the hire. When you pay top dollar for KF you typically follow their lead. I do not know if Miami followed this path or what Miami's motive was and am solely reading in between the lines here. The other obvious reason is that Blake is aware of the state of the fan base and is covering his own *** on KF.
For those questioning why Miami brought them in and then interviewed Schiano and Davis it comes down to a couple of things.

KF is very thorough with their details. If you recall Joquain tweeted how he just finished his interview with them. Clearly they interviewed a lot of people and am guessing the consensus in the search was finding someone that truly understands the qualities and skill set it requires to be successful of the Miami job. This had to be a top priority when looking to narrow down the pool as Golden blatantly lacked here and they didn't want to make the same mistake again. Based off of the KF interviews and their takeaways they then matched up the candidates and cross-referenced who fits the mold the most based off of the needs for the specific job. Butch and Greg worked for staff in the glory days when this program was clicking and both have the understanding of what it takes in that regard. If Miami did make this a top priority it might of ruled a lot of other candidates out and does not mean that we were lazy about the search or that top names weren't interested.

Blake is taking a recommendation from KF and KF is not making the hire. When you pay top dollar for KF you typically follow their lead. I do not know if Miami followed this path or what Miami's motive was and am solely reading in between the lines here. The other obvious reason is that Blake is aware of the state of the fan base and is covering his own *** on KF.

Butch can sell anything. He sold Miami to top guys with crippling sanctions and sold a two win basketball school to top recruits for example. So it's very possible that when he met with Korn he sold himself as the best candidate available.

If you don't believe in Butch the salesman, one year ago we were told that Butch will never coach here again. Even five weeks ago we heard that BOT members were amused and thought it was a joke when Butch said he wanted the job. This week, there is a great chance he is announced as head coach. The master.
The main purpose of the firm is not to give advice to anyone; it's to reach out to parties that UM cannot officially reach out to IE coaches already under contract. KF was the back channel to see if a whale (Patterson, Mullen, Herman) was interested.
The main purpose of the firm is not to give advice to anyone; it's to reach out to parties that UM cannot officially reach out to IE coaches already under contract. KF was the back channel to see if a whale (Patterson, Mullen, Herman) was interested.

The main purpose of the firm is not to give advice to anyone; it's to reach out to parties that UM cannot officially reach out to IE coaches already under contract. KF was the back channel to see if a whale (Patterson, Mullen, Herman) was interested.

It is funny how people don't understand this
The main purpose of the firm is not to give advice to anyone; it's to reach out to parties that UM cannot officially reach out to IE coaches already under contract. KF was the back channel to see if a whale (Patterson, Mullen, Herman) was interested.

Well clearly this too. My post was more regarding the "we were lazy" crowd.
The main purpose of the firm is not to give advice to anyone; it's to reach out to parties that UM cannot officially reach out to IE coaches already under contract. KF was the back channel to see if a whale (Patterson, Mullen, Herman) was interested.

It is funny how people don't understand this

It's true but it seems like Chuck Neinas actually was recommending candidates to schools in the past. Blame that con man for the confusion now.
The main purpose of the firm is not to give advice to anyone; it's to reach out to parties that UM cannot officially reach out to IE coaches already under contract. KF was the back channel to see if a whale (Patterson, Mullen, Herman) was interested.


For all the rubes who buy into the "UM is poor" line of horseshyt, just remember that UM donated a couple hundred K to Korn Ferry to help locate a guy who just starred in a movie about UM, who used to coach here, and who has been begging for the job for 2 years.

If we hire Butch, Korn Ferry have pulled an absolute blinder.

$250k for suggesting the guy that was camped outside the Hecht begging for the job.

Surely you realize that these consultants are hired to discreetly investigate potential candidates who are currently employed. If it's true that Botch will be hired, it means we struck out on our first choice(s).

The main purpose of the firm is not to give advice to anyone; it's to reach out to parties that UM cannot officially reach out to IE coaches already under contract. KF was the back channel to see if a whale (Patterson, Mullen, Herman) was interested.

It is funny how people don't understand this

This is true, but it's also true that they do due dilligence.

In case Butch Davis had any NCAA issues, Korn Ferry were to dig in to it and see. And if it later comes out that Butch did have something to do with the North Carolina issues, we can always say that we hired a private third party to look in to it and they came up blank.

It's a 200k insurance policy - a way to cover our *** just in case we need to use that card in the future.
So basically Miami paid Korn Hole 6 figures to ask former players for their opinions and then relayed those opinions to Miami? Great.
From 11-18-2015

I don't want to stir the pot, or give any false hope, but I have a friend who happens to work at Korn Ferry as a consultant. My friend is NOT working on the UM coaching search, but did tell me that a couple of the sports practice consultants there hold Butch in very high regard. According to my friend, these consultants have told him that Butch is the greatest evaluator of talent in the game and it's not even close, and while they recognize that the UNC thing has been a sticking point in the past, they've vetted Butch and they do not see a problem with his candidacy. He is not sure that UM will agree with their opinion that Butch is free of taint from that UNC scandal. I repeat, I am not saying that Butch will be the next head coach at UM, but this cannot hurt his chances.
My practice has worked with Korn Ferry in the past, and it's a combination of what has been said above- access to potential clients, their overall intelligence and methods in this sort of process, and the legitimacy they offer. For a flake like Blake, he needed them for numerous reasons. It's possible that he may have wanted Butch from the beginning, but he probably needed Korn Ferry to validate his target because of the pressures from the BoT and need to clear the previous Butch hurdle, pressure in-house from ex-players, and because of the fan base. I'd be surprised if Butch wasn't his guy all along.
For those questioning why Miami brought them in and then interviewed Schiano and Davis it comes down to a couple of things.

KF is very thorough with their details. If you recall Joquain tweeted how he just finished his interview with them. Clearly they interviewed a lot of people and am guessing the consensus in the search was finding someone that truly understands the qualities and skill set it requires to be successful of the Miami job. This had to be a top priority when looking to narrow down the pool as Golden blatantly lacked here and they didn't want to make the same mistake again. Based off of the KF interviews and their takeaways they then matched up the candidates and cross-referenced who fits the mold the most based off of the needs for the specific job. Butch and Greg worked for staff in the glory days when this program was clicking and both have the understanding of what it takes in that regard. If Miami did make this a top priority it might of ruled a lot of other candidates out and does not mean that we were lazy about the search or that top names weren't interested.

Blake is taking a recommendation from KF and KF is not making the hire. When you pay top dollar for KF you typically follow their lead. I do not know if Miami followed this path or what Miami's motive was and am solely reading in between the lines here. The other obvious reason is that Blake is aware of the state of the fan base and is covering his own *** on KF.

Butch can sell anything. He sold Miami to top guys with crippling sanctions and sold a two win basketball school to top recruits for example. So it's very possible that when he met with Korn he sold himself as the best candidate available.

If you don't believe in Butch the salesman, one year ago we were told that Butch will never coach here again. Even five weeks ago we heard that BOT members were amused and thought it was a joke when Butch said he wanted the job. This week, there is a great chance he is announced as head coach. The master.
Good. This means he has the weasel scumbag trait, which is common in top notch salesmen, just like all the other coaches that have won national championships the last 10+ years.

If he can sell this place to 20 five star recruits over the next 4 years it shouldn't take A+ coaching to win in this conference.