Kirkland met with coaches: Fat Manny says Miami is out

If you do not overreact to every little swing in recruiting, then you cannot fully enjoy it. It is important to lose sight of the bigger picture, and either get overly joyous bordering on the brink of hysteric, or fall into a deep, dark, depression, based on every slight piece of information that leaks out every day.

Otherwise, you ain't doing it right.

I like that philsophy. I think I will join the party then lol

FANATICAL: Matthew Thomas wants in to Miami, and convinced the staff to take Kirkland back! GO CANEZ

Huh? How does this make sense, I hate people just posting crap. Kick this fugger off

Again, the FANATICAL parts clearly shows the guy was just hoping it was this scenario if anything. I thought it was rather obvious, but I guess some things just fly over people's head. So many peeps, he even did a a follow up tweet.

Lt. Philip Nolan ‏@TheStateOfTheU
People, just to clarify, that Fanatical/ Thomas tweet was a pipe dream. That is not legit.

Exactly. Right before that he tweeted something along the lines of "the rational explanation of Kirkland family meeting with coaches is that there is still mutual interest between the 6, Kirk, and coaches".
Also interesting is that according to Manny Tuiasosopo Chaz Bono's report is that it's only Kirkland's family meeting with Canes. No mention of Ice Harris.
So what's the truth? DK & his family met with AG/staff & Donna, and they told UM they're not interested? Doesn't make sense...
At first everyone was like


Now we are like

And then they were like
My guess is this is to smooth things over. IF his ship is gone, we will probably offer to Grey Shirt him and place him over the academics issue. At least this way, we can say we kept his offer open and gave him a chance to be here, though not this season. IF this is his dream school, then he still has an offer on the table. If not he can go where he wants. My guess is this is to say "look, its not that we never wanted you, or didnt offer you and give you EVERY chance to be a Cane, if you are SERIOUS, we will give you yet ANOTHER chance to get on the bus".

If they DID tell us to pound sand, then I say F*ck em, and that he was never coming here anyway.

"We all leaving! And you Losing ALL your recruits to the BOSS."

Coley: Coach can I call a play, its in your best interest to let me.
Jimbo: We are only up 2 get out of here with that nonsense
Coley: Well then I'm out I will be taking my talents to South Beach along with the talent of all your recruits.

Thats Gran, but I see whatcha where getting at haha

For some reason I always thought Gran was black.....mind blown

"We all leaving! And you Losing ALL your recruits to the BOSS."

Coley: Coach can I call a play, its in your best interest to let me.
Jimbo: We are only up 2 get out of here with that nonsense
Coley: Well then I'm out I will be taking my talents to South Beach along with the talent of all your recruits.

Thats Gran, but I see whatcha where getting at haha

For some reason I always thought Gran was black.....mind blown

Me too and I though Coley was actually James Colzie.

"We all leaving! And you Losing ALL your recruits to the BOSS."

Coley: Coach can I call a play, its in your best interest to let me.
Jimbo: We are only up 2 get out of here with that nonsense
Coley: Well then I'm out I will be taking my talents to South Beach along with the talent of all your recruits.

Thats Gran, but I see whatcha where getting at haha

For some reason I always thought Gran was black.....mind blown

Me too and I though Coley was actually James Colzie.

Ha! Me too!
My guess is this is to smooth things over. IF his ship is gone, we will probably offer to Grey Shirt him and place him over the academics issue. At least this way, we can say we kept his offer open and gave him a chance to be here, though not this season. IF this is his dream school, then he still has an offer on the table. If not he can go where he wants. My guess is this is to say "look, its not that we never wanted you, or didnt offer you and give you EVERY chance to be a Cane, if you are SERIOUS, we will give you yet ANOTHER chance to get on the bus".

If they DID tell us to pound sand, then I say F*ck em, and that he was never coming here anyway.

If grades were the orginal issue then there was no reason to "drop" him in first place. They would have done exactly what you said the first time around.
Way I think this has played out....

I think Kirkland decided to go to FSU, but he was telling Family and Harris he hadn't decided because he didnt want to be harassed. Coley tells Golden Kirkland had told him he was going to FSU. Staff meets with Kirkland and think he's jerking them around. They decide to force the issue and tell Kirkland to committ or we got some other guys for your spot. Kirkland knowing he wsnt going to pick Miami tells Golden he's still waiting until NSD. Staff pulls and Harris freak out because they want him in Miami and don't realize Kirkland's made up his mind. Scramble ensues with family and Harris trying to bring UM and Kirkland back together.
Way I think this has played out....

I think Kirkland decided to go to FSU, but he was telling Family and Harris he hadn't decided because he didnt want to be harassed. Coley tells Golden Kirkland had told him he was going to FSU. Staff meets with Kirkland and think he's jerking them around. They decide to force the issue and tell Kirkland to committ or we got some other guys for your spot. Kirkland knowing he wsnt going to pick Miami tells Golden he's still waiting until NSD. Staff pulls and Harris freak out because they want him in Miami and don't realize Kirkland's made up his mind. Scramble ensues with family and Harris trying to bring UM and Kirkland back together.
