Kirby coming at Tyson Campbell


Jan 16, 2012
so in the UGA South Carolina game i noticed right before a commercial break they showed the georgia sideline and Tyson Campbell and Kirby Smart where headed in each others direction when suddenly another coach got in between the two and held Kirby back..then it cut to commercial. trouble in paradise already? Kirby is a hot head - that we've seen. Obviously a different guy than what he shows on the recruiting trail. Rattlercane, any word?
Kirby said something that he didn’t pay him $100k for nothing and TC replied it was $200k and that set Smart off. It’ll be water under the bridge by next week.
Because he was getting torched and their DB coaching is dog ****. De'Andre was developed by Jeremy Pruitt and now it's Mel Tucker...enough said.
Because he was getting torched and their DB coaching is dog ****. De'Andre was developed by Jeremy Pruitt and now it's Mel Tucker...enough said.
Anybody remember him talking about Mel Tucker and how he knows how to put players in the league? Even though he coached the worst Bears Defense in history?
can someone post the clip?

It's on the UGA 247 board - there's a whole thread about it. It won't let me copy the pic. But it was Mel Tucker who stepped between Kirby and Campbell. Kirby right in Campbell's face after he got burned for 2 tds. They chalked it up to a learning experience for Campbell. He starts at cb - listed again this week as the starting DB so I guess he isn't in the doghouse.
Who cares

Only people that seem to still be salty he left so they bring up any and every opportunity to talk about the kid in a negative light lol.
A coach fussed at a player on ANOTHER TEAM, let’s make a post about & speculate why lmao
imagine what kirby would do to malik roiser lol

Rumor is Campbell told Kirby he looks like an LPGA bull dyke golfer with that stupid visor on