Khris Bogle note

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even florida is a joke at this point. was he even seriously considering them at any time during his recruitment? i am not trying to be a jerk but it seems like the guy will do anything not to come here but refuses to tell us we are out of it until the end. like i said its like that girl you just dont want to hurt her feelings so your string her along until she runs into you out on the town with your new girl. then she finally gets the message. we are the girl that wants him badly but hes just not that into us.

Or he's an 18 year old kid and genuinely can't make up his mind.
Or he's an 18 year old kid and genuinely can't make up his mind.
i don't fault a kid that can't make up his mind. we just have to learn how to get out when the kids just aren't that into us. we push and push only to get left at the alter. bogle has been teasing us for a year. nobody should play the local school like he is playing us even if it is unintentionally.
i don't fault a kid that can't make up his mind. we just have to learn how to get out when the kids just aren't that into us. we push and push only to get left at the alter. bogle has been teasing us for a year. nobody should play the local school like he is playing us even if it is unintentionally.
You don't stop recruiting the local blue chip kids when they say you're still in the running. Would you prefer we didn't bring him in for this weekend's OV? I mean wasn't the knock on past staffs that they gave up too easy and "didn't show enough love" to the South FL diva recruits?
That’s it, I’m done... not reading another Bogle post until he signs somewhere on Wednesday
even florida is a joke at this point. was he even seriously considering them at any time during his recruitment? i am not trying to be a jerk but it seems like the guy will do anything not to come here but refuses to tell us we are out of it until the end. like i said its like that girl you just dont want to hurt her feelings so your string her along until she runs into you out on the town with your new girl. then she finally gets the message. we are the girl that wants him badly but hes just not that into us.

I don’t talk to girls I don’t want who are throwing themselves at me. Good way to get a stage 5 clinger. Need a new analogy unless you think Bogle just likes attention(which he might).

Truth be told no one knows where this kid is going till February 6th. I think it will be Miami or Tennessee with the changes at bama.
Bogle is the ultimate troll! After this second OV to us, he's going to say he loved it, wants to make the crib great, and will need think about his decision with God before he commits to Clemson on signing day.
Idk how y'all still think Bogle is the ultimate troll especially when his mom was so decisive about Bama way more then he ever was. If Clemson is really ij this which would shock me but if so they just dropped a bag on her and made a deal
Bogle is playing the game beautiful. I wouldn't be surprised if he got major bags at this point. Act like the hometown team is still in it and drive up the price. Genius. And you guys are saying he's stupid.
Bogle is the ultimate troll! After this second OV to us, he's going to say he loved it, wants to make the crib great, and will need think about his decision with God before he commits to Clemson on signing day.
Don’t forget the eye thing 👀
Is Bogle going to college or is his ma? Keep the ma out of this and let the kid make his decision.
Bogle is playing the game beautiful. I wouldn't be surprised if he got major bags at this point. Act like the hometown team is still in it and drive up the price. Genius. And you guys are saying he's stupid.
Stupid, no. Overwhelmed young kid, yes.
There isn’t a single word on Clemson’s board about Bogle. In fact most of the threads are about 2020 kids. They seem to be moving on. I bet this is Bogle throwing stuff out off the top of his head. If he even said it. Could be all 3rd party hearsay.
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