Confirmed Kevin Steele GONE to Bama

Never made my intentions clear, but merely laughed at the definitive nature of your post. As if a guy who hasn’t called been a DC in over a decade is a sure-fire can’t miss candidate. This isn’t 2010.

To make them clear (since you’re so rattled by an emoji reaction apparently)…it’s lazy. It’s a flat-out lazy replacement. There are 25+ DC’s that are hungrier and have much better metrics than Charlie Strong.

But I’m done arguing with people but it goes nowhere. Strong might turn back the clock and be a solid DC, sure. I’d be ecstatic if he fielded a strong defense, who wouldn’t? But haven’t you ever wondered why he wasn’t scooped up or highly sought after as a DC post South Florida? I mean not one gig….

Be careful what you wish for.
surely his former HC would wnat a title winning DC and former HC at numerous college programs to be his DC in the nFL right? nope. urban said heres a position group go nuts
Never made my intentions clear, but merely laughed at the definitive nature of your post. As if a guy who hasn’t been a DC in over a decade is a sure-fire can’t miss candidate. This isn’t 2010.

To make them clear (since you’re so rattled by an emoji reaction apparently)…it’s lazy. It’s a flat-out lazy replacement. There are 25+ DC’s that are hungrier and have much better metrics than Charlie Strong.

But I’m done arguing with people but it goes nowhere. Strong might turn back the clock and be a solid DC, sure. I’d be ecstatic if he fielded a strong defense, who wouldn’t? But haven’t you ever wondered why he wasn’t scooped up or highly sought after as a DC post South Florida? I mean not one gig….

Be careful what you wish for.

I always saw Strong as Steele's successor, so I never saw it as laziness, just smart planning. I will have zero regrets if Strong is DC.
I always saw Strong as Steele's successor, so I never saw it as laziness, just smart planning. I will have zero regrets if Strong is DC.
its laziness. the guy hasnt been wanted by a single college program to be a DC. he was an analyst post USF firing. he was a position coach under urban. he wasnt evern offered by Mario here to be his DC. he was offered as a position coach. market speaks for tiself. he isnt seen as a top flight DC anymore
That was in addition to knowing Strong was a significantly better recruiter
Strong has always been a phenomenal recruiter. Definitely a plus.

But at some point, you need strong coaches and strong recruiters, not one or the other. Of all the rumored hires…Candle is a strong recruiter, Coley is a strong recruiter, Tee Martin is a strong recruiter, DVD is a strong recruiter…where’s the coaching going to be?

If it’s Strong, I hope he turns back the clock…I really do. And I see how this was a good set-up for Strong to be groomed into DC.

I just think we can shoot higher or at least (and here we go again with timelines) interview other candidates before pulling a Manny and just promoting him for the sake of not losing him
its laziness. the guy hasnt been wanted by a single college program to be a DC. he was an analyst post USF firing. he was a position coach under urban. he wasnt evern offered by Mario here to be his DC. he was offered as a position coach. market speaks for tiself. he isnt seen as a top flight DC anymore
How do you know other programs didn’t want him as a DC? He can be picky as **** with his buyouts from multiple programs. He’s more respected in coaching circles than he is on CIS. People clowned Mario for these hires but Lord Saban is trying to take both our DC’s.

Dead 💀
If you really want to keep Strong, I need someone else that can be relied on. Go steal Aazaar Abdul-Rahim and make him co DC; he’s already proven himself as a passing game coordinator… and if you want to hire DVD somewhere in the back end with safeties for the time being while learning under Aazaar/ensuring DVD’s recruiting prowess, then sure.

Kick Addae off.
How do you know other programs didn’t want him as a DC? He can be picky as **** with his buyouts from multiple programs. He’s more respected in coaching circles than he is on CIS. People clowned Mario for these hires but Lord Saban is trying to take both our DC’s.

Saban makes bad decisions on coaches as well. So, speaking for myself I don't hold him at the Lord level. He's not coming for Strong to be his DC. In addition, there's a large contention of Bama fans that are not happy they hired Steele. I get Strong is a great recruiter and can see why some would have reservations about him leaving. Especially with him being in the LB room and that position room was dog **** before he got here. At some point though we need more than just great recruiters and Strong has not called a defense in quite some time.
Saban makes bad decisions on coaches as well. So, speaking for myself I don't hold him at the Lord level. He's not coming for Strong to be his DC. In addition, there's a large contention of Bama fans that are not happy they hired Steele. I get Strong is a great recruiter and can see why some would have reservations about him leaving. Especially with him being in the LB room and that position room was dog **** before he got here. At some point though we need more than just great recruiters and Strong has not called a defense in quite some time.
So Cis is smarter than Saban ? Even though this board slobs his **** 247. It seems some folks here have been put in quite the pretzel with this whole development lol. I’m intrigued to watch the squirming.
So Cis is smarter than Saban ? Even though this board slobs his **** 247. It seems some folks here have been put in quite the pretzel with this whole development lol. I’m intrigued to watch the squirming.

I never said that. I can only speak for myself. In addition, like I asked grover is Saban hiring Strong as his DC?
@DMoney @Cribby is there a chance the spring ball schedule gets pushed back bc of the coordinators? Seems unlikely they will both be in place in a month knowing Mario. Idk how the team could practice without them…
Teams get a maximum of 15 spring practice days, including the intra-squad game that typically caps a spring slate. Everything has to take place within a 34-day window…so yes they could, but honestly it would be a disaster/embarrassing if you had to push back spring ball because you couldn’t hire coordinators.