Kevin Olsen Tonight

Franchise, You dont say anything intelligent ever, so i dont expect you to say anything intelligent now. Anyone successful in life revisits things to say what went right and wrong. I love exposing people when they say f'king stupid comments with zero support.

You post-bumping dudes never seem to bump your own stupid posts. You just run around like the little tattle tale grade school nerd scouring the archives in your mom's basement looking for internet rat cred. Post something decent yourself instead of digging around like a *** weasel looking to shame others.
You continually trying to bash me and bash **** at the same time, tells me all i need to know about you. You are a weak minded fool that thinks calling a straight guy is going to offend me. I dont have things to bump b/c i dont make outrageous claims. Its sports, i let the play On The Field do the talking. Results speak for themselves. I just wanted to point out what people shouldnt be listened to when talking about our team. It really is that simple. So you can go cry now you big baby
You continually trying to bash me and bash **** at the same time, tells me all i need to know about you. You are a weak minded fool that thinks calling a straight guy is going to offend me. I dont have things to bump b/c i dont make outrageous claims. Its sports, i let the play On The Field do the talking. Results speak for themselves. I just wanted to point out what people shouldnt be listened to when talking about our team. It really is that simple. So you can go cry now you big baby

Wouldn't be much of a message board if everyone did what you did and just let everything play out before saying anything. Good job being a weasel though, and trying to take to task those who actually have opinions and aren't too mousey like you to express them.

Keep scouring the archives, ferretsupreme. You've found a niche as the cool guy who sniffs around in the archives like some weirdo sniffing his sister's panties in between arguments on the xbox.
Why would a UM fan start a thread like this or put that story on the internet? Please explain to me how this helps UM, the program or the kid. Its obvious OP isn't from Charlestown, MA.
Andrew why are you deleting stuff why not let him say what he has to say? He seems to have no problem posting about the players lifes off the field while he is on the council, i wonder how that would look to donna that she has members of her student council posting about other students being drunk outisde of school. Arent members of the student council suppose to held to a higher standard?
This post is now pretty funny considering Olsen's newest suspension

I got attacked for all of this.

I saw Kaaya there at Monty's a couple of weeks ago. He seemed sober, and talking to a few girls. I told him to save our team as I was leaving and he smiled and said something like "will do!"

So, you're the guy who posts that a player acknowledges you to be nice and then helps kick a dad out of school for protecting his son?
OP and his ilk are ******* nerdy virgins.

Holy **** a college qb was drunk and hooking up with girls omg holy **** wtf!?!? Kick him out of school!!!

They loved sticking it to AQM. Weirdos. This is their chance to have power after all those swirlies and atomic wedgies in high school.
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At least he's not out assaulting women or stealing from the grocery store.

And winning Heismans and National Championships ...

Interesting conundrum. Which would you rather have? A quarterback that wins awards and championships while he assaults women and steals crab legs on the side, or a quarterback that has promise but can never quite come through, even though he respects women and pays for things before leaving the store?

Everyone is ticked off at Olsen but does anyone besides Garnet-colored Kool-aid Noles fans have an ounce of respect for Jameis despite his achievements?

Ill trade away assaulting women for the heismans. He can steal crap legs if he's bringing home championships.