Kendrell Scurry WR 2019

Literally none of that is true at all. I'm a vol fan and definitely not the biggest supporter of Butch, but he does not throw his coaches or players under the bus. He is simply not that kind of guy. His defficiencies come from his mismanagment of the team on gameday. If he is awful this season he very well may be fired.

Have you noticed Tennessee's instate class this year? They are about to land the #2 and #10 guys in TN which would make 7 players of the top 10. The #4 guy instate is a WR commit from Coffee County, TN. UT recruits nationally and has for a very long time. It was only until recently the talent instate rose significantly. It makes zero sense the high school coaches would be upset with a big time school/coach for recruiting nationally just because it's in the same state.

In other words, your post is very ignorant.

Man, I thought I had seen everything...

But now we have a Tennessee fan bragging about getting SEVEN of the top ten players in Tennessee.

Remind me again, how many other comparable schools are in Tennessee? Oh, yeah, there's MEMMMMPHIS, but give me a freaking break, Tennessee has dominated its own state since the dawn of time.

Imagine if UM got 7 of the top ten in Florida. Now THAT would be worth bragging about.

Nobody is saying that Hot Seat Butch threw Beard under the bus publicly. But it is pretty obvious why Tennessee hired multiple former Miami coaches, and it isn't to recruit "seven out of the top 10" Tennessee high school players.

What is very reasonable to comprehend is that a bunch of Tennessee high school coaches are trying to get their players Tennessee offers, and (for right or wrong) think that the reason they can't get it done is because certain coaches are predominantly recruiting out-of-state. Which is technically true. And I'm sure that Hot Seat Butch is then reassuring those HS coaches that the overlooking of local kids is not his fault.

But, hey, it makes "zero sense" to you, so it must be wrong.

Butch is done at uT. Funny thing is Tyrell Dodson who’s now are Texas a&M was basically ignored by Butch! Kids now a Sophomore and starting.
Look for an update soon

Payton & Ladson are obviously higher on the big board + we already have Fuller committed who might end up getting dropped as per The Brow. Once Ezzard commits that's 4 WR for this cycle. I doubt we take more then 2 WRs next cycle. Is Scurry a backup plan?