Kaepernick’s troll game is next level.....

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Read what's written under the picture. If you dont understand the hypocrisy, then you're apart of the problem.
And THAT is what makes this country so great, no?

The FREEDOM of capitalism.
The FREEDOM to “trend”
The FREEDOM to do stunts

The “FREEDOM” to make millions In Capitalism while trying to champion other governments that enslave and murder their citizenry in the name of equal justice and diversity, which is all just another scam to pit races and classes against each other.

You should choose your heroes more carefully. History hasn’t been too kind to Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, Mao, Castro, and a bunch of other murdering, maniacal @$$holes.

Put whatever emotion about the guy you have aside and be rational.

Karp right now at a minimum is better than...


Even if you disagree, with the above, theres no way any NFL fan can objectively claim theres 32 back up QBs better than him.
he doesn’t want to be a backup! He was offered contracts to be and he turned them down!
He can’t be anti-American for expressing himself via peaceful protest. Frankly, there is nothing more American than protesting. This is a country literally built on a protest and revolution.
Now you can diaagreee with what he is expressing, but that doesn’t make him anti-American.
Don’t take the easy misguided position. Find the nuance and then disagree if you choose.

Yeah and guess what. There is still cop violence. He hasn't done anything to change his whole reason for kneeling. He would have been much smarter to take his protests to City halls instead he decides to kneel during our country's National Anthem. Guy's a freaking ****** of epic proportions..

* He keeps his name in the news
* Creates more awareness for his causes
* Continues to embarrass the NFL
* Continues to be a martyr for his cause
* Continues to make lots of money
* Continues to raise lots of money
* Continues to inspire those who he’s kneeling for
And what is HIS cause?
He cares more about self-promotion than anything. He has done zero to improve actual people’s lives with stunts like this, but it definitely helps him get trending.

Exactly!! He's done nothing to help the actual problem he says he cares so much about.
Man read my response. I clearly stated he started every game through week 17. We were arguing two different things. Yes he was pulled week 13 but he started the following weeks.

So since he was replaced week 13 after a poor performance (the other QB and oline has a poor performance that week too) that means he was a bad QB?
You guys are taking the MAGA-loid bait. The issue isn’t whether or not he’s the best QB in football. He’s not.

The issue is whether he is better than some of the scrubs currently occupying rosters and whether the rich white scared corporate bytches who run that league and use the players like toilet paper colluded to keep him out of the league.
Service to his nation..that’s it. That alone should garner the respect of the sitting president. But rn we have a crook holding office.
Then you actually dont know his service history lol. He was a f-up who would have been court-martialed and kicked out the Navy had his daddy and granddaddy not been Navy royalty.
more like bone spurs

LOL. Everyone has bone spurs, dolt. You must have had bone spurs when Hurricane Matthew was swirling around a couple years ago, and you were writing your tearful goodbye note on here and telling us how scared you were.
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