Kaaya is a loser

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Nov 5, 2011

Coward just like his coach. Go back to Cali
Didn't want to throw his coach under the bus. The "me" guys said the same stuff last year
Way to be an idiot and go after the kid. Go after the absurd play calling with 8 min left!!
Sad to see a gutty guy like that having to say blatantly retarded **** to protect his incompetent HC. Really sickening what these guys have to do to protect an adult making close to $3M/year.
Some of the posters on this site is f_cking pathetic. Really man Smfh....
I don't think kid is a loser but is most likely being influenced by the environment he is in...

Either way that comment is cringe worthy, what competitor thinks that but is actually afraid of moment.. Most even if a passing thought wants ball in their hands
We have so many guys on here talking probabilities, giving so and so the ball because of how they usually play, etc. etc. But when something like this pops up where the chances for a turnover are a lot higher than actually even getting in FG range, it's instantly hate time. I get why there's so much hate about the staff, but I'm embarrassed to be considered a fan of the same team with half of you all.
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Kaaya is the farthest thing we have had from a loser in a long time.. What do you think happens with him if he says, " I don't know why the coach didn't give me a chance, I wanted the ball they said no "
I can tell you that wouldn't end well for brad or his teammates
It's not the right comment to make but dude is just rationalizing Al's move. Plus who knows maybe he watched the Chiefs Broncos game and drew from that late fumble.

Coward just like his coach. Go back to Cali

This is the dumbest post I've ever seen on this site and that is saying a lot.

It's like Franchise said - Kaaya is just saying dumb things to cover up for his coach, that is all. To expect players to come out and call their head coach a moron is ridiculous.

The next Miami coach will be inheriting one **** of a QB with Kaaya.
Butch aint comen back. I was as disappointed as any in the finish and a big fan or Butch when he was here. But he will not be back at the U,
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