Justin Rogers

the one time we're actually close to getting a 5 star DT

Angry Denzel Washington GIF
Smfh about academics, college football has nothing to do with academics anymore maybe it never did.
Kentucky’s page has him as an undecided major, how tf do those credits not transfer
He’s a Junior and still amazingly, undecided. SEC schools are not known for their academics (aside from Vandy and UiF).

I guess we aren’t accepting his home economics credit transfers.
True, I’d add Georgia they are solid and Auburn has a few good programs. But Kentucky is dumb as rocks
Kentucky may not be great but its still a state school and the flagship there. Im sure its complicated and such but a bunch of this is puzzling. From it not being addressed from the jump, to the credits not transferring over. Could be 100 different things, if its even true.
Word in the herd is that this stud smiles in photos, orders steaks well-done and doesn’t favor morbidly obese women.
Do not want.