Justin Fields transferring

Good stuff. Now quien es Pablo?

I did get some additional information today.

They assumed the leak came out of an UGA staffer and still do. UGA is pointing at Fields family and friends as the ones with the leak. Either way, Fields family was NOT happy about this. It screwed **** near everything up. (don't ask me what this means, IDK)

Nothing changed from Pablo's end. Still wants the same from teams with Justin agreeing with him. The only new things new to add was he is open to warm or cold areas even on the West Coast but prefers the South and warm weather. He is also open to talking to UGA rivals, including the Gators. Not sure if they will have a shot but they will have a chance to talk to him it seems. Justin is also looking into team fit as well. When he first joined, he didn't list this but after UGA, the locker room dynamics matters. He saw that at UGA, people had favorites. The older teammates liked Fromm and the younger ones like Fields more. Even the fanbase was split. Because of this, it caused a split during the Spring until it became clear the coaches were leaning with Fromm. He wants to go into a locker room that is okay with competition.

He isn't afraid to compete for a starting job but he doesn't want a situation like UGA where he is playing catch-up. I would say the ideal is a team where the incumbent is on the outs or one like PSU/Miss St where the QB coming up isn't highly touted and the freshman are much too raw.

I did ask about teams. Ohio State, Us, Miss St, UGA rivals, etc. He said what they are looking for overall hasn't changed. They want to stay within the same system or similar but he wants him to be developed like a pro style QB. Where running is the 3rd, 4th or 5th option and not the 1st or 2nd. He said Justin is more open than his dad. Justin wants to listen to most teams. Regardless of what the media says, Justin does NOT have a front-runner and he does not have a special relationship with Quincy Avery. His QB trainer is Coach Ron Veal and has always been Coach Ron Veal. His father really values the coach and their sincerity. The coaches will play a bigger part this go around with Fields nationally.

I asked where Miami stands at this time and he said, they are with everyone else at this moment. I laughed and he laughed and said, no, Justin is looking at of his options. I asked about Jadon Haselwood. He said, what he always said, Justin WANTS to play with Jadon and vice versa. That's always been the plan but that's not saying that he's going where Jadon goes because of it either as Justin is looking everywhere at this time.

I asked if he knew what Jadon was going to do and he said no. I asked will Justin bring recruits wherever he goes and he said it's possible. Justin will recruit. That's just who he is. He wants to win and he is a natural leader.

I asked will Justin play v. Texas and he was unsure. Completely different compared to Sat when he was 100% sure Justin would play and finish the job.

This is not great news or bad news. I was hoping to hear that he was leaning us or something more like we are full pressing him. At this time he couldn't confirm. Seems like they are going to start doing what they did during the recruitment process and just stop speaking with close family friends about this. That leak wasn't good :censored:
Kinda reminds me of the kid from Washington that seemed to actually want to stay for 4 years.
Not sure how you came to this conclusion. NFL scouts are very high on him. The comparison consistently mentioned is Jared Goff. Browning isn't a NFL prospect. Fromm is a #1 overall pick quality. Not anywhere near the same prospect.
I don't think he goes from non play calling OC to HC at Oklahoma. Bedenbaugh's actually said so himself. He thinks he needs to call plays first as an OC before he gets his HC opportunity.
That’s the normal progression, but I can see OU wanting to keep that Riley continuity going. If he doesn’t get the OU HC gig the new HC if it’s an in-house hire will make him OC. If not he’ll go to Dallas with Riley for a boatload of dough.
Only if the better job (aside from having to live in Ohio) with the Browns isn't offered.

Being the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys is THE most prestigious job in football, at any level. It isn't even really that close.

Saying the Browns is a better gig than Dallas is like saying being the manager of the Cleveland Indians is more prestigious than the Yankees.

Richt could take a team of Bo Jackson Baker Mayfield and Randy Moss, all in their prime and average 17 points a game

It doesn’t matter who transfers here, I have absolutely no confidence in him as a HC or OC

I really hope he proves me wrong, but history says otherwise
Being the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys is THE most prestigious job in football, at any level. It isn't even really that close.

Saying the Browns is a better gig than Dallas is like saying being the manager of the Cleveland Indians is more prestigious than the Yankees.


Friend, the Pittsburgh Steelers are America's Team. The Dallas faux-moniker was just an advertising gimmick.

And from a pure football perspective, the job in The Mistake on the Lake is better, imo.
Richt could take a team of Bo Jackson Baker Mayfield and Randy Moss, all in their prime and average 17 points a game

It doesn’t matter who transfers here, I have absolutely no confidence in him as a HC or OC

I really hope he proves me wrong, but history says otherwise

You’d be surprised how good a competent QB can make an OC look.
Richt could take a team of Bo Jackson Baker Mayfield and Randy Moss, all in their prime and average 17 points a game

It doesn’t matter who transfers here, I have absolutely no confidence in him as a HC or OC

I really hope he proves me wrong, but history says otherwise

A Justin Fields led team will look a lot different from a Malik Rosier led team. That's not really debatable. But, of course, there's no chance Fields comes here. We're not even being mentioned except by people on this board.
Not sure how you came to this conclusion. NFL scouts are very high on him. The comparison consistently mentioned is Jared Goff. Browning isn't a NFL prospect. Fromm is a #1 overall pick quality. Not anywhere near the same prospect.
You not wrong. I gave my reasoning, which was speculative at best. Wasn’t about their play style at all.
Friend, the Pittsburgh Steelers are America's Team. The Dallas faux-moniker was just an advertising gimmick.

And from a pure football perspective, the job in The Mistake on the Lake is better, imo.
See lots of fans from Pittsburgh in a lot of places and I dislike the Cowboys especially with Zeke there, but they are America's team.
Friend, the Pittsburgh Steelers are America's Team. The Dallas faux-moniker was just an advertising gimmick.

And from a pure football perspective, the job in The Mistake on the Lake is better, imo.

Do you remember when the Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore and became the Ravens? Cleveland is lucky to even have a team today.

Pittsburgh is a prestigious job. Dallas is more prestigious, but at least for the Steelers, you can make an argument. Cleveland is and always has been a bottom-feeder.... right up there with the Tampa Bay Bucs and the Carolina Panthers.
That's true of most prospects...they get built up during recruitment and everyone is "the next Pro Bowler/All American X"...more likely than not that any individual kid will fail to meet expectations.

We do it too. Mark Pope is supposed to be the next Santana Moss. Didn't do much as a freshman (probably more on the coaches than anything else) and now people are saying he was overrated, he ain't ****, too small, head case, etc.

I understand everyone’s disappointment with Richt but why is Pope’s lack of freshman productivity ‘more on the coaches’? There were a number experienced players ahead of him when he arrived on campus. Acclimating to P5 college football, especially at a school like Miami, takes a lot of effort on the part of the incoming player. Pope earned a lot of hype in high school but is he entitled to reps based on expectations? Doesn’t Pope or any other player have to earn playing time?