John Ruiz on Paul Finebaum show today

If you do everything correctly and legally you do not have to run and hide from the NCAA. Or operate in the shadows.

He appears to know exactly what he is doing.

It will be interesting to see how the NCAA takes action on this while managing to overlook all the SEC programs.
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They don't, they've had no legit argument since they got drubbed by O'Bannon, they'll get crushed by Ruiz.
correct on O'Bannon & back in the day Jerry Tarkanian beat them as well. makes me wonder why they pursued this issue all the way to SCOTUS....... NCAA has had head in sand for decades & Emmert's lack of leadership did not help
This UF dude is obsessed with Ruiz and LifeWallet. Dude could not be more butthurt and is looking for sliver of hope it’s all a sham 😂

Entire feed is about Ruiz and MSP.
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I know we differ on him tossing out the $400k for Peck but you can’t argue that even now he is getting a ROI on that tweet by people like Finebaum still talking about it and obsessing over it. This was a very, very good interview going behind enemy lines in an clear and concise manner. I can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics it would take to still say “collective good, Ruiz bad.”

Well, I would say that it would be good for John to get the kid's name right. Twice he called him "Page" instead of "PACK". Come on, John, let's practice, "Nijel PACK, Nijel PACK, Nijel PACK..."

Yes, I have certain opinions. And in conjunction with that, I find it sad that LifeWallet's two biggest "attention-getters" (inadvertent though they may have been) were the public disclosure of a guy's salary (NIL payment) and Wong's disastrous attempt to hold out for more money.

So if it's really a corporate strategy to have regular controversy just to drive page-views and impressions, I guess it's "full speed ahead". But if the long-term goal is to have a couple hundred student-athlete spokesmen, I think it's best to avoid "chaos/controversy as a feature of the campaign".

Besides that...yes, GREAT interview. Nailed it (outside of ******* up Pack's name twice). I hate Finebaum, but he really had NOTHING to say, and it was beautiful. I will be curious to see what The King of the SEC Hacks has to say on his show in the upcoming days.
You have already basically implied he’s already done enough to get us in trouble with the NCAA.

It's really time for you to go fvck yourself for the night.

I have done no such thing. I know you like to pride yourself on being the "most reproted porster" on this board, but you are really taking your schtick of "repeating lies about someone over and over again" too far. I made plenty of attempts to correct your intentional or unintentional misunderstanding of what I said, now you are just willfully misstating things for your own personal reasons.

Settle down, regroup, and try to be a better person and poster.
It's really time for you to go fvck yourself for the night.

I have done no such thing. I know you like to pride yourself on being the "most reproted porster" on this board, but you are really taking your schtick of "repeating lies about someone over and over again" too far. I made plenty of attempts to correct your intentional or unintentional misunderstanding of what I said, now you are just willfully misstating things for your own personal reasons.

Settle down, regroup, and try to be a better person and poster.

You’ve been dry snitching on him for weeks.

You literally have dozens of posts where you constantly bltch about him. So why don’t you go fūck yourself, especially since you’re basically just a nobody tax accountant, who apparently is envious of a lawyer that’s actually been successful in their lives.

If you want to go personal, this is how it goes with me. I didn’t attack you personally, I just disagreed with your post. But apparently, you can’t be disagreed with, or else you'll torture us with 10,000 word screeds.

You do realize nobody reads that meaningless shlt don’t you?

Next time don’t respond like a little bltch and make it personal.
Paul probably just lost a few thousand listeners cause I can guarantee you they were lost as **** after listening to Ruiz. He’s too smart for Paul’s listeners. It’s also amazing how they wanted to stir the pot with Ruiz and it backfired. This would be a non issue if it was Bama booster!
You’ve been dry snitching on him for weeks.

You literally have dozens of posts where you constantly bltch about him. So why don’t you go fūck yourself, especially since you’re basically just a nobody tax accountant, who apparently is envious of a lawyer that’s actually been successful in their lives.

If you want to go personal, this is how it goes with me. I didn’t attack you personally, I just disagreed with your post. But apparently, you can’t be disagreed with, or else you'll torture us with 10,000 word screeds.

You do realize nobody reads that meaningless shlt don’t you?

Next time don’t respond like a little bltch and make it personal.

Now you're gonna cry cause I called you out for all the false statements you've made about me and what I've said?

I know that you're too old and stubborn to handle nuance and complex thought. Just admit that you can't handle any debate other than "100% for" or "100% against". Oooh, now you're going to try to act cool by using a term like "dry snitching". Sad.

You have been going after me for a week, you have been attacking me personally. Just own it, don't lie about it. It's all there in print, unless you're going back to edit what you wrote.

You're entitled to disagree, you're entitled to be wrong. The board is about discussion.

But stop lying about me and what I've said. That's when you go too far.
Now you're gonna cry cause I called you out for all the false statements you've made about me and what I've said?

I know that you're too old and stubborn to handle nuance and complex thought. Just admit that you can't handle any debate other than "100% for" or "100% against". Oooh, now you're going to try to act cool by using a term like "dry snitching". Sad.

You have been going after me for a week, you have been attacking me personally. Just own it, don't lie about it. It's all there in print, unless you're going back to edit what you wrote.

You're entitled to disagree, you're entitled to be wrong. The board is about discussion.

But stop lying about me and what I've said. That's when you go too far.

There is something seriously wrong with the way you take someone disagreeing with you. You just can’t handle somebody disagreeing with your self important positions. I never made it personal, except on the previous post, which by the way, was in response to your personal attack on me

Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re going at you.

I guess you’re so infallible that nobody should disagree with you. You are constantly dry snitching about this guy, you couldn’t even help yourself in this thread.

Just accept the fact that anytime you post your chicken little bullshlt about him, if I happen to read it, I’ll be right there to disagree with you.

If you don’t like it, that’s tough shlt - that’s a message board.

Don’t take it so personally, I’m pretty sure you’re wrong all the time, you should be used to it.
Finedumb not only gave him a platform to inconspicuously attack the SEC and their “collectives” but he also gave Life Wallet a free 16 minute commercial with its ad prominently displayed behind Mr Ruiz
Exactly. The fact he is interviewed to discuss his company's NIL deals inevitably leads to him marketing his company. It's kind of a genius move, honestly.
Exactly. The fact he is interviewed to discuss his company's NIL deals inevitably leads to him marketing his company. It's kind of a genius move, honestly.
I came away from the interview wondering what on earth Finebaum expected he would get from it. It was a 15 minute ad for Ruiz, LW, and to some extent Miami. I don't think the questions FB asked were illuminating or interesting, I don't think anything Ruiz said would be close to incriminating. In fact he seemed reasonable and informed, made the case for enforcement and regulations, and acknowledged the amateur state of play right now.

I don't know what FB was hoping to accomplish, other than getting a hot name on the show. It was wholly beneficial to Ruiz.
But what do they have on Miami? Miami can claim to be hands off the whole thing. This is between players and a business. I can guarantee you there is nothing in writing about which players to contact and it’s likely done through a contact’s contact’s contact. Godfather style.
Again, no doubt. I’m just saying the NCAA decides who they don’t like then comes after them, and being innocent doesn’t always matter. We largely got off the last time they came for us, but they still f*cked up our recruiting for years. So even when you’re not guilty the NCAA can still punish you.