Jerseys vs UVA — Seriously?

they look clean af here I admit


That's what I was thinking about. I always see you fools typing "clean" and it doesn't get much cleaner than that. Should be a big seller as you can still rock the white belt and some white shoes. Not saying you Rok, just those needing to change their tampon as they're never happy.
they look clean af here I admit


Ok ok. A little better here. But there are different than the adidas pic and the pic the dude posted from caneswear. Somebody earlier was prob right, the replicas are different. These still suck, but they’re WAY better than what the pics were before homeboy was modeling them.

The numbers on the shoulders are way different than the original pics. That’s what made them look like soccer kits the most. With the prominent number it looks a lot better.
There's literally nothing to them. Not a single design or stripe. It's more plain and boring than our practice jerseys. It's more plain and boring than Alabamas uniforms or Penn States uniforms.

The U on the pants is bent out like a W too.

There's tastefully subdued, then there's just deleting everything from the template. Embarrassing.
For the homers that keep saying they’re not “that bad” stop it.

The fact that you have to justify the “that” before bad proves these r horrible. First it was “these r our soccer jerseys,” as justification. Then it was revealed these r our jerseys, then it was “they are simple, I like it.” No u do not! If Florida has this weak *** design, u would clown the fck outta dem. Lol. Keep it real; Adidas dropped the ball on this joint. It is what it is.

Just stop this relationship w Parley. These unis r weak af just like that aqua blue chit last yr.

But u know what, it don’t matter. All that matters is in 5 days, we play the Lizards and we smash them!
I think they look good.

Disgusting sea garbage > the all black combo they keep pushing on us.

I’d rather we have a few cigarette butts and six-pack rings dangling off our helmets than come running out looking like a mutant Oklahoma State again.