Jelani Hamilton...

Yep I was watching Moore and Hamilton they were holding their helmets the entire game and Wyche finally got in late.
Jelani says:

[video] act=8&ved=0CC0QtwIwAGoVChMI76yfoanoxwIV5w9yCh2HXQ0 g& DI-LCf320qXg&usg=AFQjCNEN4fzOzI7TK5nkCSGL8dJlvgGJnQ&s ig2=4oMP_CHtrXT06zDsa4vmuQ&bvm=bv.102022582,d.bGQ[/video]
You'll be getting slower once Alfred gets his hands on ya. I don't care if you're Usain Bolt

Dorsett says your dumb for making such a stupid ignorant statement that completely overlooks all facts.
You'll be getting slower once Alfred gets his hands on ya. I don't care if you're Usain Bolt

Dorsett says your dumb for making such a stupid ignorant statement that completely overlooks all facts.

No he didn't , I've never even spoken with him

Interestingly enough, Dorsett's 40 time increased while a student at UM.

I was gonna post that, but he's not worth a serious response