Jarren Williams will be QB 1.

It was no secret that Jarren and kosi had the better arm. I expected them to look better when the first 3 practices all the QBs could really showcase was their arm. Tate will be the starter once the whole playbook is implemented and he will convincingly take the job after the conclusion of the last scrimmage.
So he couldn't beat out Malik Rosier last year, but he's gonna beat out 5-star transfer Tate Martel?

Yeah, ok buddy.

For the record, I want the best man to win. But I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Tate. They knew what they had and what they didn't have when they brought him here. Obviously they brought in a 5-star transfer because our existing quarterbacks weren't cutting it.

You do realize that players can improve significantly after their FR year. There's not that many Tuas or Trevor Lawrences.
Tate is QB3
i was being sarcastic...Always fun to poke at the people that label a player before competition even begins.

As soon as tate confirmed transfer to Miami, many said he was going to start for us and he was going to be our savior. You know very simile to the Nkosi crown that was granted before he ever actually played a down....
I have to lean this way. No way as bad as Richt was, did he let a top 10, 4* QB sit when he's trotting out a 2* baseball player. I don't buy it for a second that Jarren displayed better skills than Malik. Richt already showed he would start a freshman at Georgia and that he knows QBs. Add the fact that he didn't even let Jarren play in the 4 games to keep a redshirt and the only explanation is that he was a liability.
All that said, he has talent and was a true freshman and finally, has a modern day QB guru training him. Let's see what happens this year.

Richt admitted that “good things just seemed to happen” when Jarren was on the field... he just couldn’t handle that the choices he made were not what Richt wanted him to make... Richt to a fault was stubborn to his system, and couldn’t trust Jarren if he did not do it exactly how Richt would do it. So instead of adapting to what Jarren could do, he stayed with the qb that followed marching orders... I can see the logic behind Richt doing that but just think he let his pride in his system blind him to the talent he could have rolled with.
Bet there will be a Martel package no matter who wins QB-1. Enos gonna throw out some situational packages with Martell and JW. Not saying there will be 2 in rotation. Just scheme some packages per
The defense. We have the players to mix it up a bit. Utilize each QBs skill set. We’ll see
Bet there will be a Martel package no matter who wins QB-1. Enos gonna throw out some situational packages with Martell and JW. Not saying there will be 2 in rotation. Just scheme some packages per
The defense. We have the players to mix it up a bit. Utilize each QBs skill set. We’ll see
No chance. Go with one guy and be done with it.

I think it will be Tate. But if Jarren beats him out, that's a fantastic turn of events for the program.
Richt admitted that “good things just seemed to happen” when Jarren was on the field... he just couldn’t handle that the choices he made were not what Richt wanted him to make... Richt to a fault was stubborn to his system, and couldn’t trust Jarren if he did not do it exactly how Richt would do it. So instead of adapting to what Jarren could do, he stayed with the qb that followed marching orders... I can see the logic behind Richt doing that but just think he let his pride in his system blind him to the talent he could have rolled with.
Yeah, I miss wrote that Jarren didn't display more talent. Obviously Malik was horrible but I guess what I meant was either his ability to show it or he just couldn't grasp what he was doing. Your theory makes a lot of sense though
Honestly practice right now is only so relevant towards establishing a depth chart for the season. However it's pretty obvious jarren is firmly in control right now so long as he sticks to the path. When he was at the house yesterday enos called him 5 different times in 2 hours so they could go over and break down several plays the QBs had to review. He gives them homework when they are off the field.
Honestly practice right now is only so relevant towards establishing a depth chart for the season. However it's pretty obvious jarren is firmly in control right now so long as he sticks to the path. When he was at the house yesterday enos called him 5 different times in 2 hours so they could go over and break down several plays the QBs had to review. He gives them homework when they are off the field.

That’s great, but I’m still absolutely convinced that it’s a three-man race, and that nobody is ahead.

I’m sure you’re not implying that Jarren is ahead. Because Enos could be calling the other quarterbacks just as much.
That’s great, but I’m still absolutely convinced that it’s a three-man race, and that nobody is ahead.

I’m sure you’re not implying that Jarren is ahead. Because Enos could be calling the other quarterbacks just as much.
Tate was there too...... but no I dont mean necessarily that hes ahead (even though he is)because it's way too early. But it shows hes definitely being gave a chance which is alot more than he got last year.
Tate was there too...... but no I dont mean necessarily that hes ahead (even though he is)because it's way too early. But it shows hes definitely being gave a chance which is alot more than he got last year.

Maybe Tate didn’t need the extra tutelage.

I just think they’re all the same right now. Sure he could end up being the number one guy. I just don’t think we are going to know until the summer. And then I’m not gonna be surprised whoever it is.
Tate was there too...... but no I dont mean necessarily that hes ahead (even though he is)because it's way too early. But it shows hes definitely being gave a chance which is alot more than he got last year.

You sound cautiously optimistic on the new offensive staff, between these comments on Enos and the Stubblefield thread. This is encouraging to hear. Hopefully Cooney's promotion will let the WR room develop with less outside influence.
Maybe Tate didn’t need the extra tutelage.

I just think they’re all the same right now. Sure he could end up being the number one guy. I just don’t think we are going to know until the summer. And then I’m not gonna be surprised whoever it is.
We definitely wont know until summer. It would be foolish of enos to make a decision now based on anything that's happened in practice now or offseason works outs. But it definitely does form a bias...
Maybe Tate didn’t need the extra tutelage.

I just think they’re all the same right now. Sure he could end up being the number one guy. I just don’t think we are going to know until the summer. And then I’m not gonna be surprised whoever it is.
Also I'm not ****ting on him but tate right now needs every ounce of tutelage he can possibly get. Struggle is a understatement right now. Thing for me is I think his football out put is being affected cause hes enjoying this whole Miami lifestyle thing far too much. In all these years I've came to realize Miami can eat people alive... he needs to settle in and adapt to miami college lifestyle rather than treat this like hes a filthy rich kid(which he is) who's here on spring break. Once he settles in and gets over going out every night I think **** see a change in his play.
@dsddcane, sounds interesting your vantage point regarding a birds eye view of the inner workings of practice. But I’m with OCC, I think it’s way too early to be picking a dog in the race so to speak. Also, as he alluded to, it could’ve been a case of perhaps Jarren not picking up on certain plays and/or concepts that caused the 5 calls in 2hrs whereas Tate didn’t get any. Or it could mean what you’re hinting at as well, or a combination of the two. I’d wait fully until A. One QB stands head and shoulders above the other 2 at the Spring scrimmages or B. The Fall camp to see who gets named. Personally I’d rather it be someone jumping out and taking the bull by the horns. That way they can get more 1st team reps, build continuity with the WR/TE/RB groups, and learn the playbook completely inside and out. But I’m not holding my breathe that it’s going to come true and therefore, will wait this out on the sidelines until such time as Enos and Diaz make a decision.
Also I'm not ****ting on him but tate right now needs every ounce of tutelage he can possibly get. Struggle is a understatement right now. Thing for me is I think his football out put is being affected cause hes enjoying this whole Miami lifestyle thing far too much. In all these years I've came to realize Miami can eat people alive... he needs to settle in and adapt to miami college lifestyle rather than treat this like hes a filthy rich kid(which he is) who's here on spring break. Once he settles in and gets over going out every night I think **** see a change in his play.

I don’t know man, I saw some of that QB1 and how they lived, they didn’t look filthy rich to me. Not even close.
I would think that the one position that is problematic to extrapolate from 7 on 7 or practice to actual games is QB. Let's wait til the pads come on and they get rushed with the threat of getting crushed.