Jarren Williams Instagram

Personally, I like the swag and moxy I have seen from Tate. I think he has the skills to play and the attitude to lead. I have not seen that from Perry or JW, not that it is not there, they just weren't on QB1 for us all to see.


I don't care if the guys is white, black, red, brown, yellow, purple, green, orange, magenta.....if he can win, he can win. Can be a coach on the field, a leader? Can he inspire the other 10 guys on O to block, run, and catch....Can he inspire the D to "Do their job." That is what I care about. I want the guy that inspires greatness around him.

If that is Tate, so be it.

If that is JW, so be it.

If that is Perry, so be it.
Diversity doesn't mean "Majority" so again wth are y'all even talking about. South Florida period is diverse, but if you think Black People are the majority here I have a beach house in Idaho I want to sell you. If he's insinuating Black People are making Nkosi or Jarren over a Tate a race issue he's full of s**t. This board is Pro-Tate before the dude even got here he was appointed the starter. Also, Berlin vs. Crudup I definitely heard the racial things one in particular Miami doesn't like Black QBs. That honestly put a bad taste in the mouth of people from Deerfield with that situation.

LOL Miami has had like 6 black QBs in a row.

This is a non-issue either way, and anyone who suggests otherwise is on some bull****.
Oh **** I just got back in here and this **** went wayyy left.

For the record, I don’t care about QBs or any players by race. Put the best kids on the field.

I only responded to a guy who said Miami’s fan base is majority white. Which I don’t believe as true. I think it’s composed of many groups and not a majority of any group. That’s why I asked if the poster had been to any games.

I see every type of person at UM games and never noticed a majority of anything.

Let’s stick with football though please!
hes the furtue he will be fine because there know way in **** he 3 string know way
and if he is manny and enos are smoking weed
Who else wishes that the black fans with their tiny brains and infinitesimally small vocabularies would **** the fück up about politics so some porsters can contrive ways to give the guy their guy the job?

I say we just tell all the black athletes considering Miami that if their mom or dad can’t use the word faction in a sentence correct with grammar and punctuation that the student athlete should not be allowed to attend either.

That settles it.

Black parents and student athletes on the board, if you or your child didn’t know the word faction for at least the last week, there is no need to consider the University of Miami as a viable option for your child.

Thank for the insight bro.
ouch...in before this thread gets locked.
Kids quote rap lyrics as Instagram captions. May mean something; may not. Most likely a song he’s listened to a lot lately and has wanted to use that caption.
He could qualify for a part in the new 'Airplane' movie provided June Cleaver is still around to translate.

Personally, I like the swag and moxy I have seen from Tate. I think he has the skills to play and the attitude to lead. I have not seen that from Perry or JW, not that it is not there, they just weren't on QB1 for us all to see.


I don't care if the guys is white, black, red, brown, yellow, purple, green, orange, magenta.....if he can win, he can win. Can be a coach on the field, a leader? Can he inspire the other 10 guys on O to block, run, and catch....Can he inspire the D to "Do their job." That is what I care about. I want the guy that inspires greatness around him.

If that is Tate, so be it.

If that is JW, so be it.

If that is Perry, so be it.

I wish more people had your outlook.
Everyone has sources but mine is old school players, pretty close to the situation.
The most important info I got is that a final decision has not been made.

What I’m hearing about on the field:
Kosi was the favorite heading into fall camp
Jarren has established himself as the best QB
Tate is clearly 3rd and is not looking good in live action

What I’m hearing about off the field:
Tate has booster influence putting pressure on Manny for QB1
A faction has formed that supports Jarren as ‘the best’ QB
If Tate starts, Manny will lose half the team and former players belief in him as the right coach

JWs tweet (my interpretation):
I earned the QB1 spot on the field - did it all with my wrist, perseverance and tenacity.
I have the support of the team and the respect from the former players.
It’s about competition, not calling favors from people outside of the team.
I’m ready.

@OrangeBowlMagic is always asking for a minimum IQ requirement for the board and this thread was the perfect IQ test.

Mods - can you please go back to the first few pages and purge from here anyone making the dumbest interpretation of an IG caption you’ll ever see, anyone who liked it, and ban for 6 months minimum anyone entertaining the idea that boosters influence Manny’s decision making, or cannot read basic, third grade level sarcasm?

We can flip today from a dark to beautiful day if we use this thread as a learning lesson.

LOL Miami has had like 6 black QBs in a row.

This is a non-issue either way, and anyone who suggests otherwise is on some bull****.
This isn’t Canesville. Ben Hill Griffin literally said “I’ll turn over in my grave if a black QB ever plays for UF.” It was a huge controversy when they signed Chris Leak. Many boosters at the time were ****ed he was playing.
So Manny went from having this QB race and fall camp being the most tight lipped and safely guarded thing in Miami history to now everyone and their mother knowing the details?

I'm yelling bull**** from a mountain top.
It is more likely than not that the post may have been BS, which is why I asked dsdcane the question, considering that he is pretty connected and he liked the post.
Who else wishes that the black fans with their tiny brains and infinitesimally small vocabularies would **** the fück up about politics so some porsters can contrive ways to give the guy their guy the job?

I say we just tell all the black athletes considering Miami that if their mom or dad can’t use the word faction in a sentence correct with grammar and punctuation that the student athlete should not be allowed to attend either.

That settles it.

Black parents and student athletes on the board, if you or your child didn’t know the word faction for at least the last week, there is no need to consider the University of Miami as a viable option for your child.

Thank for the insight bro.
Dude. What. **** you.
Who else wishes that the black fans with their tiny brains and infinitesimally small vocabularies would **** the fück up about politics so some porsters can contrive ways to give the guy their guy the job?

I say we just tell all the black athletes considering Miami that if their mom or dad can’t use the word faction in a sentence correct with grammar and punctuation that the student athlete should not be allowed to attend either.

That settles it.

Black parents and student athletes on the board, if you or your child didn’t know the word faction for at least the last week, there is no need to consider the University of Miami as a viable option for your child.

Thank for the insight bro.

See yourself out..