Ivey is gone

Seems like a good kid.
Regardless of our feelings about him on the field, never seemed to have any issues off the field or be a locker room problem.
Unless he's secretly a terrible person that I don't know about, I'll always root for good people to succeed.
Hope things work out for him whether in the NFL or somewhere.
Best of luck to this young man. He may not have been a star on the field but he certainly was off the field.
Hope he does well. I’m sure he’ll end up in Seattle. Just seems like the kind of player they can actually maximize his size and length.
Wish him well after all the **** he took here from a bunch of unathletic message board posters who thought it was okay to call him every name under the sun. He didn't live up to his expectations I'm sure, but he kept plugging away regardless. Good luck!
just get out of here. Sure he's a nice kid but he single handily cost us games here for years.

finally says it like it is, someone finally did it in this thread!

***** that dude man, guy is a certified moron on the field.
He still had some eligibility?? That’s insane 😂😂 but I can see him getting coached up in the nfl and being one of them decent Corners in the nfl , if he goes to the tight team.
He does not have any eligibility. Good luck, to him. Great person and hopefully he develops well, but late.
We athletic message board posters called him **** too.

If you played in college or beyond, most of the foul *** things people threw his way, wouldn't be said. I'm not talking about how he played poorly, etc, but the over the top stuff. If you've been there, there's respect even when someone isn't doing something well enough. It's not a lack of effort or try on their part, they just aren't good enough. The personal stuff, that's what unathletic people say or those who think they were a lot better or smarter than they ever were. It's why most players can't stand fans, they haven't been there.