It's Officialy Time: Fund The US1 Billboard UPDATE: $3845 Raised!

The message has to be clear, in my opinion. It can not simply say this loss is inexcusable or some stats are unacceptable. Blake James absolutely needs to be named. Strawley needs to be named. And yes, I understand the hesitation with naming anyone on the BOT, but in some way the pressure needs to be put on them. The message needs to be clear that the athletic department needs to rebuild altogether and that heads should be rolling. We just lost to FIU and nobody has even spoken about it. That tells you all you need to know. Embarrass these people.
Listen, you're the one putting in the effort so you have the right to lean whatever direction you want. I'm grateful you are doing this. All I'm going to say is this.

THE point of this whole exercise to have BOT realize that sweeping changes are needed THROUGHOUT the AD department. First and foremost on that list is Blake. If Blake isn't fired, all of our efforts are a failure. Putting FIU on that board, in my humble opinion, makes us sound like ****ed off reactionary fans. YOU know this isn't true. I know this isn't true. Most on this board who aren't retarded DBJ slurpers know it isn't true.....but the target audience here (THE BOT) believe it or not is made up of CASUAL football fans. They are not going to appreciate the results from a SINGLE GAME being put on this board when the message we are trying to convey is that this imbecile's BODY OF WORK is the reason for our anger.....NOT A SINGLE GAME.

IF A SINGLE GAME mattered to these people, he would have been fired Monday morning. The fact he wasn't makes mentioning that PAINFUL EVENT unnecessary and misguided.


That's what the message should convey. Why on earth even mention our little step sister school that was simply in the right place at the right time and pulled a USF? I'm sorry....but I completely disagree with referencing FIU. It doesn't represent anything.....the last 10 YEARS represent everything.
This is correct. Point out the long term frustration and action item.
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“It’s been 2,483 days since Blake James started ruining our football program.“

And every day you guys should have the number increase by a day at midnight so that it’s just constantly building up days and it’s always changing so people will pay attention.

Or do it in terms of number of days since our football team has been relevant or number of days since we joined the ACC and we have one it 0 times and have the counter increase every day.

That’s my two cents. I support Blake being gone.

I’m out. Don’t get sued for anything so be careful if you are naming Blake.
An AD’s job is not all about football results. I mean, it is. It’s what really matters at the U. But fortunately for our cause we just ain’t operating at a successful level up to our standards in any revenue sport besides women’s basketball (We all know how passionate we are and how much we care about that on this board). Baseball has a prayer this season at least but that’s not proven and nowhere near our past successes. Feel like the message should mainly focus on football of course but must include a dig at all athletics as a whole too... my two cents.
It started with hot dogs.
“It’s been 2,483 days since Blake James started ruining our football program.“

And every day you guys should have the number increase by a day at midnight so that it’s just constantly building up days and it’s always changing so people will pay attention.

Or do it in terms of number of days since our football team has been relevant or number of days since we joined the ACC and we have one it 0 times and have the counter increase every day.

That’s my two cents. I support Blake being gone.

I’m out. Don’t get sued for anything so be careful if you are naming Blake.
A statement of fact is generally considered an absolute defense to libel. So saying our record since he took over is absolutely fine. Alternatively, opinion is generally fine, though merely stating a fact as an opinion is not. For example, Fire Blake James is fine. Saying I think Blake James is a pederast is not.

I would really implore whoever makes the final decision to not name any BOT by name on this billboard. That is just a terrible, terrible idea for a multitude of reasons.
Coalition of the stupid seem to have stalled. Inevitable. Confirming my suspicion that most here have never put money down to support the program. Yep
Let’s go fellas - if you’re planning to vote on the content, you should ante up. Even $5-$10 gets us that much closer.