Its not an OLD OFFENSE

He really needs a passing game coordinator. Someone who can open up the route tree a little more and make the passing game a little less predictable. I wouldn't say what he is trying to do is outdated and it's definitely not from the 90's but the route concepts need all kinds of work. As does the variety of routes our receivers run. It's predictable and often relies too much on vertical routes when the offensive line struggles to protect. This passing game needs to be shortened up and sped up.
Jamies has a very high level of intellect........

Well if we gon do it den, well we gon do it big den!!
He really needs a passing game coordinator. Someone who can open up the route tree a little more and make the passing game a little less predictable. I wouldn't say what he is trying to do is outdated and it's definitely not from the 90's but the route concepts need all kinds of work. As does the variety of routes our receivers run. It's predictable and often relies too much on vertical routes when the offensive line struggles to protect. This passing game needs to be shortened up and sped up.
That's supposed to be Dugans role. Lulz
@OrangeBowlMagic you can't possibly think the guy who can't teach his receivers how to catch a football is a good coach. They literally had seven dropped passes against Pitt.
Bull****. It is an outdated offense which layers archaic and outdated route concepts onto top of a sissified and pussified attempt at RPO. The concepts can all be found on Playstation 2. That's just the passing game.

As for the running game, that too is an outdated and arcahic in this era of college football. Look no farther than what Houston has done to create a running game. Watch the motion O'Brien creates to disguise the TE as the lead blocker on Watson's first TD run. And before anyone says NFL, NFL, if you want to be really sick, watch Mullen @ UF manufacture a run game with very similar concepts, and then come back to a play action pass with Felipe Fuggin' Franks.

Don't be blinded by the pistol formation or weak RPOs, this is not a modern offense. It's been dissected and called out across the college football landscape.

Best description of our offense.