It's all about the X's & O's...

@Liberty City El i said briles should have been the OC choice. **** Mike Gundy could work with his offense. Idk how his personality would mesh but he does more with less every year
I’m sick of all this personality talk like South Florida is some unique place where only a guy like Shanny or Shanntard, who “know the area” can succeed.

JJ was a red neck hayseed from Arkansas. Pink was a guy who spent his whole life in the Pacific Northwest.

Just get a winner in here who plays a fun brand of football and South Florida will love him.
Manny made the hire based on who gave him the most trouble as a DC. That's the wrong way to go about it. Then Enos brought in his CMU guys and Diaz brought/kept his friends. And here we are. The corching staff to end all corching staffs. This might possibly be the worst staff we've had since Butch was gone
Manny made the hire based on who gave him the most trouble as a DC. That's the wrong way to go about it. Then Enos brought in his CMU guys and Diaz brought/kept his friends. And here we are. The corching staff to end all corching staffs. This might possibly be the worst staff we've had since Butch.
That's what lead Randy Shannon to hire Nix as his OC. Short sighted and tunnel vision. That was my first reservation. He should have done his due diligence. If he was TRULY analytical there was no way he would have hired Enos. Smoke and mirrors.
To me the issue with this team on both sides of the ball is scheme more so than personnel.

Particularly on Offense, I've felt we need to go to a Spread Offense since 2016 due to the fact we simply don't have the OL to run the scheme these play callers Miami keeps hiring wants us to run.

WE ARE NOT A POWER RUN UNDER CENTER "PRO STYLE" Offense. We don't have the OT's to protect long enough for 5-7 step Play Action drops & we don't have the the interior line to open up big holes & create sufficient run lanes.

We need to stop fighting against ourselves & transition to a Spread/Air Raid style offense, because 1) we have the Offensive weapons that fit that scheme perfectly & 2) it would neutralize having to always rely on the Defense to be more stout than they're capable of.

We should be beating teams off the fact we have speed & athleticism combined with making them defend the ENTIRE field. The exact same issues we had last year, we have this year, we're slow, predictable & easily shut down on Offense by any DC with half a brain because we don't apply any pressure to Defenses whatsoever, we play right into their hands.

In today's era of College Football you can manufacture yards without having elite talent all over the field, the name of the PACE & SPACE! When you don't have an elite OL with a bunch of maulers & road graders the one thing you don't do is put them in a position to lose by making them block longer than they should. In an uptempo offense the ball is moving quickly on both Pass & Run plays which makes it easier for the OL to sustain quicker blocking assignments & doesn't force them to deal with a pass rush they can't contain.

For whatever reason we keep getting these fckin play callers that think the way to solve our OL issues is to just let them get beat over & over again and then eventually they'll figure it out smfh. Jakai Clark, Zion Nelson, Donaldson & Scaife all looked like sh*t vs CMU, that to me speaks to the coaching staff not properly developing them & not teaching them correctly. It's un-fckin-believable that we haven't had an OL worth a **** in basically 5 years.

We play extremely slow as an offense with these long developing plays that get blown up in the backfield as soon as the ball is snapped. We play with no tempo at all, we should be going at breakneck speed & forcing teams to pick their poison in what they wanna sellout to Defend. PACE & SPACE, you can run the ball effectively out of the Spread while still having a lethal passing attack going with multiple 4-wide sets & when you pickup the pace of play going tempo you keep the Defense on their heels & off balanced.

Look at most of the top 30 teams in Total Offense, Oklahoma, Wash St, Arizona, LSU, Utah St, UCF, Bama, Maryland, Wake Forest, Ok St, Oh St, SMU, Baylor, Texas, Memphis & Boise St, what do they ALL have in common... SCHEME, TEMPO (PACE) & SPACING. The specific scheme may differ from each team in terms of verbiage & play calling, but the concepts are all similar & the overall philosophy is very much the same... ATTACK YOUR OPPONENTS WEAKNESSES WITH YOUR STRENGTHS & SPREAD THE DEFENSE OUT TO OPEN UP THE FIELD.

I've seen enough on this slow antiquated 1995 under center Offense, we're not Wisconsin, or BC, or Iowa, or Michigan State, we don't have the players to run this type of Offense that our OC's keep wanting to run here. We need to get with the times & Spread the got **** ball out & start utilizing our skill players better putting them in position to succeed.

The reason why we always have a bunch of talented under utilized players is because we get these dictator OC's that wanna run these old *** overly & unnecessarily complicated offenses that take 4 years to learn the playbook, while simultaneously never actually yielding any results. What fckin sense does it make to run the most complex offense ever that essentially neutralizes your own skill players & debilitates your OLine & can still be easily beaten by FCS D Coordinators & teams with less talent?

Back in November of last year I made a thread about the next HC candidates I think would do well here, the top guys were Josh Heupel, Mike Norvell, Dino Babers & Neal Brown. My reasoning was, they would bring their high powered offenses to Miami with the caliber of athletes we have which would immediately increase offensive productvity which would get us easy W's vs teams that we're more talented than, which would then also put us in position to go on a run making us a more viable team in the Coastal, which would then make us more attractive to recruits.

Manny was not on my list. I like Manny & am willing to give him time to get it right realizing full well he's not gettin fired in year 1; what my hope is is that Enos gets hired somewhere else after this season (no he's not going to Mich St as a HC, if anything he'll go be a OC for another team or possibly get hired by a MAC/Sun Belt team as a HC) & maybe we can finally get smart & hire a guy from the Oklahoma Air Raid/Spread tree to put us in position to stop playing down to competition.
I was hoping for the oline coach from Oklahoma originally
Agree with what you’re saying but there’s something more going on imo.

Just posted this on the culture thread:

Its not just scheme. It’s an inability to make the big play at the biggest moments. There have been more than enough of those this season alone for us to be 4-0.

They’re not getting rolling and making big plays in practice, Go.

It is scheme but not just scheme. It’s egotism, stubbornness, cognitive dissonance, and hubris.

The defense is smashing Enos’ system in practice and the offense is losing confidence. After UF, Enos said it doesn’t matter if Jarren has no starts or 40 starts, he expects the same results. That is BEYOND IDIOTIC and shows the guy is disconnected from reality.

He is putting too much on young players too soon and they are thinking about not making mistakes instead of playing loose.

We are not sticking to what works for us, same as we did under Richt. Coaches like Lincoln Riley build up momentum by making it easy for the offense to get a rhythm in practice. Everything fits who they are and successes multiply. He has 3 different qbs playing like heisman candidates in 3 years.

You don’t magically transform to a winner on game day. You have to build the momentum and morale Monday through Friday.

Look at the huge mistakes Enos makes calling plays. He has no feel for it here. He is doing the same thing in practice then roasting his team when it looks bad, but they have no ability to effectively run what he likes the most. He abandons what is working just like Richt did and the offense stalls.
We’re too tied to what we used to be and listen too much to the old players and their longing for the JJ and Booch days. Until we stop trying to get the band back together this is what we are—an 8 win middle of the pack Coastal slug.

Too simplistic of an explanation. Was hiring Al “The Don” Golden & D’Onofrio getting the band back together?
I agree @The Franchise ..I'm fully aware the Butch back at UM boat sailed...My only problem is I feel like we'd be in a whole lot better shape if he would have stayed or came back before 2015....I wanted Gary Patterson (so did JJ) in 2007, until the ******* Troll Shalala hired Shannon....Patterson would have put a Stranglehold on the weak *** Coastal...and Clemson might never have become what it has...
Patterson was one of the most cutting edge coaches of his time. That would’ve been amazing back then.
We are an obsolete team. We are 15 years behind with the PRO crap. We either evolve or disappear forever. Number are worse than ever. We are the joke of CFB. We have list all credibility.
Manny mentions wanting a guy that would bring in a cutting edge offense, then hires this guy who runs a power running scheme, with no RPO history, or spread concepts in his background.

He runs alot of pro go back and watch the games