It is okay to be critical of TVD now?

I felt like by the 4th quarter of the Clemson game he was processing faster. I think he now understands the speed of college football, especially a defense like Clemson. Emory is a fast processor. He will be faster in 2 years than he is now, no doubt, But he is inordinate as a freshman in that regard.
You may not be wrong about 2 years from now. U and I agree we think TVD is hurt. As you stated I appreciate his grittiness, but to a lot of peoples point. We can’t consistently win in spite of him
How many SB rings does Tom Brady have again?

QB will always be about the ability to read the field and hit the open man.
Tom Brady knew how to move in the pocket too. I don’t just mean taking off and running. He knew when to slide up in the pocket to make a throw.
Won in spite of him despite his best efforts, again

And stop it with the we're hating on a good player, guy is mentally broken. I definitely don't think Emory is ready, but it's time to move on
Happy Daniel Bryan GIF by FOX TV

The people that hate TVD go quiet when he’s balling. Then if they do post about him it’s something like his body language or nothing that involves on field stuff. Now they’re out in full force. They like to call me out but I don’t leave. I also rip him when he’s bad like I did against GT.
When was the last time TVD balled? Texas am maybe
He's obviously hurt. I'm not sure why he was even out there. Credit for playing...respect...but TVD is really a liability when he is hurt. Pop gun arm, as would anyone who can't move their lower body. He can't play conservatively either...its not in his nature. He's got those blinders where he doesn't see **** and just zeroes in on somebody and he's pick central when he's not 100%...his eyes are bigger than his arm when he's not at 100%.

We won, which is great...but, Emory really should have played today. We likely wouldn't have been in such a dog fight. He played nice in the second half last week. A full week of starters snaps and I think we roll here. idk.