Is this a fireable loss?

Manny most likely sees year 2, but he'll get burned after that.

Manny is not a great gameday coach nor is he a great executive at managing his staff/team. He's Manny the politician and that's about all he does right.

That is what is going to do him in. He's in over his head. Tonight, only one coach looked like the coach that these Miami kids deserve and it wasn't Manny
We weren't trying to lose, but the players need to understand that they need to take every game serious.
And that is the staff's responsibility.
This isnt losing to a team like Pitt or Duke after winning 3-4 games in a row. (Its bad enough I have to use Pitt and Duke as an example)This is FIU. No big plays on defense...3 interceptions....playets dancing for no reason....stupid touchdown rings/knuckles. Manny was on the previous staff. He's not brand new to this team.
It's a learning experience for our team. It takes time, this was not going to be fixed in year one.

Im having a **** of a time trying to figure out if you are serious with your staunch support of Manny lol. Regardless well payed sir.
It's a learning experience for our team. It takes time, this was not going to be fixed in year one.
Can't fix anything going backwards...losing to FIU will cause Miami to lose more recruits...
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If not Manny...Enos and Baker need to gtfo. How you have a week to prepare for this and only look halfway sensible in the last 10 mins of the game

Worse this is the 3rd loss coming out of a bye week after coming out flat, totally unacceptable.