Iron Bowl

So, Metchie gets to cuss out the ref because he "blew the call" and nothing? No flag?
Again I ask - you have throw backs to the TE, you had 3 yards to get, and it didn't occur to you to try that?
I didn’t think Harsin was going to get fired in year 1 by Auburn, but after the way he just handed this game over to Bama by playing scared conservative ball on offense, I’m on board with the rest of the AU fans who want him gone.

Bryan Harsin & Mike Bobo cost Auburn this game bruh, all they had to do was call a quick TE route on 3rd & 2 against that 9 man front in regulation & they get the first down & the game is over.

I’m not even an Auburn fan, but get Harsin outta of my face, let him go up to UW, he’s not cut out for the SEC.
If You Say So Reaction GIF by Identity
All Auburn had to do was complete one short pass at the end of regulation. I know they were never supposed to be in this game, but what a choke job with under two minutes left.