Inside the U article by David Lake


Jan 13, 2019
[You can’t cut and paste an entire article. It has to be paraphrased.]

See post # 41, 1st post on page 3 for a recap:

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These would all be upgrades but it is still ridiculous to me how only Miami alums are considered for positions. If things go sideways, we’ll be in the same position of relationships being prioritized over the benefit of the program
There's nothing new in this article. The only things of import are: (1) Mario is the main target, (2) we should know relatively soon if he's coming, but it's encouraging that he hasn't signed an extension, and (3) the AD process is much smoother than the tweets yesterday suggest. That's all stuff we already knew.
Thanks for the post but this a classic "I have nothing to write so I'm going to summarize loose information into one article and speculate"

My thoughts exactly. Guy is regurgitating garbage at this point to try staying relevant as if he’s clued in on the inside.

1) Manny Diaz will remain in 2022 if we can’t get an “upgrade”??? There’s millions to choose from… including every living barn animal after all humans are considered.

And most importantly….

2) While maybe not in a formal setting, there is ZERO chance Mario hasn’t already been presented a plan and along with that UM knowing whether he’s coming or not. Yet Lake acts like none of that starts until after tonight.


Crib, dee, jps, TOC and others here are lapping the field when it comes to info. It’s clearly burning the **** out of these paid/for profit “journalists”…
This all sets up nicely for Miami to strike out on its “upgrades”, decide to keep Manny as a last resort, and kneecap any chance at salvaging this pitiful recruiting class by keeping everyone in limbo for so long.
This speculation stuff is amateur-hour at its best. Enjoyed a healthy giggle over the reference of billionaire boosters - Phil Knight vs. John Ruiz. Is Mr. Lake serious? Not only would Knight eat his lunch & all the over local big shots, but Nike has created a cadre of other very wealthy Oregon alums. So, better pray it comes down to more than just money or Miami has no chance.