IG: Manny buys Ferrari...

He wouldn't be the first guy in Miami to spend a quarter of his salary yearly salary on his vehicle. In fact that would probably make him one of the thriftier guys in Miami.

Only joking, but seriously. If that is his, he bought it used, and it really isn't all that much money. Glad to see him enjoying his money.
It does look pre-owned 😂...but who cares right? As long as it is "jit-approved"..😂
Because hes smart, he realizes the resale value on Ferrari's right now is absurd, so he is gonna stay away from this british mess lol. You use the Caddy for hauling recruits eh?

Coach Diaz should have gone Bentley Flying Spur for the money and same performance but can carry recruits.



Go Canes
his dad is the former mayor and named partner at a decent size law firm. money has never been an issue for manny even before coaching lol
This. Manny comes from a wealthy family. Seriously, spending $300k on a car isn’t a big deal if you’re making $4mil a year. For him it’s a write off. For all we know it was part of his package.
Manny has shown that he's very aware of the image and marketing aspect of his job. If he's buying a Ferrari, it's probably strategic, not a personal whim. It gets noticed, like other things he's done. All part of a serious determination to make the most of this opportunity he has. I'm excited to see that he seems to get these things that a lot of other coaches don't. Like Dabo, he understands that a big part of building success is creating a brand that attracts and separates itself from the rest of the crowd who do things the standard way. It's just that Miami is very different from Clemson and has to be true to itself. The Ferrari works with that. Miami is exciting, hot, flashy.... but it also takes some serious skill to drive something like that to its max. It's just a little symbol, but it fits with the all the other things he's trying to do.
This. Manny comes from a wealthy family. Seriously, spending $300k on a car isn’t a big deal if you’re making $4mil a year. For him it’s a write off. For all we know it was part of his package.
its a 458... so between 150-190k, assuming its not a previously crashed car.
Telling Dabo and Saban what???

IF either of those guys put all the bank, and championships they have into that car ....it would break its suspension and flatten ALL four tires.

Those guys have actually won championships. make much more coin, and have earned their reputations for success with years of proven championship results .....as compared to What??

Pump your brakes. There a long way to go before patting anyone here on the back. He still hasn't called his 1st game as an HC

Show me something first .....and then show it to me consistently for many years before comparing Manny with two of the all time greats.

I'd love for him to eventually get there....but as of now ...he's far from being in that group
its a 458... so between 150-190k, assuming its not a previously crashed car.
New or not.............the Fer is VERY Miami, and Manny is Miami.........I love my Canes, and I love this build up of swag........start winning, and it will be ballistic.
In 1995 Butch was 43...1st time HC in any capacity, Minus 31 Schollies....I like the timeline Butch put together the next 5yrs....

Why do people always bring up these "facts". Butch's FIRST team had FULL SCHOLARSHIPs. We were also coming off 2 national championships along with two teams that entered the bowl with a clear path to #1.... including 1994) from Erickson coached teams. Butch inherited NFL hall of famers.

He was at the helm when we played teams even worse than this year's coastal (if you can believe that!) and sucked at game day coaching at the start.

We did not lose 31 scholarships in football. We lost 24, spread between years 2 and 3 of the Butch Davis era.

We were amazingly easy to recruit to because we had no bowl ban over our head... as we took that Davis' first year. Moreover, Davis said himself that our limited scholarships (only 12 in 1996 and 14 in 1997) made it like a golden ticket cherished by recruits.

So his rookie year record was with full scholarship team and future NFL hall of famers. His second year was also substandard even though the only thing that made that team less then full was 13 less true freshman. Not exactly an excuse.

Don't get me wrong, I think Davis deserves all the credit in the world for how how stocked us with ungodly talent--- which became obvious only in his 5th year. But as a rookie and second year head coach, our team was clearly worse than his predecessor's final year--- and sanctions were not the cause.

I came to be thrilled the U kept him around even after his terrible first 3 years (compared to the immediately preceding team(s). If we would have fired him (for VERY good cause) in the first three years, we'd never know how amazing of a job he did.
Why do people always bring up these "facts". Butch's FIRST team had FULL SCHOLARSHIPs. We were also coming off 2 national championships along with two teams that entered the bowl with a clear path to #1.... including 1994) from Erickson coached teams. Butch inherited NFL hall of famers.

He was at the helm when we played teams even worse than this year's coastal (if you can believe that!) and sucked at game day coaching at the start.

We did not lose 31 scholarships in football. We lost 24, spread between years 2 and 3 of the Butch Davis era.

We were amazingly easy to recruit to because we had no bowl ban over our head... as we took that Davis' first year. Moreover, Davis said himself that our limited scholarships (only 12 in 1996 and 14 in 1997) made it like a golden ticket cherished by recruits.

So his rookie year record was with full scholarship team and future NFL hall of famers. His second year was also substandard even though the only thing that made that team less then full was 13 less true freshman. Not exactly an excuse.

Don't get me wrong, I think Davis deserves all the credit in the world for how how stocked us with ungodly talent--- which became obvious only in his 5th year. But as a rookie and second year head coach, our team was clearly worse than his predecessor's final year--- and sanctions were not the cause.

I came to be thrilled the U kept him around even after his terrible first 3 years (compared to the immediately preceding team(s). If we would have fired him (for VERY good cause) in the first three years, we'd never know how amazing of a job he did.
Name the HOFers ....that Butch inherited....you cant...Sapp was gone...Stop with your stupidity....I practically lived at Hecht from 95-2000...Saw everything you can fathom up close....Butch inherited nothing but KC Jones...and a few good but often injured players....Dont come on here and tell me about a Topic that I know wayyyy more than you'll ever know....
Name the HOFers ....that Butch inherited....you cant...Sapp was gone...Stop with your stupidity....I practically lived at Hecht from 95-2000...Saw everything you can fathom up close....Butch inherited nothing but KC Jones...and a few good but often injured players....Dont come on here and tell me about a Topic that I know wayyyy more than you'll ever know....

Ray Lewis
As well as several other 1st round draft picks: Holmes, Lang, Starks, Green
Have you seen Saban's Mercedes van? He can carry all the recruits in there. And have a party. And strippers.
