IG: Manny buys Ferrari...

Never imagined in a million years that Romeo would make an appearance on CIS. Bravo, sir!
Leave it up to a 4yr. old to expand one's horizons.....
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Love it! I too have properly brainwashed mine with The []__[] since birth.

We went through a huge PJ Masks cycle for sure. In fact, my daughter dressed up as Luna Girl for Halloween in 2018. That is a good show. She also went through a hard core Peppa Pig phase, Paw Patrol phase, and now it's dinosaurs. Needless to say, we have generations of toys now that she no longer touches. *sigh*
Love it! I too have properly brainwashed mine with The []__[] since birth.

We went through a huge PJ Masks cycle for sure. In fact, my daughter dressed up as Luna Girl for Halloween in 2018. That is a good show. She also went through a hard core Peppa Pig phase, Paw Patrol phase, and now it's dinosaurs. Needless to say, we have generations of toys now that she no longer touches. *sigh*
Exactly my situation.
Real power is having a room full of guys like this and a 100 more outside throwing money at your program.

All the flash may impresses a few teenagers but guys like these all over the state are buying better recruits.

And knowing the President of the NCAA has your back and will make sure nothing tarnishes their brand.