If you were "meh" about Jermaine Grace, check this quote...

Supposedly he said this in one of the interviews (got retweeted so I don't have a link) lmao

"Hey im sure he did whats best for his future and I cant blame him. I wouldnt wanna compete against me either"
Supposedly he said this in one of the interviews (got retweeted so I don't have a link) lmao

"Hey im sure he did whats best for his future and I cant blame him. I wouldnt wanna compete against me either"

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While that anorexic waif ****** Traitor Thomas was up there sweating and squirming and looking like Corch Beanbag had a gun trained on him holding him hostage, Grace was looking dapper, smooth, in charge and holding court at his announcement.

Athleticism+Attitude+Hunger+Love of UM=Grace. I'll take that dude every day of the week.
Holy Grace is going to be a monster.....competition for Lbs is going to crazy... "Spring" please come sooner......
Did anyone see the Semper Fi all-star game? Grace was by far the most active and dominant linebacker in the game. Talks a lot of s**t too. Stone cold headhunter.
Did anyone see the Semper Fi all-star game? Grace was by far the most active and dominant linebacker in the game. Talks a lot of s**t too. Stone cold headhunter.

I mentioned elsewhere that he got a personal foul for unnecessary roughness for hitting a RB too hard in bounds. His All-star coach subsequently sat him for a bit. The thing that made me literally stand up for a second when I watched him in that All-stat game was his coverage depth. Just a natural, natural LB.

I don't know how anyone would be "meh" about him. ****, I may be overhyping him.

I think he *leaves* (so gotta wait for some early development) UM as the 2nd most impactful player from this class (behind Burns). He has a sneaky high NFL draft ceiling, too. He's probably behind Burns, AQM and Sandland there. Possibly tied in the group with Carter and Coley.
Yea he trucked that fat RB in the all star game and they sat him down cuz ole boy hits to hard. Bunch of puzzies that staff was it wasnt even a late hit. Also the fat RB was a lineman amd was trucking everyone except Grace.