"I want to BREAK them! I want to BREAK these *******!" Kirby Halftime speech vs UFAG

I don't agree with secretly recording the speech and releasing it from the locker room unless the coach was in on it. What goes on in the locker room stays in the locker room. With that being said, Manny could only dream of speaking like this. Discipline. Leadership. What kid wouldn't run thru a f'ing wall in the second half after hearing this. We can only dream.......

Love it!! A little more coarse than "pour it on 'em, and don't let up." But I still love it!!
We get this

Followed up with, "great effort out there guys. I know we're down 30, but don't pay attention to that. These guys do this to everyone."
I don't agree with secretly recording the speech and releasing it from the locker room unless the coach was in on it. What goes on in the locker room stays in the locker room. With that being said, Manny could only dream of speaking like this. Discipline. Leadership. What kid wouldn't run thru a f'ing wall in the second half after hearing this. We can only dream.......

All that profanity, objectivizing, and Toxic Masculinity.....ewwww, yuch!!!

Someone point me to the fainting couch!
Whoever leaked that recording is a complete and total ****. ... I never liked Kirby, still don't. He's dirty. That said, that speech was a **** of a speech IMHO.
Obviously, he ok’d it’s release. It adds to the legend he believes he is building.