I told you all are idiots

promise and potential = loser talk

this year has been a colossal failure there Is no way around it, a greatv offensive game against the 101st ranked defense although makes me smile but dies not change my outlook it will take more then that
Actually loser talk is everything coming out of your alma Mater Nole Vern
To be fair to a lot of posters on here, when we lost to GT, it was awfully difficult NOT to blame the coaches.

GT was/is, a dumpster fire. It is god**** ridiculous, and we shouldn't have lost that game. No excuse. At all. What in the flying fack do we have any business losing to those fwaggots?

I think most of us are in "wait and see" mode. Cautiously optimistic.

Now see, here you go coming in here posting with rational thoughts and common sense. Didn't you get the message? WE HAVE WON 3 IN A ROW NOW AND PENOS IS DA GAWD.
GTFOH..you're so pathetically delusional it's actually sad. You can't name a single 1st time HC at a P5 school who was able to win 11 games his 1st yr, but yet you somehow think it's OK to hold Manny to that ridiculous expectation because he's in charge of a football program thats been an abject failure for the MAJORITY of it's existence in CFB. In what alternate universe can that be considered OK?? But let me guess..i'm sure you also think The Pastor left Manny with a perfect situation and a roster that had no issues relating to experience/maturity, depth, & talent huh?? LMAO. You can cite the GT loss all day until the cows come home, but I've already outlined why that loss is in many ways an anomaly. Not only that but inexperienced/immature teams that lack depth fail to maintain a consistent approach/focus wk to wk.

And for the 1 millionth time..tempering expectations and keeping things in proper context/perspective doesn't mean someone is a "Manny shill" or "beating their chests" about incremental/tangible progress. Only delusional clowns who have no clue about the current CFB landscape and how it actually functions think like that.
Yes. It wasn’t a re-build per Manny.

Yes, the entire Defense has been Manny’s for 4 years, including the players.

Yes. We rank at 18 in overall talent per the 247 article cited on CIS in a recent thread, so we have enough talent to be a top 15-20 team.

Yes. Our Offense clearly needed to be run as a spread O out of the gun for the vast majority of plays and Enos ****ed away the entire summer of practice and half the season not scheming around his OLine.

Yes. We have the weakest Division in NCAAF with the most talent and should have run away with the Division but we won’t win it. Carolina was a 2 win team a year ago with less talent now and a new Staff and we lost to them. We barely beat the 1st year McEltooth at CMU.

Yes. Manny took the Miami job over Temple. He doesn’t get a 1st time HC discount like you want him to in order to justify the fûck ups. He should have cut his teeth as a HC at a lesser program and that’s on Blake but Manny owns it because he took the job. Tough shît.

Yes. You and OP are definitive Manny shills beating your chests and calling people to task after we finally improved on the backs of 2 terrible teams. You’re a joke.

And as for telling me to GTFOH followed up with adjectives like Pathetic, delusional, clown... You GTFOH and take your loser mentality back to Hazzard County where your “Perty” mouth is probably popular with the fellas when you’re not imploding on CIS like an imbecile falling on the Manny sword, you slurpaholic dummy.

This one’s for you and all of your loser friends here who are already on the prowl like little perverts looking to call people out who spoke the **** truth. Eat a dîck.

Yes. It wasn’t a re-build per Manny.

Yes, the entire Defense has been Manny’s for 4 years, including the players.

Yes. We rank at 18 in overall talent per the 247 article cited on CIS in a recent thread, so we have enough talent to be a top 15-20 team.

Yes. Our Offense clearly needed to be run as a spread O out of the gun for the vast majority of plays and Enos ****ed away the entire summer of practice and half the season not scheming around his OLine.

Yes. We have the weakest Division in NCAAF with the most talent and should have run away with the Division but we won’t win it. Carolina was a 2 win team a year ago with less talent now and a new Staff and we lost to them. We barely beat the 1st year McEltooth at CMU.

Yes. Manny took the Miami job over Temple. He doesn’t get a 1st time HC discount like you want him to in order to justify the fûck ups. He should have cut his teeth as a HC at a lesser program and that’s on Blake but Manny owns it because he took the job. Tough shît.

Yes. You and OP are definitive Manny shills beating your chests and calling people to task after we finally improved on the backs of 2 terrible teams. You’re a joke.

And as for telling me to GTFOH followed up with adjectives like Pathetic, delusional, clown... You GTFOH and take your loser mentality back to Hazzard County where your “Perty” mouth is probably popular with the fellas when you’re not imploding on CIS like an imbecile falling on the Manny sword, you slurpaholic dummy.

This one’s for you and all of your loser friends here who are already on the prowl like little perverts looking to call people out who spoke the **** truth. Eat a dîck.

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Again..since you're so smart I want you to name me another 1st time P5 HC that won 11 games in his 1st yr? And no..being the HC for Temple for 3 wks doesn't mean that Manny's not a 1st time HC. As for it not being a rebuild..WTF do you think Manny was suppose to say to the fans in the offseason-We absolutely suck co_ck, so please do not buy season tickets and support the team??" He recognized that there was a rift between the S.Fla community and UM and he tried his best to bridge that divide with optimism and positivity which was 100% the right thing to do even if it meant added pressure. Everything else you said is completely irrelevant because it fails to take into account variables/factors like..1st time HC, new staff on both sides of the ball, new system, inexperience/youth, depth concerns all over the roster. If you actually understood the importance/impact of these variables and their effect on a CFB team, you wouldn't be as naive with expectations & growing pains/struggles that may occur at the onset. But because i'm trying to pt those out, I'm the one who's a slurpaholic dummy. All I'm saying is you have to TRUST THE PROCESS

I want to win more than anyone, but it takes time, and you have to be PATIENT. You don't want to hear that because of the past 15+ yrs, but these coaches & players had nothing to do with those yrs, and its not fair to target the collective frustration/disappointment of the fanbase at them. Doing so creates a catch-22 situation. Do you think negativity & toxicity surrounding the program is beneficial to recruiting? But since you're so smart & graduated from GW..I'm sure you already thought about that question..huh?
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Its not only hate, it's DELUSIONAL/MISINFORMED hate. If this low IQ fanbase actually understood that the MIA football program has 50% the budget of what the elite programs spend, they wouldn't insist on maintaining unrealistic championship or bust expectations. Someone needs to give these low-lifes a reality check ASAP. Enjoy the struggle, Enjoy the journey..that's all you can do. All we should EXPECT as fans is that the team plays hard/gives 110%, and that it steadily improves practice to practice, game to game, season to season, etc. That is it.

I like many of your posts, but this is off.

We want a top 5 title contender, no doubt. But that is an uphill climb.

Many of us know and accept this. We are aware of the budget and bag constraints.

What makes the fan base so toxic and negative is being corched to division losses that destroy any hope or momentum to rise above mediocrity.

Yeah the budget has a lot to do with us not being a top 5 team, but not being a top 15 team is 100% due to bad management by the administration and the corching staffs they hire. They squandered any benefit of the doubt long, long ago.

The three game win streak was built on the staff finally doing things “ low I.Q.” posters were calling for since PRESEASON.

It bothers many of us that Monday morning coaches could see from the beginning what guys who are paid six and seven figures could not.

We should be 8-2 minimum and our record is 90% due to corching on offense. The defense has had problems situationally but did enough to win all our games but Georgia Tech and Unc. But 30 points would have won those games so........

Playing Jarren against Virginia Tech was silly and I put that loss on the offense too.

I can’t blame people for not trusting in this staff. The coaching mistakes they made were obvious and big.

But I like Manny. He has a track record of addressing and fixing problems and he is continuing that process.

I will be cautiously optimistic with the improvement. But he can’t keep dropping games to less talented teams and start back tracking to change the narrative when his mouth writes checks that his *** can’t cash.

The ball is in his court to silence the mopes and rightfully so.
1.) Clemson also faced UL and they scored 45. We could've easily scored 60 on them. We also faced UF, a team with a good Defense. We scored more pts on them than Auburn did, all with 1st time starters on Offense.

2.) Jarren was not the starter in the GT game-N'Kosi was. Also..kicking played a huge role in that game. That's an extenuating circumstance that simply does not happen on a consistent basis yr to yr. UNC went from a Larry Fedora spread Offense to an Air Raid. That's much more of a seamless transition than what MIA went through in the off season. When you go from an Offense led by the Pastor to one that is NFL caliber, there are inevitably going to be growing pains.

3.) Even a dummy can understand that this program is improving by leaps & bounds down the stretch.

4.) It's also pretty retarded to discredit a blowout win against your rival. Regardless of whether or not your rival is a dumpster fire it is never easy to blowout your rival. The last game in the series that ended in such a resounding fashion occurred in 13' when FSU won the NC.

1. So are you trying to say Miami has a better offense than Clemson? LMFAO. Florida has gotten A LOT better since the beginning of the season. By your logic Florida would have lost to GT.

2. The guy I was talking to was not talking purely about Jarren. GT went from a triple option, to whatever they are running now, that is a much more difficult transition than what we went from.

3. Yes, we improved from losing to GT, the worst team in the P5, to being better than **** team like Louisville. No one said we aren't improving. That said we still suck.

4. That is total *********. This rival schit needs to stop. FSU was the worst they have ever been, and they literally fired their coach a couple days after the loss.
We did what we were supposed to do against F$U and Loserville. That's a good thing.

Now, win the last three games and play well in doing so. Anything less, and we are back in a lurch.
Again..since you're so smart I want you to name me another 1st time P5 HC that won 11 games in his 1st yr? And no..being the HC for Temple for 3 wks doesn't mean that Manny's not a 1st time HC. As for it not being a rebuild..WTF do you think Manny was suppose to say to the fans in the offseason-We absolutely suck co_ck, so please do not buy season tickets and support the team??" He recognized that there was a rift between the S.Fla community and UM and he tried his best to bridge that divide with optimism and positivity which was 100% the right thing to do even it meant added pressure. Everything else you said is completely irrelevant because it fails to take into account variables/factors like..1st time HC, new staff on both sides of the ball, new system, inexperience/youth, depth concerns all over the roster. If you actually understood the importance/impact of these variables and their effect on a CFB team, you wouldn't be as naive with expectations & growing pains/struggles that may occur at the onset. But because i'm trying to pt those out, I'm the one who's a slurpaholic dummy. All I'm saying is you have to TRUST THE PROCESS

I want to win more than anyone, but it takes time, and you have to be PATIENT. You don't want to hear that because of the past 15+ yrs, but these coaches & players had nothing to do with those yrs, and its not fair for to target the collective frustration/disappointment of the fanbase at them. Doing so creates a catch-22 situation. Do you think negativity & toxicity surrounding the program is beneficial to recruiting? But since you're so smart & graduated from GW..I'm sure you already thought about that question..huh?
Larry Coker and Terry Bowden.
Again..since you're so smart I want you to name me another 1st time P5 HC that won 11 games in his 1st yr? And no..being the HC for Temple for 3 wks doesn't mean that Manny's not a 1st time HC. As for it not being a rebuild..WTF do you think Manny was suppose to say to the fans in the offseason-We absolutely suck ****, so please do not buy season tickets and support the team??" He recognized that there was a rift between the S.Fla community and UM and he tried his best to bridge that divide with optimism and positivity which was 100% the right thing to do even it meant added pressure. Everything else you said is completely irrelevant because it fails to take into account variables/factors like..1st time HC, new staff on both sides of the ball, new system, inexperience/youth, depth concerns all over the roster. If you actually understood the importance/impact of these variables and their effect on a CFB team, you wouldn't be as naive with expectations & growing pains/struggles that may occur at the onset. But because i'm trying to pt those out, I'm the one who's a slurpaholic dummy. TRUST THE PROCESS

I want to win more than anyone, but it takes time, and you have to be PATIENT. You don't want to hear that because of the past 15+ yrs, but these coaches & players had nothing to do with those yrs, and its not fair for to target the collective frustration/disappointment of the fanbase at them. Doing so creates a catch-22 situation. Do you think negativity & toxicity surrounding the program is beneficial to recruiting? But since you're so smart & graduated from GW..I'm sure you already thought about that question..huh?
I have a degree from GW amongst several schools but I’m not sure why that’s important let alone impressive. It’s not Georgetown but I’ve always said school is what you make of it.

I’m on record as having been one of the guys who stood up for Manny and thought that some of my Board friends were being a little rash. I was wrong, they were right. All I had to do is watch what happened against UNC. It’s not defensible for the reasons I already explained.

I think you’re setting up arguments to defend some things which are due to the 1st time HC thing but it is just not an excuse. That’s mostly on Blake. This job never should have gone to a DC with no HC experience.

We have enough seniors and talent to beat UNC, VT and GT. GT has a new coach, a worse record than us last year (like UNC) and they are transitioning on their first year from a triple option to a more modern offense. How did we lose to them?

We can’t lose to GT in this year. Nope. Enos should have run gun from the summer. What was Baker doing on defense btw??? Who picked this staff?

The negativity is never good for recruiting but neither is putting an embarrassing product on the field. Why would a Miami fan act like it’s ok??? It’s not ok. Recruits aren’t stupid. They know it’s not ok. They should understand that there’s a Miami standard, in Manny’s words, which wasn’t being met this year.

I just spent 3 days publicly going after a Manny- hating troll on this board who finally got banned. I have no love for people unnecessarily saying unpleasant things but if those things are based on performance than it’s just the reality people see.

We have 2 good wins. Hopefully we finish the season this way.
We were losing to mediocre teams now we are stomping them out. Any Miami fan that has seen the last two games and not admit we look like a different team is a hater. There is progress and I for one hope it continues. But you cannot blame fans for being apprehensive with the results we had earlier in the year. The adjustments being made now should have been made after the CMU game, and the bone headiness from our O-coordinator cost us the coastal. But I am happy we are improving and I am a Miami fan and if Manny turns out to be a great coach I will be happier than a pig in ****. I will gladly eat crow and admit I was wrong. Not that my opinion matters much but just win man that’s all I want I don’t give a **** who it’s against.

Agree with everything but one.

Those adjustments should have been made in preseason. At the very latest after UF.

Freshman tackles. Freshman quarterback. Inexperienced offensive line. Lots of skill talent but young. Lots of experience with shotgun and inside zone running.

The writing was on the wall, but Enos and Manny chose to gamble.

We would have no more than two losses if they just took the easy money and approached the situation realistically and not with hubris and stubbornness.

Oh well. We can still end this thing with some quality wins and head into recruiting and the spring feeling good about the direction of the program.

Let’s go out and win these games.

If by some miracle we luck into playing Clemson, put the hat on their faqqit asses and let the chips fall where they may.

We ain’t scared of none of these bytches. They can get the smoke too.
Again this team played well. Just as quickly can revert back to GTech Miami. One game at a time and at the end of the season we can look back and assess where we were, where we are and hope to be next season.
I like many of your posts, but this is off.

We want a top 5 title contender, no doubt. But that is an uphill climb.

Many of us know and accept this. We are aware of the budget and bag constraints.

What makes the fan base so toxic and negative is being corched to division losses that destroy any hope or momentum to rise above mediocrity.

Yeah the budget has a lot to do with us not being a top 5 team, but not being a top 15 team is 100% due to bad management by the administration and the corching staffs they hire. They squandered any benefit of the doubt long, long ago.

The three game win streak was built on the staff finally doing things “ low I.Q.” posters were calling for since PRESEASON.

It bothers many of us that Monday morning coaches could see from the beginning what guys who are paid six and seven figures could not.

We should be 8-2 minimum and our record is 90% due to corching on offense. The defense has had problems situationally but did enough to win all our games but Georgia Tech and Unc. But 30 points would have won those games so........

Playing Jarren against Virginia Tech was silly and I put that loss on the offense too.

I can’t blame people for not trusting in this staff. The coaching mistakes they made were obvious and big.

But I like Manny. He has a track record of addressing and fixing problems and he is continuing that process.

I will be cautiously optimistic with the improvement. But he can’t keep dropping games to less talented teams and start back tracking to change the narrative when his mouth writes checks that his *** can’t cash.

The ball is in his court to silence the mopes and rightfully so.

I think the 3 game winning streak is more so a product of player development, which in turn has forced schematic/tactical changes Offensively. IE..Jarren's improved pocket presence & deep ball mechanics. I never once said that everything was going smoothly or perfectly and that the coaches should be absolved of responsibility. My pt was that it is extremely counterproductive to constantly succumb to knee-jerk reactions at a moments notice. Taking a wait & see approach is/was the wiser thing to do. I honestly feel like many of the challenges/issues that occurred this season are uncommon, and theres a strong probability this is the only season in Manny's tenure that they surface. Issues like place kicking and starting multiple true FR on the O-line for example. Finishing 9-4 will be a tremendous blessing for this program, because it will put us next yr in position & on a collision course to give Clemson everything they can handle
1. So are you trying to say Miami has a better offense than Clemson? LMFAO. Florida has gotten A LOT better since the beginning of the season. By your logic Florida would have lost to GT.

2. The guy I was talking to was not talking purely about Jarren. GT went from a triple option, to whatever they are running now, that is a much more difficult transition than what we went from.

3. Yes, we improved from losing to GT, the worst team in the P5, to being better than **** team like Louisville. No one said we aren't improving. That said we still suck.

4. That is total *********. This rival schit needs to stop. FSU was the worst they have ever been, and they literally fired their coach a couple days after the loss.

1.) No I'm not suggesting that MIA has a better Offense than Clemson..why would you think that?? LOL. My pt was that we are playing well Offensively not simply because we faced a bad defense. Since a team that does have a good Offense like Clemson ended up scoring less on that same Defense. Yes UF has improved since the 1st game, but so has every other team in America. Also..typically the biggest improvements during the season occur on Offense, not Defense.

2.) Losses to GT, VT, & UNC were because of Defense. In the future we will win those games because of Offense, and that's the difference.

3.) Do you think FSU is worst this yr, than they were last yr?? Because last yr we only beat them by a pt. There's no way in **** they're worse this yr. They're either as bad or better.
I think the 3 game winning streak is more so a product of player development, which in turn has forced schematic/tactical changes Offensively. IE..Jarren's improved pocket presence & deep ball mechanics. I never once said that everything was going smoothly or perfectly and that the coaches should be absolved of responsibility. My pt was that it is extremely counterproductive to constantly succumb to knee-jerk reactions at a moments notice. Taking a wait & see approach is/was the wiser thing to do. I honestly feel like many of the challenges/issues that occurred this season are uncommon, and theres a strong probability this is the only season in Manny's tenure that they surface. Issues like place kicking and starting multiple true FR on the O-line for example. Finishing 9-4 will be a tremendous blessing for this program, because it will put us next yr in position & on a collision course to give Clemson everything they can handle
At this point, a 9-4 finish is far better than where I really feared we were headed. Like I said, hopefully we continue to show progress and get like a 15th ranked class which would be salvaging a lot and a good step forward.
1.) No I'm not suggesting that MIA has a better Offense than Clemson..why would you think that?? LOL. My pt was that we are playing well Offensively not simply because we faced a bad defense. Since a team that does have a good Offense like Clemson ended up scoring less on that same Defense. Yes UF has improved since the 1st game, but so has every other team in America. Also..typically the biggest improvements during the season occur on Offense, not Defense.

2.) Losses to GT, VT, & UNC were because of Defense. In the future we will win those games because of Offense, and that's the difference.

3.) Do you think FSU is worst this yr, than they were last yr?? Because last yr we only beat them by a pt. There's no way in **** they're worse this yr. They're either as bad or better.

1. Because you where basically saying "louisville's defense isn't trash because they only let Clemson hang X amount on them". The transitive property doesn't work in football.
UF has improved a **** of a lot more than the vast majority of other teams. They almost lost to Miami lmao. Now they are beating good SEC teams.

2. That is even worse. Diaz has been building this defense for 4 years and we lost to the worst P5 team in the nation because of our defense.

3. I think they are worse this year. La Monroe took them to OT this year lol.
not asking to beat Alabama Georgia and Ohio State at this juncture

but beating a rebuilding Georgia tech and Virginia tech at home doesn’t seem like a lot to ask for...

but I guess there is a beauty in the 15 year struggle

I agree BV on the 1st part of your response to his nonsense .....but not about the beauty aspect

There is nothing to enjoy or that is beautiful about the long frustrating 15 year struggle of this program.

I'd compare it to finding beauty in watching someone having a 45 minute struggle straining on the stool to cut logs

Both are painful to watch
I blame this season on Enos, if we score 29 point in all of our games we would be 9-1. That’s just four ******* touchdowns. With the talent we have on O, we should be getting this every first half. But let’s see how the season ends if we continue and drop 50 a game even in the bowl game I’ll say we turned a corner.