I think X not playing will be

Agreed. It’s always a blessing when your good players don’t play.
OP also said:
A blessing in disguise on Saturday night. I think it will do 2 things that will ultimately work in our favor for a big win. First of all, A&M won’t know who to take away. They won’t be able to key on TVD’s security blanket on crucial down and distance, which leads to my second point. TVD will be forced to be more “open minded” offensively, in that he won’t be staring down and ultimately forcing anything to X. X being out actually calms the one catastrophic scenario that probably would’ve sank us, and that’s an interception by one of their corners jumping a route via anticipating TVD going to Restrepo in that crucial moment. I think Gattis will call a great game that will keep A&M’s defense off balance the entire game and we see multiple guys contributing offensively. With X out, I think we see a beautifully balanced attack and will win this game convincingly.

Cut the bull chit; what’s ur real account or who did u use to be on this board? No way a random from 9/10/22 out of no where starts a thread & sunshine pump when tragedy hit.

I do agree w/ u, though; this very well could be a blessing in disguise, a silver lining if u will. Gives a young pup an opportunity to step up.
Somehow him not being available is better than him running around as a decoy and TVD choosing not to throw to him?
Lol. A “decoy”? My guy…don’t get it twisted- X is ultra nice, but he ain’t Andre Johnson out there, kid! We don’t have anyone on our roster nice enough to take up space as a decoy. We need these kids to simply step the **** up and I believe they will. We will spread it around and jump on these cats early. Then lean on the run game to close it out. They don’t have the qb play to play catch-up under extreme pressure- both up front from our defense AND the pressure of playing not to lose two straight games at home in front of that crowd. We are going to win this game…convincingly. Watch.
A&M wouldn't prioritize taking anyone away in the first place. X isn't so far above and beyond the other receivers so as to make him 'the guy we have to stop.' I think A&M is going to prioritize stopping our running game first to see if our pass protection has really improved and if TVD can beat them throwing the ball. Whatever happens in the back end was going to happen regardless of if X played or not.
I’ve seen in business that when one important employee is out, others come out of their shells and step up And fill the void.

And when the important person returns, you have a better, more seasoned team around him.

Hoping that’s the case here.
I mean look no further than Tyler van dyke himself lol

With that said I would still prefer X out there than not
Relly…it’s not “sunshine pumping”- it’s called CONFIDENCE. I’ve been a Cane since 1990 and one thing we have ALWAYS had as a team AND as a fan base was CONFIDENCE! The Bible says “as a man thinketh, so is he”. Truer words have NEVER been spoken! If you think you are defeated- you are defeated. If you BELIEVE you are going to win- and prepare like you EXPECT to win- you will succeed. This is where a Mario comes into play. He has these kids preparing like they EXPECT TO WIN! It’s not false bravado or slogans masking ineptitude. These kids believe and so do I. We have the better staff and the better quarterback. Usually, that should give you the edge in cfb. We are not expected to win- we should be loose. A&M will come out swinging and exert all of their energy emotionally. But they will come back down to earth quickly and the pressure will mount and they will be tight. Everyone is ragging on the King kid, but he has talent…he’s just YOUNG- ****- they are young everywhere and I don’t expect a young team to be able to “flip the switch” and suddenly become a completely different team that will all of a sudden play under control, disciplined football with that much pressure. We are the team that is hungry. We will be the more disciplined, more physical team on Saturday. This is the game we will point to that was the turning point in our resurgence.
A blessing in disguise on Saturday night. I think it will do 2 things that will ultimately work in our favor for a big win. First of all, A&M won’t know who to take away. They won’t be able to key on TVD’s security blanket on crucial down and distance, which leads to my second point. TVD will be forced to be more “open minded” offensively, in that he won’t be staring down and ultimately forcing anything to X. X being out actually calms the one catastrophic scenario that probably would’ve sank us, and that’s an interception by one of their corners jumping a route via anticipating TVD going to Restrepo in that crucial moment. I think Gattis will call a great game that will keep A&M’s defense off balance the entire game and we see multiple guys contributing offensively. With X out, I think we see a beautifully balanced attack and will win this game convincingly.

Well, it's interesting that UMs lone bright spot of the past 15 years - our 2017 10 win season- may have happened in part due to an injury. Richts initial plan was to run the offense through Mark Walton. Richt wanted ground and pound SEC football. When we lost Walton for the season, Richt had to figure out a way to get more yards out of Rosier. I wouldn't say UM had an explosive offense, but Rosier did make good use of the TEs and spread the ball around. His running ability helped a lot because it get defenses honest. Homer was a surprise breakout player and nfl talent, but he wasn't going to steal many reps from Walton. I don't know if we have a 10 win season if Walton doesn't get injured.

That said, I don't think losing Restrepo is a blessing in disguise. Hes the one WR that TVD has complete trust in (and frankly, the only one I have trust in too). Have to hope another WR steps up and brings a new dynamic to the offense.
A blessing in disguise on Saturday night. I think it will do 2 things that will ultimately work in our favor for a big win. First of all, A&M won’t know who to take away. They won’t be able to key on TVD’s security blanket on crucial down and distance, which leads to my second point. TVD will be forced to be more “open minded” offensively, in that he won’t be staring down and ultimately forcing anything to X. X being out actually calms the one catastrophic scenario that probably would’ve sank us, and that’s an interception by one of their corners jumping a route via anticipating TVD going to Restrepo in that crucial moment. I think Gattis will call a great game that will keep A&M’s defense off balance the entire game and we see multiple guys contributing offensively. With X out, I think we see a beautifully balanced attack and will win this game convincingly.
Your in denial🫠
I’m not sure I would call it any kind of blessing, but it’s a good point to bring up regardless. Restrepo being out will do one of two things:

It will either force TVD to be more open as OP said (because he really has been staring X down a lot, would’ve been a legit concern against a real defense Sat), and it will benefit the offense in the long run due to some chemistry and rhythm being established.

OR.. it will expose the WR corps and prove people right that we apparently have little to no talent in the room.

I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it’s a slow start for the WRs, but I’m not a subscriber of the narrative that our WRs suck. I look for Keyshawn and Brashard to both make a few big plays.

EDIT: would love to see a heavy dose of Arroyo too, but I need to see it happen first before I feel confident
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It could certainly do the what the op states, but it could obviously work against us if his replacement doesn’t step up. I think Xs impact has been overstated a bit here and losing him doesn’t force us to change what we were going to do if he was in.