I spoke with a current player.

Appreciate the write-up. Especially with so much nonsensical, emotional-driven stuff out of fans these days.

Sounds like things are what we thought they were. Major disconnect with a lot of our kids and a roster overhaul needed as the new boss ain't the same as the old boss—and the old boss left a broken-*** program that needed rebuilding from the ground up.

As for Mario, this honestly sounds a lot like the Butch Davis era. A hard-***, my-way-or-the-highway head coach who feels he knows what it takes to win big.

Fans in 2022 are soft and after 20 years of irrelevance and incompetence, are unable to "trust the process" (a phrase Al Golden wore out en route to his failures, too.)

Mario can't dial anything back. That's not what good generals do. You have your process, you do it your way, you burn the boats behind you and you go into battle (or in his case, "back to work")—as it's all they know—and you emerge victorious, or you're defeated. But there is no in-between.

Unfortunately, we all wanted to believe that it was a just-add-water approach at Miami; that some remnants of mild 2017 success weren't a million miles away, that Manny was just in over his head and that a "real head coach" and "big money staff" could come in and fix things overnight—this mindset that the new coaches would "result in a few extra wins" and that 7-5 could turn into 9-3 or 10-2 with that addition by subtraction overhaul.

What we thought was just going to be some patchwork; instead proved to be a complete tear down when seeing water damage, termite damage and an infrastructure that was broken beyond repair.

I fully trust Miami looks like a real football program in a couple of years—just like the Oregon team Mario built and left in Eugene for Dan Lanning—but it's going to take all the work that he constantly preaches, while flushing out soft weak kids and molding real football players and winners.

Looking forward to the day not one kid from the Manny Diaz era is on this roster. Even the handful of good ones. We need upperclassmen that got their teeth kicked in 2022 and are ready to be next-level leaders by 2024—the Kam Kinchens types who will be the vocal leaders AND lead by example guys that are just getting it done at a high level, while bringing the new kids along with them.
interesting you dont want a Manny player on the roster but highlighted a Manny player
this. culture is all bull**** if youre losing. no one is buying a losing coach. you get them Ws the culture magically turns around
I believe they go hand in hand. This roster has been full of guys that cared more about what being a UM football brings more than actually being a football player. If you’ve been allowed to half *** for years it’s kinda hard to magically change that as a coach. These kids have quit so much on Saturday’s it’s part of their dna. That’s why Mario went full on dictator this year, he wanted to run kids off and find out who was buying in. The guys coming in this class are the types that change a culture pretty fast. That said it doesn’t change my opinion of Mario on Saturday’s ad a head coach and his decision making. Tbh I’m more concerned today than I was when he was hired.
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I believe they go hand in hand. This roster has been full of guys that cared more about what being a UM football brings more than actually being a football player. I’d you’ve been allowed to half *** for years it’s kinda hard to magically change that as a coach. These kids have quit so much on Saturday’s it’s part of their dna. That’s why Mario went full on dictator this year, he wanted to run kids off and find out who was buying in. The guys coming in this class are the types that change a culture pretty fast. That said it doesn’t change my opinion of Mario on Saturday’s ad a head coach and his decision making. Tbh I’m more concerned today than I was when he was hired.
I dont have an issue w the dictator **** or the player friendly ****. at the end of the day, you gotta win and get your kids to believe. Mario couldn't coach himself out of a box this year and it showed and eventually kids stopped believing imo. tbh, I don't blame them bc the kids did quit but the coaches gave nothing for them to believe other than some bull**** golden quotes. well talk about culture in 3 years if we continue to flop on Saturdays too. I know not all classes are the same but im tired of the this class is diff stuff. well see how diff when it comes to Saturdays In the fall where it matters. im really only concerned w his offensive staff. it was clear as day the OC and the staff wasn't good. the results weren't there. they weren't there at Michigan either until he was handheld. I get if you dont have a guy lined up yet to take over but there is no good pub in keeping a guy who is hated by every fan on earth. we got out recruited by wake forest for a WR from SFLA. all you need to know bout this OC/WR Coach.
What’s fun is winning. That’s how the culture gets better. When kids are working their asses off and losing it’s easy to lose the locker room. “ I’m working as hard as I ever have and not getting results”. But us old ***ers can attest sometimes things don’t magically improve. Once kids see the work and discipline pay off things will change. Luckily for Mario he has job security and has time to tear it down and build it back up the way he wants.
Soo does tht tear down include gattis @Cribby.
Reading Comprehension is tantamount...I said Quote....Co-Big East Champions...You forget to mention how young those kids were...most were Frosh and Sophomores...you also fail to mention....11 schollies gone in 95....9 schollies gone in 96...and 9 more in 97...and don't forget the QBs were young as well. Only Ray Lewis and Derrick Harris were selected in the Draft that yr....Ray in the 1st....Harris in the 6th. We also finished #20. Ericksons QB and OL recruiting were trash from 92-94....If you want to blame someone, Blame him.
Kenny Holmes, I remember as a freshmen at Southridge 91/92, the school arrange for students to travel to Vero Beach via bus. No team from Dade County had ever beaten Vero Beach (Indians) there, the atmosphere was CRAZY. They had a graveyard setup with all the Miami teams who came and loss there. Well the Ridge was stacked with Shannon Stewart (Baseball-12-13 years) at Safety, the other safety ended up going to FSU can't recall his name, Lamont Green, Troy Davis with Sol as the coach. Everyone picked the Ridge to lose that game. It was like Vero must be a great team for everyone to pick Vero. Well literally first play from scrimmage Kenny Holmes comes off the edge strip the qb picks it up and outrun everyone for a 30-40 yard touchdown. We were like well now we see why everyone picked Vero Beach,. The Ridge ended up winning the game like 17-16. This was the year that they had tie game for the title. The rule was changed immediately I believe.
He won 8 games w/ a bowl game at Cal...Cal is a program that has won 10 games 3 times since World War II. About as good as you're going to do if you're name isn't Jeff Tedford. They really don't care about football there.
He was 19-30 overall including 1-11 in his first season, Justin Wilcox has gone 30-36 there and made two bowl games. Yes they aren't a great program but it's possible to win 7-8 games a season there.
He was 19-30 overall including 1-11 in his first season, Justin Wilcox has gone 30-36 there and made two bowl games. Yes they aren't a great program but it's possible to win 7-8 games a season there.
Not consistently, no.

I give you that Dykes wasn't great there, but no one is really doing great there, especially in this landscape of college football. Stanford (or at least Derek Shaw and Stanford as a professional operation) has bowed out of competitive college football...transfer rules for those top Cali schools are tough.
I believe they go hand in hand. This roster has been full of guys that cared more about what being a UM football brings more than actually being a football player. If you’ve been allowed to half *** for years it’s kinda hard to magically change that as a coach. These kids have quit so much on Saturday’s it’s part of their dna. That’s why Mario went full on dictator this year, he wanted to run kids off and find out who was buying in. The guys coming in this class are the types that change a culture pretty fast. That said it doesn’t change my opinion of Mario on Saturday’s ad a head coach and his decision making. Tbh I’m more concerned today than I was when he was hired.
So instead of "Butch 1997", Mario found that we were so soft that this team was actually back in the Saban 1978 Days when Howard took over (although, to be fair to Saban, he's the one who recruited Jim Kelly).

No wonder MTSU boatraced us. It's something we should have seen coming.
I believe they go hand in hand. This roster has been full of guys that cared more about what being a UM football brings more than actually being a football player. If you’ve been allowed to half *** for years it’s kinda hard to magically change that as a coach. These kids have quit so much on Saturday’s it’s part of their dna. That’s why Mario went full on dictator this year, he wanted to run kids off and find out who was buying in. The guys coming in this class are the types that change a culture pretty fast. That said it doesn’t change my opinion of Mario on Saturday’s ad a head coach and his decision making. Tbh I’m more concerned today than I was when he was hired.

Gattis is staying!
His way of playing offense will look drastically different when he gets in his guys on the OL. You say the offenses that win now are all up tempo yet Michigan is #2 in Country 13-0 & beat OSU’s asś so badly they didn’t even want to be on the field. OSU is obviously one of the most talented rosters in the country. I cant wait until we physically dominate teams and just destroy their will to play. It’s not that the philosophy is so archaic it doesn’t work we didn’t have the thoroughbreds to run that style. I don’t care how cute offenses get football is about physicality & toughness. It will take a few classes like we just had, but at least Mario is acquiring the talent
How’s that offense going for Michigan rn
this. culture is all bull**** if youre losing. no one is buying a losing coach. you get them Ws the culture magically turns around
There are programs who may have down years, but culture wise is on point. Culture is how you do things no matter what..shouldn’t be predicated on success..and Miamis culture has been a issue for years
Gattis is garbage just like Enos was. No excuse around it. And I’m glad the players realized Manny would’ve done better this year. TCU is in the national championship game.