I love our fans!!! Check this out!

How long have you been a hurricanes fan? Have you ever been to a Miami FSU game? This is our city, our fan base. We are not ******* Wisconsin!!! This is who we are!!! Embrace it or go cheer for Wisconsin or some other “nice” team!!!
This isn't "us"..... if this is you then you are total crap..... don't bring the rest of us along.
There's a difference between some good smack talk and being passionate about the program, and being a jackass. This is an example of a dude being a jackass. The throwing around of the N word is where I draw the line.

By the way, I don't give a **** about what other fanbases do, they aren't my concern. When you wear the orange and green, you represent all of us. You represent not only yourself, but everyone else around you. Don't be a jackass, don't live up to the negative stereotypes that alumni and other stakeholders have to fight to disprove daily. Be an adult. Then again, this is the downside to Miami football getting back on track: The riff-raff that do nothing for the program come back around.
You just beat their azzes on the field, don't you think they know everything they needed to know about their team and its manliness? Honestly, back in the day we may have talked smack but after you whip a crappy team you don't need to flex your beer muscles, save it for a real team!
Now we all know he TECHNICALLY shouldn't have behaved that way but god**** if I didn't lose my **** at that zoom in

This is the problem though, it's not cute, and I refuse to play along with that nonsense. I'll be damned if someone that is a fan of my alma mater behaves in a way that brings shame to the institution. Not having it, and the kind of people that enable this behavior are no better than Mr. Wannabe Thug.

By the way, if you can't talk noise without swearing, then you need to up your game.
There's a difference between some good smack talk and being passionate about the program, and being a jackass. This is an example of a dude being a jackass. The throwing around of the N word is where I draw the line.

By the way, I don't give a **** about what other fanbases do, they aren't my concern. When you wear the orange and green, you represent all of us. You represent not only yourself, but everyone else around you. Don't be a jackass, don't live up to the negative stereotypes that alumni and other stakeholders have to fight to disprove daily. Be an adult. Then again, this is the downside to Miami football getting back on track: The riff-raff that do nothing for the program come back around.
How do you know he was wearing orange & green?..
How do you know he was wearing orange & green?..

You purport yourself as a "Fan", I don't give a **** about what you are wearing, you are part of the group. Yes, it was a blackout Thursday night, so odds are he was wearing something that didn't have the traditional school colors, but I'm willing to bet he was cheering for the 'Canes. When you are cheering for the 'Canes, know where the **** line is, and behave in a way befitting a program with a proud tradition.
Whatever...Tim O'Brien is a South Florida weirdo who was on the swim team a long time ago. Nobody cares what he thinks. He was a douChebag in college and I would bet he is an even bigger douchebag today. The dude is 50 years old trying to get people to pay him for a facebook like. GTFOH, Timmy. Go shave your legs
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I was at the Gator flop in the OB,, should have seen the rumpus at the tunnels.
There's a difference between some good smack talk and being passionate about the program, and being a jackass. This is an example of a dude being a jackass. The throwing around of the N word is where I draw the line.

By the way, I don't give a **** about what other fanbases do, they aren't my concern. When you wear the orange and green, you represent all of us. You represent not only yourself, but everyone else around you. Don't be a jackass, don't live up to the negative stereotypes that alumni and other stakeholders have to fight to disprove daily. Be an adult. Then again, this is the downside to Miami football getting back on track: The riff-raff that do nothing for the program come back around.
Have u ever been drunk at a football game?
As a die hard Miami fan for over four decades, I find the former student athlete who was so triggered by this behavior to resort to posting on social media to be a complete b*tch and should have his Cane card revoked

That former student-athlete actually attended the institution. He put his blood, sweat and tears into the program. What has that loudmouthed jackass done besides buy a ticket from stub hub and occasionally a t-shirt from All Canes? This is the problem with some parts of our fanbase: They think that people who actually have a stake in the program will tolerate them doing stupid crap that hurts the program and the University. Being a jackass to people you know can't do anything to you without getting into trouble isn't something to be proud of. Let's see Mr. Wannabe Thug walk up to one of those student athletes outside and talk that noise. He won't, because like most jackasses, he isn't about that life.
You purport yourself as a "Fan", I don't give a **** about what you are wearing, you are part of the group. Yes, it was a blackout Thursday night, so odds are he was wearing something that didn't have the traditional school colors, but I'm willing to bet he was cheering for the 'Canes. When you are cheering for the 'Canes, know where the **** line is, and behave in a way befitting a program with a proud tradition.
Where did i purport myself as a fan or apologising for someones crude behavior?
More reading comprehension, less Quantum leaps please..
That former student-athlete actually attended the institution. He put his blood, sweat and tears into the program. What has that loudmouthed jackass done besides buy a ticket from stub hub and occasionally a t-shirt from All Canes? This is the problem with some parts of our fanbase: They think that people who actually have a stake in the program will tolerate them doing stupid crap that hurts the program and the University. Being a jackass to people you know can't do anything to you without getting into trouble isn't something to be proud of. Let's see Mr. Wannabe Thug walk up to one of those student athletes outside and talk that noise. He won't, because like most jackasses, he isn't about that life.

GTFOH, Tim O'Brien was on the swim team and is barely a functioning adult.
GTFOH, Tim O'Brien was on the swim team and is barely a functioning adult.

So the F what? Mr. Wannabe Thug couldn't even accomplish that. It's amazing how many meatheads are trying to defend a try hard that most likely wouldn't break a grape in a food fight. Miami fans should EXPECT to beat the brakes off of UNC regularly, who gets off on being an obnoxious jerk to a team Miami SHOULD beat to begin with?
This is an absolute gem.

The gentleman in this video is a ******* scholar and a statue of him should be erected in front of Hard Rock with a plaque that reads:

Fvck these a$$holes. If you don't like being told ****, don't throw an upside down U. You don't like being disrespected? Don't disrespect.