I heard from a little birdie that Shaq hit Jarren today at practice...


[]_[] Forever
Jun 3, 2016
Heard from a friend (a pretty honest guy) that Manny let the D hit Jarren a bit today to get him ready, but not hurt. He said Shaq pounded him and Diaz *****ed at Shaq, "What are you doing?' Shaq said, "I am getting him ready for Sat.!" So Diaz said, "OK." Diaz then went to Jarren and said, "You better get away from Shaq when he is coming because he is going to hit you hard." Jarren said, "Bring it."

May not be true, I don't know. Just repeating what he said. Maybe if someone on CIS was at practice, they can say if true or not.

If true.....that is badass stuff right there. No one backing down.
Heard from a friend (a pretty honest guy) that Manny let the D hit Jarren a bit today to get him ready, but not hurt. He said Shaq pounded him and Diaz *****ed at Shaq, "What are you doing?' Shaq said, "I am getting him ready for Sat.!" So Diaz said, "OK." Diaz then went to Jarren and said, "You better get away from Shaq when he is coming because he is going to hit you hard." Jarren said, "Bring it."

May not be true, I don't know. Just repeating what he said. Maybe if someone on CIS was at practice, they can say if true or not.

If true.....that is badass stuff right there. No one backing down.
Even if it's not true I still love it!