I can’t defend Manny

Sad to say, but Manny is totally in over his head. The only redeeming quality of today's game was that they didn't give up. The team kept playing and came back from a 28-0 start.

I can even give him a pass for players who are in over their heads - the OL and K. The OL has been horrible for the past 10 years at least and it seems that it doesn't matter who is the coach, but they are horrible. And who knows how to fix a 20 year old kicker who has the yips? He inherited those players and should get a recruiting class to fix those areas.

HOWEVER, that being said, the things that he does have control of are not improving. The team is still terribly undisciplined. How many late hits at key points in the game? False starts? Holding penalties? Look, we can look back at the old Cane teams and remember how they would have similar penalties, but could overcome them on sheer talent and ability. Those days are long gone though.

Yes, Baxa missing the extra point hurt like ****, but you know what? The Canes still lose the game if he makes the PAT because they let VT go right down the field and take the lead. The defense is a shell of itself. And yes, Dee Jay did a great job getting the 2 point conversion, but why were they going for 2 when Baxa had hit each one before that point in the game?

The Canes need a tough SOB disciplinarian as head coach at this point. As much as we say the turnover chain and touchdown rings are "Miami swag". Enough of that crap. If they would play with some intelligence and discipline, they would win 9 games a year with ease. Then, they can focus on getting the talent needed to be in the title hunt every year. You need to walk before you can run.
We hired the wrong Cuban. Mario is the answer coaching wise and recruiting

There are people on the board of trustees that are absolutely dying to hire that guy, and I really hope they f****** don't. Oregon is coming in against Cal off a bye week, have turned the ball over three times and are trailing at the half. Does that sound familiar? I guess we can applaud him for only being down a touchdown?
Richt got paid a Top 10 salary with money for assistants. Did Clemson care about football when they hired a WR coach named Dabo?

It’s not that simple.

Richt didnt leave UGA for Miami. He was fired by UGA. That was James big coup- a HC fired for not being able to win despite having all the resources in the world.

Clemson had nothing to lose with Dabo. They caught lightning in a bottle and figured they'd give a chance to a guy regarded as one of the best recruiters in football. If it didn't work out, he was cheap and he would leave the next guy with a stacked team. Diaz is an awful recruiter (I don't think anyone disagrees) so the idea that he could do what Dabo did is farfetched. Miami also had a lot to lose with hiring another dud.

Cristobal would be more in the Dabo mold than Diaz.
I know Butch is a polarizing subject and people can't be level-headed about him, but I respect the man tremendously for what he did to bring us back from the death penalty. That said, he is another coach whom the game has also passed. I really don't think he's the answer either now that he's well into his 60s.

I don't think Richt has dementia, or any of that, but I'll leave the diagnosis to all the medical professionals observing him from the stands I suppose.

I think Spake Cames let him take on too much-- HC, OC, QBC too really-- too late in his career. after 15 years in the wringer at Georgia, you needed to implore the man to use his Rolodex and not take on 80% of the work on just one side of the ball.
I too think it's too late for Butch. There were plenty of opportunities where we could have gotten him back. Just a shame. Will be the biggest what if in Miami history. What if he stayed? If the administration didn't ***** him over? If he came back?

Guaranteed not this clown show from the past 15 years.
Ok, y'all...

Look at the position coaches. They all legit suck.


I thought Enos was supposed to be a qb whisperer and one of the best in the country? He hid Jarren all year, and today 3 ints in the first qtr. I've never believed in their being a significant impact from the variance (as marginal as it might be) from position coaching. I've said this many times: Brennan Carroll (never played or coached WRs until 2013) didn't make Dorsett a first round pick. He wasn't the reason why Hurns broke career receiving records, and he wasn't the reason for Coley being a freshman AA. They need to be good recruiters. They all teach what they're TOLD TO TEACH by the D-COORDINATOR. We have and average OC, and a below average DC. Why did Dabo Succeed besides bags? It's not position coaches; it's talent and elite coordinators.
Richt got paid a Top 10 salary with money for assistants. Did Clemson care about football when they hired a WR coach named Dabo?

It’s not that simple.
You got part of the argument right then used a bad example brother. I do believe overall the admin cares. But they are lost. Dont even understand how to go about correcting the problem. It begins with blake. Until Frenk( who very much cares)realizes that then were gonna be in a spot. On top of that until the bot doesnt allow outside influences to corrupt their allegiance to this program than we got a whole other problem. Cause I know for fact we were committed to doing what we had to do last year at both a.d. & head coach. Than all of a sudden along comes a certain former politician & his yellow brick road(rolodex) then over 2-4 million we became frugal & noncommittal. Meanwhile someone's foot print in the citrus industry has drastically expanded. Far as dabo goes he was night and day to what we did. Yes he was a wr coach but he was in HIGH DEMAND. It is obvious for anyone who has ever spoke to dabo that the man knows his football & he understands what's necessary. He wasnt some hoe *** dude who surrounded himself with people he knew were huge reaches so they couldnt question him. He surrounded himself with established football minds.
Nah we haven’t hit rock bottom yet. We find a way to lose to Willie Taggart & FSU then we officially hit rock bottom. Losing to UF, FSU and VT in the same season, would cap off a historically bad season, in school history
We arent winning another game other than FIU if we play like this
Ups and downs following this program are laughable. You've got to be an utter fool to be susceptible to that. It is a classic example of how reliance on big picture generalities will always destroy the nitwit simpletons who think they have to absorb and evaluate every detail all year long.

Our glory years were an incredible fluke. It was obvious throughout. It was completely unsustainable. Maybe those of us who experienced beforehand had a wiser understanding and appreciation of that. I taped and savored every game because I understood how fragile it was, and destined to be comparatively short term.

Nowadays we're a nice program in a league with similarly talented teams. The minor variances mean next to nothing. There is going to be one dogfight after another in the ACC. As soon as both teams run out onto the field you can immediately detect the balanced rosters. That was true today. We were talking about it in the stands before kickoff. I have mentioned many times that the only recent example was that Clemson game in 2015. That was stunning. They were big strong sculptured athletic specimens. I had no idea Clemson had advanced to that level until pregame warmups of that game.

I was more annoyed with the coaching stupidity at the end of the game than anything else. That can be controlled. Once Virginia Tech hit the deep ball at 35-35 and was within field goal range with about 2 minutes remaining, every Canes defender should have known to allow the Hokies to score if a play broke free for a first down inside the 10 yard line. That should be part of Strategy 101 during the offseason. Instead we somehow were moronic enough to tackle them twice, once at the 3 yard line with about 1:40 remaining and then again on the subsequent play with slightly over 1 minute remaining. I was going absolutely nuts in the stands. This was Moron Central. Miami had only 1 time out. If Virginia Tech had 1 functioning brain cell they would have known to settle inside the 5 and run 3 plays with Miami exhausting its 1 time out. That would have meant a chip shot game winning field goal as time expired.

Instead you had matching morons on each side. Virginia Tech was actually trying to score a touchdown and Miami was idiotic enough to try to prevent it. I turned to the fans next to me and said, "These teams and these coaches deserve each other."

It was bad enough when Miami made the tackle at 1:40. I assumed Virginia Tech would slide right and kneel down in front of the goal posts. But when they had the incomparable stupidity to actually run a basic play designed to score, Miami needed to get out of the way and allow it, like the Patriots against the Giants the second time they met in the Super Bowl. Instead Manny Diaz the supposed defensive specialist actually has his defense out there attempting the tackle. Fortunately it failed. The Hokies scored and somehow celebrated their stupidity.

That final 1:03 the Canes had to bail out the game was an absolute gift. It burned my *** and everything else when the Canes didn't capitalize. I was desperate for a touchdown as time expired then winning 2 point conversion, enabling Justin Fuente to walk off the field in even greater adversity as media members properly questioned him about the incredibly dense strategy.
I'm pretty sure he had already checked out by that bbn point If it makes a difference. Regardless of that fact you cant argue that staff with a qb coach and an actual oc is 100 times better off than this staff from top to bottom. Gus being gone was necessary too but those were the three holes to fill. Now you have about 12 holes to fill that are DEEP.
And here I was worried he'd bring in Bobo
This program is sunk.

All the admin does is react late and then allow football imbeciles to dictate the coaching hires. They listen too much to some of the old players who don’t really study college football.

All they want is a “Miami guy who knows the area” or some other lame **** like that. Those guys don’t even know who the up and coming coaches are. They’re stuck in the Russell Athletics era.

These imbeciles have actually hired coordinators off two failed staffs trying to get the band back together.

We had a nice run, but in 30 years, fans will hear some stat that Miami won 5 NCs, and they’ll be like “****, I had no idea Miami ever had a great football team.”

It’s a wrap. We’re too far gone. We’ll sit around for 3 years with Shanny as HC because that’s what classy schools must do. They must wait at least 3 years before they can correct mistakes. Then, lather, rinse and repeat. They’ll hire Rumph or Baker as HC.
You got part of the argument right then used a bad example brother. I do believe overall the admin cares. But they are lost. Dont even understand how to go about correcting the problem. It begins with blake. Until Frenk( who very much cares)realizes that then were gonna be in a spot. On top of that until the bot doesnt allow outside influences to corrupt their allegiance to this program than we got a whole other problem. Cause I know for fact we were committed to doing what we had to do last year at both a.d. & head coach. Than all of a sudden along comes a certain former politician & his yellow brick road(rolodex) then over 2-4 million we became frugal & noncommittal. Meanwhile someone's foot print in the citrus industry has drastically expanded. Far as dabo goes he was night and day to what we did. Yes he was a wr coach but he was in HIGH DEMAND. It is obvious for anyone who has ever spoke to dabo that the man knows his football & he understands what's necessary. He wasnt some hoe *** dude who surrounded himself with people he knew were huge reaches so they couldnt question him. He surrounded himself with established football minds.

How do you know Frenk very much cares? You think he is a sports aficionado? Based on what?
There is no way they will fire Manny after year one based on how other buyouts run, you will probably owe him about 70-75% of his remaining salary which is about $8.7 - $9.3 million plus they just paid Temple $4 million in a buyout. He will be back for year 2 no doubt.